Friday, February 29, 2008

Thank God(literally), we only have this day once in four years

Today starts off in anticipation of what? We'll have to wait for the day to run it's course before we find an answer to that question. So, let the day begin!...

The day was uneventful until I visited my local store at lunch time, and found that they had been held up by two gun-wielding robbers last night. The store manager knew I had been in about nine twenty last night with my youngest grandson, and gave my name to the police detective assigned to the case. I spoke with him, and though I could not recollect anything, I did, however, remember an unusual incident the night before. This information I gave to the detective, including the vehicles tag number, which I remembered. The two young female clerks were terrified at the sight of guns, and most likely traumatized as well. I pray the police catch them.

Security is that important isn't it? Whether it is personal, or national, security is everyone's business. I'm sure we can agree on that. What happened to those two young clerks last night is something we dread, yet, are almost powerless to protect ourselves against. This is precisely why this presidential election is so important this year. Protecting ourselves as a country exacts a huge financial toll on us, yet, security is that important, isn't it? Preparedness, and readiness are foremost in establishing a security shield to protect our country against foreign actions contemplated against us. There are, it seems, no latter day Paul Reveres to warn us against impending dangers to our national security. You may bet however, there will be plenty of lawyerly types (ACLU), who will be at the behest, and the defense of whomever perpetrates violent actions against our country. That will be the only thing we may count on, sadly, in a time of national crisis. It is time to ask, "What would WFB say?"

That is quite a stretch moving from a local crime of violence againtst two young store clerks, to a hypothetical instance of national calamity you might say to me. On the other hand, when those two young women went to work yesterday afternoon, the last thing on their minds was will I be safe tonight? Their subsequent treks to work will be filled with trepidation, and an understandable anxiety. Is this any manner in which Americans ought feel simply going to work each day, or shopping, or visiting a family member?

I mused, so let the day begin, and it did. Each new day is quite unlike the one preceeding it. We may only hope for the best, or we may plan dilligently. We may change our attitudes toward security, or live at the mercy of others. I can only hope there are yet some Paul Reveres out there willing to do whatever it takes to protect us all.

And now, back to the education of the grandchildren...

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Let the research begin

Senator McCain today chastised The Swiftboat Vets, thereby defaming them. He also made reference to certain "Conservative" groups he believed would be difficult to control in the coming election run-up. This comes after the fallout over Bill Cunningham's opening remarks at an Ohio election stop yesterday.

I don't know about you, but I believe it is the Senator who is on the outside looking in, and not I. I chafe under his pointed reference to Conservative "extremists" as being little more than a typical elitist view of those of us so guarded in their reaction to an invitation to join him in his quest for the presidency.

You can't have it both ways Mr. McCain. You can not ingratiate, and excoriate in the same breath. It is shallow, and transparent. Consequently, I have been doing more than a little research into your background. Thus far, it is not very flattering, although I'll give you the benefit of the doubt you so adroitly withhold from the likes of me.

As a courtesy, I'll not discuss my findings publicly. At least not until I find some reason to dismiss the findings as devoid of factual basis. More, and more, Hillary is beginning to look like the least objectionable pick in November. It is so much better to engage someone without any pretense. My emerging feeling is that if you, Senator McCain are elected, then the Republican Party will only beget more like you in the future. You, at present, are not my future, nor that of those whom I love.

So, with rededication, back to the education of the grand children...

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

It didn't take long...

Just one day ago, I lamented the fact that there wasn't any news worthwhile commenting on. First, came the news of the passing of Conservative Icon William F. Buckley. Mr. Buckley, a master of phraseology, never at a loss for the precise cutting remarks that were a trademark, will be remembered by all Conservatives as a leader of the movement. It is with no tongue in cheek that I say he could have been one of the outstanding humorists of our time. In a way, he was. Perhaps, aside from his stoutness of intellect, he is admired for his ascerbic reactions to those Liberals who displeased him most. Did he have an ego? Surely he did, however, he was a man of great humility also. Who will next wear the mantle of Conservative leader? My vote would go to El Rushbo, the totally unabashed little fuzzball of the AM airwaves.

Second, came the profuse apology extended to Barack Hussein Obama by Senator John McCain as a result of opening speaker Bill Cunningham's using Mr. Obama's full name during his remarks. This, he did three times according to tabulators closest to the actual event. Senator McCain apparently had no reservations about the the other charges leveled at Senator Barack Hussein Obama by Bill Cunningham. (no middle name provided)

Look, it is really simple. Senator Barack Hussein Obama promises hope and change for us all. Well, after the 2006 election in which Democrats proclaimed themselves as agents of mandated change, things have really changed. The unemployment rate is up 10%, consumer confidence is down, gas prices are up, 2.3 trillion in equity value has evaporated into the ether, 1.2 trillion of personal home equity is gone, and 1% of our homes are in foreclosure. That is some change, isn't it?

We may only hope that level headed Americans will resist the calls for more of this same change this election year. What we need is a return to our conservative roots, and the ferreting out of those Liberal elements which seek to redefine us, and our country as but a constituent part of a new world order. Nauseating to think how far we have gone astray from the Founders ideas of Americanism, wouldn't you say?

No! We do not need more change, especially the kinds of change Barack Hussein Obama has in mind. Not now, not ever. Now, back to the education of the grandchildren...

Monday, February 25, 2008

A long day, a longer night

Like two alley cats they were. Clinton and Obama at their best, delivering scathing attacks on one another over the weekend. The longer this goes on, the better, for one or both will reveal their true character in the young months leading up to the convention. What is increasingly becoming more apparent, is the halo slowly falling from atop the head of Obama. An intriguing question gnaws at me. Why are all those people who swoon and then faint at these Obama rallys doing so in the front rows of these events? Couldn't be staged fainting could it? Why, there was even an instance of someone fainting at a Clinton rally as well. Hmmmm!

All this is so much theatre I believe, and I do not have time for that. Consequently, the work on the blog continues. I'm learning much more than necessary, but I am sure I'll be able to put it to good use these next several days. Who knows? Maybe Hillary will be able to squeeze some substantive thoughts out of Obama. If, and when that occurs, possibly there will be something to really chew on. Can't wait for that.

By the way, I took my car through the car wash from hell today. As you drive into the swirling pads and soapy water, you swear you are moving forward. I jumped on the brakes and held on for dear life. Came to find out it was the entire framed assembly that was moving backward and then forward. What an illusion! Now I know how those Obama swooners must have felt shortly before fainting. What a trip!

And now, back to the really important business at hand---the grand children...

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sundays are busy

I had an opportunity to watch grandson number one in action today with his hockey team. They won their championship in exciting fashion, and thus the stage was set for some excitement of my own. After dinner, it being a slow news day, I began the process of dressing up my blog. There is a bit to learn, so I started in not knowing what to expect. However, as such things go, I learned, and am well on the way to meeting my goal.

Tendencies, human tendencies, tend to be constricting. For real progress to occur, these tendencies must be overcome. It can be difficult to override habit that impedes progress, but we can accomplish this by clearing our minds, and allowing logic to dictate the subsequent moves we must make. Sounds corny, I know, but it works every time it is tried. Residing in every individual is the ability to change things for the better. This is one of those nasty principles of Conservatism that also happens to be true. There are moments when the teacher is the pupil. and vice versa. It is a collective effort without the restrictions of collectivism. It is cultivating of a flagging, seemingly non-existent morale. The eyes are perceptive of beauty in the outcome of honest, deliberate exercise of one's own talents. In other words, you feel pretty darned good about yourself!

And why shouldn't each of us desire to seek a personal level of satisfaction consistent with all the above? When such an epiphany occurs, a man or woman experiences a spiritual uplifting. In many instances, this leads to a change, however dramatic, in the individual's opinion of him or her self. This ought not be momentary, and I do not believe it is. It is life changing.

What does all this have to do with a young man's hockey game? Nothing really, but inspiration evolves from many situations in life. This day was full of inspiration for me, and I thank my grandson for having given his very best.

And now, back to the education of them all...

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Feeling More Comfortable Now

Just when I was really beginning to worry about Barack Obama, along comes Paul Volker, the ex-Fed Chief to provide assurances. His endorsement of Senator Obama is based on his rather astute observation that what is needed is a fresh approach, from someone with the clear ability to win over those foreign European and Asian countries who for good reason doubt the aims of this misguided America. I have spent sleepless nights fretting the loss of allied trust in our country. Now, we can get on with with business at hand, such as winning back jetliner contracts for Boeing Corporation. You know, the Japanese government's displeasure over the delayed shipment of orders until 2009, and subsequent awarding of those contracts to Airbus.
I've never felt so comforted in my life.

What next? Allan Greenspan entering the fray? By the way, Mr. Volker is a registered Democrat. Perhaps this endorsement has less to do with the long term security of America, than it does with the long term interests of Senator Obama, and the new, revitalized Democrat Party. Isn't it just awful when someone trades credibility for whatever it is that beckons?

So, apparently we are now to add "fresh new face" to the lexicon of obama. Hope and Change weren't apparently enough, thus the language of persuasiveness grows on. Who knows?Obamaspeak may yet rival the power of one Elmer Gantry, and Hopefully, the face of America will be changed forever, with a fresh new face at tthe helm. What stewardship that will be!

This is all making my education of the grandchildren a little tougher, but resiliency is my middle name. I fear not...

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Wait, and they will come.

Before your very eyes will they appear!

I have read a great deal of commentary today authored by very conservative writers. This is the recipe for what ails one. Sustenance is a vital component of life, and it arrives in many forms. I am speaking of sustenance of the soul, however, and that is nourishnent required for a principled belief system. Across america, there are so many of us trading off thoughts that renew our spirit, and firm our resolve to continue on with a renewed sense of purpose.

The morning will bring snow once more. This has been promised. So, plans have been made to combat the looming menace of treacherous driving conditions, and the clocks of commerce have been consulted as well. In other words, all possibilities have been taken into account. Nothing like a good plan is there?

It would appear that Senator McCain, having now been savaged by the New York Times, is learning quickly that Conservative voices are beckoning to him. He too, is in the infant stages of realizing his true roots are where we have said they belong. The clock ticks on, although it seems the Senator is making plans of his own. Our support awaits him. The single proviso is that he clearly state revised views more reflective of the Conservative base he needs, and covets.

If Ronald Reagan could do it, then so too can the Senator. I speak of the conversion, or awakening President Reagan underwent in the sixties. We are pulling for you Senator, but there are many oars in the water. Won't you grab one and help steer a correct course to the White House?

If one such as I may be influenced by the wisdom of a six year old, then how difficult can it be for an adult to be influenced by the collective wisdom of millions of Americans such as we? I include the six year old in that mass of great Americans.

And now, back to the education of the grandchildren...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Beautiful Lunar Eclipse

In spite of afternoon snow falling about, and an ominous looking sky overhead, the weather broke sufficiently to allow us a ringside seat at one of nature's premier events: A lunar eclipse!

In explaining the positioning of the sun, the earth, and the moon to my grandson, I was in turn given his thoughts on the event. He said that it was possible he wouldn't see another eclipse until 2010, when he was 8 years old. Naturally, I asked him how did he know that. He matter of factly said, "I heard it on the news". I was also told that it could be raining or storming then, and we would not be able to see the eclipse. Therefore, the importance of seeing this evening's display in spite of the need for sleep, was understood clearly.

The point here is simply this: If, and this is a big if I know, a young six year old can associate all possibilities regarding a significant time in his life in an understanding way, then how is it supposedly older, and more mature young people can not do the same during meaningful times in their lives? Such as today for example?

I make reference to the convoluted reasoning underlying the current Obamaphenomena gripping a great mass of youthful Americans this moment. One may not hope the next lunar eclipse will be available to be seen. One may only plan around all the possibilities in order to secure a favorable outcome. My grandson seems to understand the need to plan. Why is that, I ask myself? It is not only the young so mesmerized it seems. Older, mature people are also caught in the frenzy surrounding this elusive concept of Hope. Why would that be? If my grandson finds the need to question such vague concepts, then why do older, more sophisticated adults appear to lack the fundamental ideas regarding legitimate inquiry? One may only ask, it is they who need to answer these questions. In this, my grandson and I are in agreement.

We saw the eclipse tonight, yes. We have planned for the next celestial event, and God willing, we will be there to do it all once more. One more beautiful memory tucked away neatly in a bin full of similarly shared memories. It doesn't get much better than that, does it?

And now, back to the education of them all....

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Confused, but ready to begin.

Having just completed a book on Islam and it's goals for the twenty first century, is a good thing. Wondering what to do about it all is something else indeed.

Do you find it disconcerting, and puzzling that lately, Senator Obama's speeches are riddled with his words asking: " What's the matter over there? Has that woman fainted? Give her room, is there a doctor in the house?". I mean, are we talking a revival meeting here, or just another stop on the long political trail? So many Americans confusing charisma with what should be Churchillian speeches on the worlds greatest stage. Then I tell myself that there is no point in becoming alarmed until the Senator explains in more detail what he means by Hope and Change for America. That would be a mistake of huge proportions, not engaging him now, that is.

So too is it with Islam as preached and practiced by those who have successfully used it against us thus far. Those same self absorbed Americans swooning at the every word of a politician, but apparently caring not about the future of our country, and our civilization. Their actions confirm in the very minds of those who would use them, the ease with which real change may be wrought upon us all.

I am purposeful in my deliberations, and will further research the potential harm lying in wait. Unmistakeably however, we must acknowledge the evils in our time, and prepare ourselves for the struggles ahead. One might say the Jihad ahead, if one cared not about the politically correct constraints against using such language.

The research goes on, as does the education of the grandchildren...

Monday, February 18, 2008

Where is the snow?

I scan the sky overhead constantly, searching for signs of the snow yet to come. This is not exactly a sane thing to be doing when the temperature is hovering around sixty degrees is it? Ultimately, the snow will come, and the children will be so happy once again. Meanwhile, we'll have to settle for the "snow jobs" coming our way on a daily basis. Poor substitute, but what the heck, entertaining enough.

There are threatening clouds over Texas and Ohio, of the political kind that is. Hillary and Obama are accusing each other of plagiarism, and the good Senator, well, haven't heard much lately from him either. Each of us, the Senator and me, reactionaries, but it is not I who am running for office. Sure do hope he understands that better than I think he does.

The clock is ticking.

The weekend was productive, and rewarding in a personal way. Managed to upgrade my computer, and was able to finish reading an excellent primer on Islam, and it's goals for the twenty first century. Next up is a treatise on the fallacious religion known by it's other name of Global Warming, or is it Climate Change? It doesn't matter, for I am sure there will be yet another name change just around the corner of enhanced enlightenment. There ought to be a religion of the month club for people such as myself. At least then, there would be reviews to read before making any selections. Hmmm.....

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Won't You Be My Valentine?

Now, with the endorsement of former candidate Romney, Senator McCain has moved right of center, correct? Wrong! This proves nothing at all, except that the hierarchy is doing what it does best. That is, to create the aura of UNITY. We are still a long way from unity, and the sooner the Senator acknowledges this, the better. The wait continues.

Today, however, is a traditional day of the celebration of love. We witnessed the grandchildren arriving home from school with their Valentine cards from classmates in tow. We also are in receipt of State and Federal tax return booklets, another sure sign of State love for us all. This being tax time, I am also reminded of a looming threat of the collection of Jizya, you know, that special tax imposed upon all us non-believers of Islam. I am uncertain as to how that constitutes a sign of affection, and will remain on guard nonetheless. Who is it that collects such taxes anyway?

My genealogic studies with my brother have yielded a basket full of pleasant results dating back to a letter written by a seventh generation ancestor to then General George Washington in 1777. In this letter a group of men from what is now New Brunswick, Canada, were appealing for help from the General as they were Patriots and not Loyalists to the Crown. We haven't yet discovered an answer to that letter by General Washington, but that reminds me that who exactly will it be that we write letters to in appealing for help from the next oppressors of the public good? An ancestral response might be: "See, we told you so." History has this strange habit of repeating itself it seems.

The true beauty is the serenity that precedes each new dawn. Your eyes open, opportunity abounds, at least until you finish that morning cup of coffee or tea. Alas, there is always tomorrow isn't there? Now back to educating the grandchildren...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

What would HE say?

It is difficult not to hear someone ask, "What would Reagan say?", these days. Merely posing the question is illustrative of a lack of Conservative leadership, save the radio talk show hosts such as Rush, Sean, and Mark. The presumptive standard bearer for the Republican Party is much quoted as he continues to woo supporters for his candidacy. Each time Senator McCain professes his core Conservative beliefs, it sounds more and more like he is trying to convince himself, and not true Conservatives, that he is one of us. I would not say he is pandering, simply showing a sophomoric side of his political being. This is not flattering at all. It honestly leaves him open to more criticism from the right wing.

If only the Senator could convince us through his actions in the Senate for the next eight months or so. You know, denouncing his and Senator Feingold's assault on the First Ammendment. Denouncing his partnering with ultra-Liberals such as Senator Kennedy to the detriment of real Conservative principles. Admitting that the so-called Immigration Reform Bill was devoid of honest Conservative leadership. Although Senator McCain acknowledges border security is paramount and first, he must, in order to win our support, admit that the rest of the immigration bill effort was misguided and not in America's best long term interest.

These things must be done quickly. Not to do so, imperils any support from Conservatives that might be forthcoming. The longer he waits, the surer we will become of his lack of Conservative guiding principles. Senator, the ball is in your court. Should we anticipate a return?

Yes, what would Reagan say?..." Well, there you go again." (with a smile of course)...

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Well, there you have it.

According to the Pew Research Center, America in 2050 will not only be a much more populous country (450 million), it will also be a country consisting of minority populations. Hispanic, Black, Asian, and White minorities will have to learn how to get along in a parliamentarian way, I suppose. Diversity will no longer be the order of the day, for we shall already be there. Multi-culturalists will no doubt celebrate the occasion as the dawn of their new day. Now the question is, what will it all mean for us all? Will the famous "Melting Pot" analogy still apply? It doesn't appear so, does it?

To help speed the process along will, of course, necessitate the electing to national office of the Liberal Left. For it is they who champion open, porous borders. It is they who see no harm in even fewer numbers of working Americans supporting greater numbers of dependent Americans: The elderly and the children; those who can't or won't work; the infirm and the disabled; and let us not forget the political Elite.

Will this be an America defined by it's Founders Constitutional protections? Will, in fact, our Constitution be an amalgam of foreign thought? Will there even be a Constitution? In short, will there be an America?

If the Pew scholars are correct, then we have a lot to think about in the next 42 years. Remember, time flies. Why just 40 plus years ago, President Johnson and Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin met in Glassboro, New Jersey. The place was called Hollybush, the home of Glassboro State College's president. I was there coordinating the video feed for all major tv networks. The point is, I remember that day as if it were just yesterday. Time sure flies.

No, this coming presidential election is not about race, or gender. It is and should be about ideals, American ideals. We should care less about foreign thoughts of us, and more about what we think of ourselves. We should stress our principled belief system, such as it is, to our young, and to ourselves. We either believe in freedom and liberty, or they shall perish before our eyes. We either hold to the tenets of a lawful society, or fall to anarchical tendencies. We either believe in our benevolence, and that of a loving Creator, or we lose our national sense of purpose.

In the end, it truly is about belief, isn't it? Ask yourself, "What do I believe in"? The answer, if forthcoming, may indeed surprise you...

Monday, February 11, 2008

I remember

Twenty four years ago, come June 6, 2008, marks President Ronald Reagan's speech at Omaha Beach, in Normandy, France. The occasion was the fortieth anniversary of a day when thousands of young Americans landed on that beach with a noble purpose before them---ending Nazi domination of the European continent. President Reagan was profuse in recalling the memory of Private First Class Peter Robert Vanatta's exploits on that day so long ago. PFC Vanatta survived the battle and the war. However, he was unable to return to pay homage to fallen buddies, for he had passed away some months earlier due to illness.

In his place was his daughter, who in keeping with her fathers memory, remembered her father saying, "Some day I'll go back there." He never did. His daughter, Lisa, with the strong bonds of kinship guiding her, vowed to go to Omaha Beach. She would do as she knew her father would do, and place flowers at the grave sites, and pause in humble reflection. Why is this so significant today, you may ask? The reason is simple.

Today, February 11, 2008, we were treated to US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's telling us that the "Surge strategy in Iraq" was a failure! This coming from the same woman who did everything within her legislative power to guarantee such a failure. This coming from the same woman who obviously sympathizes with Mayor Tom Bates of Berkely, California. This man and his city council brethren, now famously depicted in his "Code Pink" beret, are very busy with city business trying to zone the US Marine Corps recruiting office out of town, and out of sight. All this, I presume to be in the name of protecting the city, and it's residents, from the foreign invaders dressed in blue and red. Should we say,"Only in California these days"? Try to envision Ms. Pelosi giving the same speech as President Reagan did. My apologies to the late President for linking her to him in the same sentence.

The last words of President Reagan's speech that day some almost twenty fours ago, go like this:

"We will always be prepared, so we may always be free."...apparently not, in Berkeley, California.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Is it worth it to be concerned?

I spoke with a friend today who was questioning the wisdom of praying for the best. No, it isn't easy at all to find yourself on the losing side of a battle. If anything, it should prepare you to acknowledge that though a battle may have been lost, the war must still be fought. Picture yourself in the boots of General George Washington at Valley Forge, I advised. The General knew that a battle victory was necessary to change not only the tide of the war, but the mood of the country itself.

The rest, as we occasionally say, is history. The battle of Trenton saved the General, our Continental forces, and subsequently, the country as well. Turning points are seldom recognized during their moment, rather, it is always through the prism of historical hindsight that they become so very apparent. Today, though absent the ability to see the future, we know only that we must, as did the General, continue the struggle. The odds though greatly not in our favor, are nonetheless ample evidence of the necessity to ratchet up our resolve, and our commitment to victory.

How many times have you heard a coach praise a player for having given his or her very best effort, when defeat was the result? Quite a few I would say. Such times are character defining, and offer the secrets to future success. At the end of the struggle, how would you answer the question: "Did I give my very best"? If your answer is yes, then the way has been paved, your future is secure in the hands God gave to you. Though your future may still be bleak it most certainly will be less so, and all because you gave your very best. That, I told my friend, is all that God asks, and expects of us all.

Always keep a keen eye on those who preceeded us, and how they responded to crises in their lives. Never accept defeat on it's terms. You set the rules of engagement; you determine the battle field; you search the depths of your character, and select the tools with which to secure a favorable outcome. Let the rest to the historians with their 20/20 vision of past events.

...and now, back to the education of my grandchildren...

Saturday, February 09, 2008

The Calm Before The Storm

...and so a new day has dawned. The price of milk has not changed. Cars are running. The sun actually shone brightly, and the weather was pleasant for this February day. What are we to make of it all?

You may bet that the strategists in the Arizona Senator's office are hard at work, plotting and scheming their way to the General Election come November next. I do believe that true Conservatives will wait nonetheless, before commiting themselves as supporters. How could it be otherwise? The most difficult thing to do for a Conservative, (I hope the good Senator understands this) would be for him or her to abandon or compromise their principled beliefs. In other words, the Senator needs more than a transformation. He must come to a fruitful realization. It is not yet clear he understands this to be the case.

Freedom, liberty, the Constitution, our country's safety, and the hopes and desires of our legal citizens are all at risk in this high stakes pursuit of power for power's sake. What is most baffling is the swooning over Democrat candidates whose only words to date are hope and change. How complicit are the print and electronic media in creating this frenzy? Aught we not worry over the sublime ignorance many Americans evidence as they go about their daily routines?

Yes, the clock continues to tick. Inexorably, the day of reckoning rushes toward us all. Socialism in it's most insidious forms is an answer to a question we should not be asking ourselves. Not now, not ever.

So, it is back to educating the grand children---a never ending job!

Friday, February 08, 2008

A younger generation's view

So I said to my grandson today, "Aidan, what do you think of Senator McCain being your next President?". To my surprise, he responded that, " I think I want to go north and live with the Eskimos." Admittedly, I was caught off guard, but accepted his thought as genuine reflection on the political events of the previous 24 hours.

Later in the evening, Aidan sought me out. He told me that he was changing his, and our itinerary somewhat. It seems that he would now like to move to New Zealand to live. "Why?", I asked him. "Because it is farther away than anywhere else." was his response. All this because of the threats to our Constitution; our way of American life, I reasoned.

How sad a time it is when the promise of a bright future is dimmed by the prospect of a looming Socialism. How sad a time it is when a young man may not hold himself to the dictates of his convictions, but instead must accept the role of "Victim", and live his life as a beggar it seems.

However, I shall continue to impress upon this young man his duty to fight the very good fight; to resist the temptations offered by government in his behalf. He will understand the importance of protecting his Constitution, his Bill of Rights, his country. This he will do...

...just as soon as I can tear him away from Play Station 2 that is. Nobody ever said it would be easy with a six year old grandson, surely though, it is more than worth the try, wouldn't you think?

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Oh, and one other little thing.

Forgive me Senator McCain, but there is this small matter of trust, respect, and the need to earn one's support. Nowhere in your CPAC speech today, did you give any indication of awareness of these three very important aspects as they relate to your presumptive candidacy. As I said, time will surely tell, and the clock is ticking!

Where did a lot of us go wrong?

Listening to John McCain speak today at the CPAC gathering, was a little like trying to remember what it was your doctor said immediately after telling you that you were terminally ill. I listened, I swear I heard John saying that he was "true" to his Conservative ideals. Then, I think I heard myself swearing. THINK I said!

Give John credit for being part of the cadre which believes that if you say something often enough, then the other guy will believe you. All this, while not having to say that you are sorry for anything at all. Unbelievable!

I'll not make reference to Republicans any more. That would be a disservice to real Conservatives. I wonder what Mark Levin thinks of all this? We all know what Rush believes, don't we? So, let us wait for tomorrow, and see just how all this is spun out.