Sunday, August 31, 2008

A Day Of Work, A Day Of Apprehension

There was much to do, and so little time within which to do it. However, today, having been beautiful, and sending out little signals of an imminent change of seasons, was cautiously embraced. Tonight, I heard a benediction from the Democrat convention's opening night. A man, I assume him to having been clergy, was speaking of things dear to Liberal hearts. Minimum wages, concern for the down trodden, and other Liberal talking points were replete throughout his benediction(?) offerings to the assembled masses. So, the Left is now politicizing religion as a counter to the very Conservative leanings of the Evangelicals, who are, for the most part, of the Right in America. The appeal is obviously to those same Evangelicals, in the hope that they might see the light, and lean leftward in their thinking. This is one serious election period!

Then, there was talk by someone that presupposed that there would be great disappointment, and possibly riots, shuld Obama not win this election. Also, it was asserted that should, in fact, he lose, then this would be affirmation that America is indeed, a racist nation of ingrates. In other words, the "race card" is already being played against all those Americans who do not share Obama's, and the Democrats, positions. How insidious is this? Where is it written that this is his election to win?

Those of us committed to a set of Conservative values, must turn the mirror aside, and concentrate on the preservation of the values we hold dear. It, of course, is not a bit racist to simply disagree with the shared philosophy of the Democrats. It is not racist to fight against anyone who would devalue our standards, and change the face of the America we know, and love. Anyone who holds to ideas, and ideals, foreign to the best interests of ordinary Americans, is to be defeated in their attempt to speak for us. This includes not only the Democrats, but even wayward Republicans, aka RINO.

When the push to convince us becomes too burdensome, I go to the Heritage Foundation website,and listen to Ronald Reagan yet again offer the uplifting words we all need to hear. Do this my friends, do it now, and every time you feel yourself in need of a reason to reinvigorate. It works each time it is tried.

Friday, August 29, 2008

It Never Fails, Does It?

There is a company in Waukesha, Wisconsin that manufactures telecommunications and data equipment. It's name is Black Box. We have used their products successfully many times over. The theory was, at the time, that one needed not know what was inside the box doing the job for you. As long as things were moving along smoothly, nobody cared to ask just what was inside those "miracle" boxes. It was a brilliant marketing strategy that worked well for the consumer, and for Black Box also.

So, after last night's Obama speech, I was reminded of that little mystery box. It seems that all the Democrat strategy is inside a similar little box. A box, unfortunately, from which only approved strategies, and words,"just words", may be selected for public pronouncement. Now, without seeming confrontational, I confess to feeling a little sorry for rank and file Democrats. You know, old time Democats such as Scoop Jackson, Kennedy era, and FDR era Democrats also. That Democrat party was not a party beholden to the far left, nor was it "owned" by any single individual. Today's Democrat party is not that loosely structured. This, is bad, not only for the Democrats, but for America as well. George Soros is the keeper of the keys to that lttle box, and the posted sentries guarding it are egalitarian, and Marxist like in their makeup. Truthfully, there are many decent, and patriotic Democrats in America today. However, the Democrat "bread" needs it's "butter", and so, a deafening silence ensues. Caught between the proverbial "rock and a hard place", today's Democrats are leaders unwilling to lead; leaders who can't efficiently lead, because the extreme organizations who support them, in effect, rule them.

Upon listening to the uplifing speech offered by Governor Sarah Palin, of Alaska, the point regarding the "little box" was driven further home. Her selection to be John McCain's vice presidential nominee, was it appears, a masterful stroke by the master of masterful strokes. Her words echoed the words of free Americans. Not bashful, she outlined a stark contrast with the Democrat vice presidential candidate, Senator Joe Biden, of Delaware. I suppose the focal point here is one of openness, and of fresh winds blowing across the land. Such freedom is not available to the Democrats for fear of antagonizing not their base, but the Socialist minded organizations that support them with money, and with an uncontrolled frenzy at that.

In truth, American Conservatives have their concerns with a McCain candidacy. His positions vis a vis drilling at ANWR, and meaningful immigration reform, and let's not forget the global warming hoax, are especially disconcerting. I have found that many Conservatives have made their concerns known regarding these matters, by calling, and by writing, to Senator McCain. With but a few days more than two months 'till election day, it would behoove Mr. McCain to listen well, and carefully, to these potential supporters.

Thus far, the unfolding scene offers hope, and the brightest of futures for Republicans. It would be a crying shame to toss it all away, especially since it has been his adherence to Conservative values that has gotten him this far. We do not require soaring words, just the right words, spoken firmly, and honestly. We do not require a backdrop of Grecian columns from which to hear these words. We need but look into the eyes of this man, and see not his "soul", rather his commitment to the foundational principles upon which the United States of America was built.

Do all this, Mr. McCain, and you will find us all in there fighting to secure your election. We depend on you; America needs you. Are you ready?

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Gosh, What An Awful Country

I was kind of feeling well , having worked all day, and accomplishing quite a lot. Then, tonight, I tuned in to listen to Senator Obama's acceptance speech, and suddenly, the good feelings were all gone. Obama was seriously busy, telling all of America just how failed a country we are. Soup lines are humming, the homeless pull themselves up, and clap their hands in joyful appreciation. Ca-ching! Ca-ching! The future of our children, and grandchildren groans under the anticipated weightiness of Obama's projected spending plans. The crowd roars it's approval, and smiles rapturously. The Messiah speaks of ending our dependence on "foreign" oil by retooling oil companies, so that the future cars being built, will serve us well. He promises those who volunteer in service to America, will be rewarded with college educations. He stresses the notion that somehow he is ready to debate John McCain on the matter of who is best suited to be our next commander-in-chief. Really? Is he prepared to do all that?

Cutely, he tries to take credit for success in Iraq, and hand it to Democrats who have washed their hands of the war so long ago. He tries to take the idea of failed patriotism off the discussion table, by asserting that he will not engage in such acts. The Second Ammendment, and gay rights are foremosst among his concerns. Let us not forget the abortion divide, which seperates so many of us. Surely, we can find common ground upon which to stand.

Something across America is indeed stirring Mr. Obama. You protest this election is not about you, but about the people of America. Yet, your proposals are directed against those same people you claim to support. His concern for the child torn from the arms of an illegal immigrant mother, tugs at the heartstrings of us all, or so he believes. The children, the families, the veterans, the cities to rebuild, these are all his promises to us.

The speech, now over, leaves one breathless with anticipation. Tomorrow, his words will be parsed, and picked apart. Over, and over again, will the expected realities be fleshed out, and put into proper contextual relationships. Give the man credit. He does deliver an excellent speech. What remains, just as importantly, will be matching the soaring rhetoric with soaring deeds. Emotion sags now, and we return to a sense of normalcy. Truly, are we better off now than we were but mere minutes ago? Time and the buzzards will tell.

Next, is the John McCain show. Whom will he select for his vice president? Who indeed? May we expect similar promises, and intentions? Or, will we be treated to a more earthly show, one that deals directly with current problems, and with future potential problems?

The speech was not ordinary, but neither was it extraordinary. It falls somewhere in the middle. Remember, tomorrow is a new day. A day of anticipation. A day of wondering, and also a day of work ahead. The pundits are front and center now, so good night to all.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Denver Flop

Let's see here, Nancy Pelosi in trouble with her church, the Catholic Church, Obama sensing that he can explain his association with William Ayres via an explanatory ad, Democrats for Hillary still angry with the party elders, and last, former President Bill Clinton relegated to making a speech regarding foreign policy, and irked at not being allowed his choice of a subject to speak on. Nary a charge made against the Republican John McCain, just Michelle Obama telling us how much she loves her country, while quoting the radical Saul Alinsky liberally throughout her speech. Meanwhile, the MSM continues to do the dirty work at the Liberal laundramat, cleansing all the gaffes, and not reporting on anything of real substance.

Wait a minute, weren't we anticipating all this? Of course we were, and we weren't surprised, not one bit. The funny thing though, is that with all the hoopla surrounding the Democrat convention, the selection of Joe Biden as a running mate, and all the focused attention, Obama hasn't really elevated his poll numers at all. This must be disconcerting to the Messiah, and all his followers. Of course, sometimes things happen in very funny ways. This week is no exception. What is unfathomable, is the inability of John McCain to capitalize on the weakness of the Democrats. What would Reagan say, I wonder?

For Conservatives, the time is now to encourage Mr. McCain to more firmly establish his conservative credentials. It is also time for Conservatives to begin to build an action plan to ensure a fitting vice president candidate is selected. There is no other way to go. Hopefully, Mr. McCain will follow the lead of Congressional Republicans, and hold the Democrats feet to the fire, lit by the promise of drilling more of our country's oil from areas identified as being ripe for drilling our way to some form of energy independence. The matter of immigration reform hangs heavily, and thoughts of Ramos and Compean come to mind. This whole thing is so backward, and shameful. Mr. McCain has also to divorce himself from the global warming hoax, and get on with a sensible approach to whatever the real problems are.

Can't wait for tonight. Hillary is set to make her grand appearance with a speech of total support for Mr. Obama. Time will tell, won't it?

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Why Didn't Someone Tell Me?

There has been a little, and I mean little, talk recently of this being China's century. However, I did not realize that they had caught, and surpassed us. They are the new "Shining City Upon The Hill", according to none other than Senator Obama. Yesterday, he informed us that China indeed, was a country with superior infrastructure, superior rail lines, superior airports, and superior harbors. How in God's name did they sneak up on us, and just push the greatest country aside?

Of course, they haven't caught us at all in anything, in spite of Senator Obama's pronouncement from on high. What the Chinese have, has been built on the backs of slave labor, and yes, even their schools fall down during earthquakes. These sweet leaders of the century even showed the world how far they have come by building a dissent, and protest area in Beijing near the Olympic village. Set aside for the moment, the fact that of 77 applications submitted to use this grand free speech facility, all 77 have been rejected. The games end tomorrow, and all the world, and Liberal America will marvel at the Chinese prowess in building the finest Olympic setting the world has ever seen. I can't wait until Senator Obama comments on this huge success. In fact, I'm beginning to get a clearer picture of his grandiose dreams of "change".

Meanwhile, back in the halls of the US Congress, House Republicans are still at it, insisting that Speaker Pelosi return with her Democrat allies, and get on with the passage of a comprehensive energy bill to ease the financial burdens on hard working Americans. It is rumored that she will reconsider drilling off the coast of America, but first, there is the small matter of attaching pork spending ammendments to such a bill. In other words, yes, she supports drilling, but only if the Congress will support her calls for non-related spending items. She doesn't support off-coast drilling at all, just wants to give the appearance she does, then blame those rascally Republicans for not passing the energy bill.

So, in spite of Senator Obama's claim, the Chinese haven't caught us, the House Speaker doesn't truly support easing the burdens on working Americans, and everyone can just go to hell, carrying that familiar old hand basket. Is there a light at the end of the tunnel? Yes! And that light is on the front end of an east-bound train that threatens to plow under the hopes, and the changes, promised us all by the man who ought to know: Barrack Hussein Obama!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Advanced Math For Dummies

Teacher promised an extra 10 points if I nailed this analysis just right. So, here goes:

This exercise will be for the sake of argument only. Any resemblance to any individual, or to any organization, is not accidental, simply purposeful.

In 2007, US auto owners used 142 billion gallons of gasoline to power their way to work, to play, and to wherever else they chose to travel. As we have learned, 2008 has proven to be a very expensive year for any kind of travel. This is due to rapidly rising crude oil costs this year. 58 percent of the cost of a gallon of gas reflected the cost to purchase the crude itself in 2007. Next, 27 percent of the cost of a gallon of gas during that period was spent to market, and distribute the gasoline product. Within that 27 percent, was the cost to refine, and the profit for shareholders also. Federal, state, and local taxes accounted for the remaining 15 percent.

Understanding the proportions of cost, and of profit, are essential to understanding the following:
Doctor Mark J. Perry, professor of economics at Michigan State University, has calculated that one company, Exxon Mobil, will pay 40 billion dollars in income taxes this year. This marks the first time in US history that a major corporation will have paid more than the bottom 50 percent of all US taxpayers in income taxes. Of course, this is noteworthy precisely because Exxon Mobil reported earnings of 11.68 billion dollars in the second quarter of 2008. Predictably, Congressional Democrats fulminated over this obscene display of greed, and some began the chant of enacting a " windfall profits tax" on oil companies. Representative Maxine Waters let the "future cat" out of the bag with her statement that the Federal government should nationalize, or, take over the oil companies.

In fiscal 2008, federal receipts are anticipated to be 2.533 trillion dollars. This reduces to 7.03 billion dollars per day! Compare Exxon Mobil's take of 1.29 million dollars per day, and we begin to wonder just which entity is the largest, and the richest? First, we must qualify the question with the observation that Exxon Mobil, and it's employees, worked hard to earn their share, while the Federal government produced exactly nothing, except tax bills for every American, and for Exxon Mobil as well. Meanwhile, with Congressional Democrats doing everything within their power to cripple America's economy; working with their environmental supporters to see to it that oil companies simply disappear from the landscape. None of this is understandable, nor is any of it in the best interest of America itself. So, why do they do it, why do they persist?

Perhaps there is a parallel available to help explain this contradiction masterminded by Democrats. It is quite a tale, and particularly "Grimm" at that. This "Golden Goose", aka "Big Oil", is won by little Dummling, the youngest of three brothers. Along the way to home, many try to steal a golden feather from the goose, but wind up stuck to each other, aka 'Democrats". Little Dummling eventually wins over the Princess who has never laughed, and of course, they live happily ever after. Little Dummling, known also as the American people, is the big winner, and he along with the Golden Goose continue to work their brand of economic magic. What of the democrats who are stuck together? They must live the rest of their lives stuck not only together, but stuck with the blind greed that motivates their every attempt to steal just one "Golden Feather".

Wouldn't it be utterly pointless to cite any moral here? Dummling isn't quite the simpleton everyone believed him to be, and the Goose? She's just fine, and producing just like always.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Farewell Party?

As summer winds down to it's last few days, we tend to thimk of the Labor Day holiday. This years celebration promises to be somewhat different from past years observations. First, we have to be aware of losing the many byproducts of oil which have been staples of our every day needs, and desires. Roads that will suffer from the lack of asphalt to fill potholes, and to make needed repairs to our highway infrastructure, even backpacks our children carry the books of learning in, are threatened with extinction. The list of products is too numerous to post here, but, as you will find, if the No Drill Democrats have their way, say good bye to oil. The funny thing is, not one windmill, nor any other alternative energy product will replace these oil based products. Not one!

Democrats will explain that we must act now to save the earth. Curiously, they have "painted" themselves into a corner. You see, paint, too, relies heavily on oil for it's creation. In other words, the Democrats are using what remains of our paint to put themselves into this untenable position. Talk about idiocy here! What next, will they use to convince us of our errant ways? Clay paint?

Do not for one moment believe that this is not a calculated strategy on the part of Democrats in the Congress. I refer back to a previous post, wherein, I spoke of the statistical impossibility of individual members of the Democrat Party thinking so very much alike on this issue. Even their supporters back home have bought into this thinking, and are in lock step with the doggedly held to position of Ms. Pelosi, and Senator Harry Reid. This is but blind obedience, and not a pretty picture of critical thinking by people who think otherwise in their daily pursuits of simple problems.

We are now hearing of the change in heart of certain individuals who have seen the light. Translated: The polls back home indicate a public weary of those who stand in the way of viable, and cheaper energy resource development. I wonder if de Tocqueville, in his passion for the past, and his hope for the future, ever conceived of such obstacles to this country's future? But of course he did! He held reservations of pure democracy, tyrannical rule by a majority of politician government types, and they bothered him. In the seminal words of one of America's most famed religious leaders: "Americas chickens have come home to roost." You didn't know that poor old Alexis had so much in common with Reverend Jeremiah Wright, did you?

I suppose we'll have to think of other ground breaking possibilities. Hey, I'll bet the Chinese have an answer to the "missing" back pack. It may be wood, and burdonsome for our little kids to lug around, but think of the brighter side: In the cold of winter, we can burn them to keep warm, and have the Chinese send over even more to take their place. Better check the paint, however, wouldn't want to put the kids health to risk, would we? The possibilities are endless. Put those hybrid cars to pasture, let's think " Rick Shaws"! Formerly used by the social elite in Asia, they are now readily available for the common man to use, especially since the Chinese seem to have so very many "cars" on their newly developed roads. Are these roads blacktopped, I wonder? You just know there must be one heck of a business for the dying American entrepeneur somewhere in that unfolding mess.

Let's see, I'll have to stop by the local high school to see if there is going to be a heavier emphasis in the wood shop courses being taught there. Now, if we could only get the Sierra Club to relent, and be a bit more coopeative...the future is bright once more, I think, but then, what do I know?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Bear And The Eagle

The bear, not above a little petty larceny, strode into a neighboring part of the woods, and looked about for prey. High above, a lone eagle soared on the wind, and kept a watchful eye on the goings on below. The bear, not the least intimidated, foraged it's way forward, laying waste to the underbrush, and anyone, or thing, that lay in it's path. The eagle observing all this, glided in circles, just taking in the unfolding scene. Soon, the bear called in others of it's clan, and began a systematic purging of the forests inhabitants. This, they did with great efficiency, and total impunity. Who wuild stop them?

The eagle, sensing an unfolding tragedy of great proportions, flew lower, and sought a perch from where it could see things more clearly. From a vantage point just above a clearing, the eagle knew something had to be done, or the forest would be denuded of all life. With it's shrillest cry, the eagle scolded the rampaging bears, but they simply ignored the loud protestations drifting downward from the canopy overhead. All the rest of the forest's animals were frolicing in a faraway place, oblivious to what was happening. The eagle flew away, and shrieked for someone to help drive the bears off, and back into their home grounds. Soon, a tall forest ranger appeared, and demanded that these senseless acts of violence cease. He faulted no one, and assessed blame on both parties, those doing the ransacking, and those whose homes were in tatters. This he did from a faraway place where he too was enjoying some late summer fun. The bears laughed themselves silly, and knew they were as safe as can be. The mighty bear had once again awoken, and was on the march through habitats reserved for others. History, inexorably, was repeating itself, and nobody seemed to care.

Is there a moral here? Probably not, but rest assured that there are those who will, in a time of need, always do the right thing. Just now, we seem to be having a little trouble finding those people of character, and unflinching bravery. People who planned a successful surprise attack against an enemy force just across a frozen river many years ago. People who decided that the best way to save the greatest number of enemy, and friendly forces, was to do the unthinkable, and unleash the terror of a new force of nature on the enemy. People whose eyes did not blink, as they challenged the intentions of a demonic enemy, but a mere ninety miles away. People who got up from the bargaining table in Iceland, and walked out, leaving an enemy to ponder what to do next. All these people had a common character trait. They were honest, and decent people who shined the light of liberty brightly upon the frozen tundra of ignorance. They did not gamble, they led our country during it's darkest hours. Theirs is a lasting legacy to those who would follow in their footsteps.

The bear, and the eagle, will forever test one another. Other animals will come to the fore, The right ones will lead, and we shall follow triumphantly, as truth, and freedom are once again restored to the inhabitants of the forest.

Monday, August 11, 2008

What A Difference A Day Makes

In the very short time span of twenty-four hours, the world has been turned upside down. With the Russian military machine pushing it's way into the Republic of Georgia, old fears return. Was it only seven years ago that President Bush described to us his epiphany moment? He had looked into the eyes of Vladimir Putin, Russia's President, and concluded that he had, "seen his soul." He further described Putin as a man who he believed to be trustworthy, and straight forward. So much for clairvoyance!

Not one to take his eyes off the bigger picture, and in spite of rapidly falling oil prices, the world oil market is holding on, but only tentatively so. Russia's actions underscore the vulnerability of this market as the oil pipeline from Azerbaijan, to the Turkish port of Ceyhan has been interrupted largely as a result of this military adventure. America is at a decided disadvantage, and is able to only offer moral support to the Georgians who have supported our military efforts in Iraq. And don't think for a minute that these same Georgians do not expect more than words from an important ally. So, what do we do?

First, our military resources are stretched thinly across the globe. Secondly, any military assistance should be supportive, but in only providing materiel, and not manpower. To think that this has upstaged the Olympic show in Beijing, is bad enough. It is the outright gall of Mr. Putin, now the Prime Minister of Russia, but in control none the less, that is so infurating. The revisionism continues with some asserting that this is our comeuppance for having bombed the hell out of the Serbs during the Kosovo war. Russia does not like what it views as the arrogance of Nato, and the EU. Thus, a ready made excuse to march with impunity all the way to Tibilisi, the capital of Georgia.

The pipeline I mentioned earlier, is 1109 miles long, and supplies the world with 1.2 million barrels of oil per day. Just a trickle one might say, but a portent of things that might be in our future. In Saudia Arabia, with it's 10,000 miles of pipeline, and 10.5 to 11 million barrels of oil per day production, the dangers of terrorist attack are none the less. Any disruption there would cripple the world's economy in mere days, and oil prices would soar. Osama Bin Laden has said in January of 2006 that, "The war against America and it's allies will not be confined to Iraq." Do you find that to be a threat? A threat manifesting itself in a war on oil production? The Saudis are the most important oil producer, being a guarantor of liquidity in the market. Their ability to crank up production an additional 2.5 to 3 million barrels of oil per day, is what keeps prices stable.

Meanwhile, back here on terra not so firma, the Democrats are still boycotting the halls of Congress while they enjoy a taxpayer paid five week vacation. If they do not come back to Washington immediately, and if Ms. Pelosi does not permit a vote on lifting the OCS drilling ban, well, we just might be staring down the double barrels of economic suicide.

There you have it. Russian militarism on display, resecuring former subject states, and the US Congress enjoying a day at the beach! But don't worry, there is still some good tv to watch, the Olympics, you know. America is doing well, and not so, if you include the in-laws of the US Olympic men's volleyball team. Gold medals, and a slain tourist. How do we maintain our interest?

The American Exceptualism watch goes on, and still, all we hear are the endless, and sad laments of just how not so great America is. Wake up people!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Are There Two Americas?

It Becomes increasingly more difficult to argue that America is a land of people united in a common cause. In fact, it would be simpler to say that there are definitely two sets of people embracing two radically different belief systems. How else to explain the one group that has consistently held that the war in Iraq was ill conceived, and ill fought? How else to explain why one group does everything in it's power to dismantle the oil based economy upon which our nation depends for it's very survival? This is cleverly exercised in the name of ridding America of not just it's dependency on foreign oil, but on something called an "addiction" to that resource. Everywhere one looks, there are "code words" associated with any change this group wants to implement. This group's supporters are themselves coalesced into organizations promoting specific agendae of their own, i.e. the environment, individual behavior not desired, loss of freedoms incrementally so, and on, and on.

This might be something to be ridiculed if it were not for the fact that each member of this group, those elected, and those supporting them, virtually thinks, and acts alike. It doesn't seem possible at all, that so many people arrive at the same conclusions spontaneously. It is not possible, not even probable. Give me 20 people, and I'll give you twenty not so similar thoughts on any subject, unless we speak of politics. Then, if I take the same twenty people, all Democrats, and question them on the various aspects of government, or positions held by the other half of the people, there seems to be an instantaneous unanimity. Why is that?

Thinking people realize that the reasons are clear enough. The Elitists, who develop these political positions, lead very well indeed. It is no accident that for the last eight years, references have been made to "red and blue states". Since that time, each new position taken by the other group, known as Republicans, has been denigrated, and argued against unanimously. Meanwhile, the people, and our system of government itself, are the poorer for all this bickering among the two groups.

Today, there are the traditionalists, the Republicans, and the new kids on the block, the Democrats. It has been said of the Democrats that they are Marxist, and Socialist in their thinking. Actions do speak louder than words, and therefore, it is difficult to argue against that assessment of the Democrats. The other day, I heard Bill Bennett asserting that John McCain was the sixth most Conservative member of the US Senaste. If that is the case, then the rest of the Senators are are frighteningly Liberal. John McCain is no classic Conservative, not even close! This is the man who prides himself on "reaching across the aisle", you may recall. Now, his ill gotten fame as a member of "the gang of fourteen", flexing their collective muscles regarding judicial appointments, has been copied by Senator Lindsay Graham, a member of the new, though smaller, "Gang of Ten". These ten Democrats and Republicans are going to develop a compromise plan for an energy policy. This policy, if approved by the Senate, will give to Barack Obama exactly what he wants. So much for precedent, Mr. McCain.

With representatives such as these, who needs a government? Some years back, there was a movement in New Jersey, Southern New Jersey, to secede from the state. South Jerseyans felt that they were not being represented in Trenton. They wanted out. Of course, the movement died, and the state is still one with itself. It woud not surprise me if we one day soon hear calls for the secession of "Red States" from the Union. Not only would it not be surprising, it would be almost logical, given the differences between the two parties, the two groups of people. This is like a bad marriage, needing little more than a legal divorce that the two parties might go on with their respective lives, quite in accord with their beliefs of right and wrong.

Radical, you say? Maybe, but then again, maybe not. Stranger things have happened, and will continue to happen, as long as men with differing ideas of freedom cling tightly to their Bibles, and to their guns. There is more decorum on the fields of sport battles being fought in the name of sportsmanship. In what name is this current battle of different ideologies being fought? Think long and hard about that. It is that important, that relevant.

Friday, August 08, 2008

It's All About Sensitivity

I was thinking about the Democrat's five week vacation today. I did this while hard at work, doing my small part of contributing to the welfare of America's economy. I had random thoughts also, of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's contributions to the welfare of our nation's economy. It is closing in on midnight just now, and I still have to come up with but one of her contributions.

Wait though. It isn't because the woman hasn't tried. She simply hasn't had fortune on her side. What a shame for her; what a blessing for America. While waiting patiently for this single accomplishment to reveal itself to me, I thought of her past near misses. She tried desperately, but unsuccessfully to have that man of distinction, Alcee Hastings, appointed as House Intelligence Committee Chair. Almost succeeded too, until those rascally Republicans publicly noted that Mr. Hastings was the same former Federal judge impeached, and removed from office. They even had the temerity to note that Ms. Pelosi, herself, had voted for his impeachment. Scratch one!

Next on the list of august names for appointment, was one John Murtha. He seemed a logical choice to be the Democrats new Majority Leader. Then came the revelation of his past. An unindicted co-conspirator in the Abscam scandal of years ago, and his seeming unrepentance. Scratch two!

Who can forget William Jefferson, aka "Cold Cash Jefferson". She wanted him appointed to the Homeland Security Committee. The vote was unanimous! Unfortunately, Republicans didn't think he was a good fit for that committee seat. No doubt because he couldn't protect his domicile from the prying eyes of federal investigators. Wouldn't want his hands gripping a nuclear trigger, would we? Scratch three!

Not since Henry Clay, has the US House had such an individual as it's Speaker. In Clay's defense, he merely presided over the declaration of war in 1812. He also pushed his agenda of support for the development of America's transportation infrastructure. He saw a need, and developed an action plan of implementation. Contrast that with Speaker Pelosi's action plan for American energy independence. Can anyone spell vacation?

So many Democrats who think they really are the president! Wasn't it Senator Obama who referred to himself as having been a Senator LAST YEAR? How about Speaker Pelosi's defiant trip to Damascus, Syria, to meet with President Bashar Assad, and convey warmth, and the fuzzies, while carrying good tidings from Israel in hand. She sure showed President Bush how to get it done, didn't she?

Heaven help us if the Democrats decide that the Twenty-fifth ammendment to the Constitution should be revisited, especially as it relates to presidential succession. As third in line, Ms. Pelosi must feel that close, just a heartbeat away from the grandest chair in the office. Talk about breaking glass ceilings! Is Susan B. Anthony turning in her grave, or just turning the page in this woeful tale of two Americas?

Perhaps we shouldn't be so harsh, nor so negative here. It is possible isn't it that the Speaker is back home where she left her heart, in San Francisco? I can see her now, prodding the city elders to reverse their "Sanctuary City Policy". You know, because in August this year, Edwin Ramos, a beneficiary of that lofty status, murdered a father and his two sons after a traffic dispute. What a wonderfully caring woman, wife, and mother.

Life goes on, except in the cases of the murdered Bologna family members. A wife and a mother is left to singly prod Mayor Newsom and his brethren on the matter of ridding the city of this sanctuary policy, and the murderous illegal thugs as well. Life does go on, and it is time once again to check on the progress of the children.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Ominous Clouds On The Eastern Horizon

There has been much talk today regarding the possibility of a military strike against Iran's nuclear facilities. Whether this is done unilaterally by the US military, or done by Israeli forces with full support of the US, is unknown at this time. Questions revolve around the lack of public support of the Israeli government by it's citizens, and the relative unwillingness of President Bush to plunge America into another war prior to his leaving office in January. What has not changed however, is that Euro style diplomacy, whose stalwarts insist that we continue talking, has failed miserably over the last five years. Iran sees this lack of resolve as being merely supportive of it's need for time to pass, unconsequentially for them, that they may continue on the path to development of sophisticated nuclear arms. When so equipped, they would obviously be more than a simple threat to Israel, and to the region as a whole.

Think for a minute of the disruption of the flow of crude oil from Saudia Arabia, Kuwait and other lesser producers, should the Iranian's threat to close the Straits of Hormuz materialize. Iran though, is an oil based economy with a vital need for the continual flow of money into their treasury. At best, this is but speculation, however, constant vigilance is the order of the day, and we had better not ignore the very real nature of such a threat to world stability by a rogue nation. Yes, Iran is a rogue state, that is undeniable.

On other fronts, the price of crude rose somewhat today. Has the effect of announcing support for drilling off the coastal shelf reached it's zenith? Isn't it time for more dramatic announcements, such as the congress reconvening to consider a truly historic move to self sufficiency? Ought not this session offer to the world, and to the American people, viable, and reachable goals toward that end? Of course, it should. But, will that happen...? Apparently not as long as the environmental lobby has a stranglehold on the extreme Left of America. Just thinking out loud here.

As the "American Exceptionalism Watch" continues on sans any candidate daring to speak flatteringly of America, and of the American people, we watch, none the less.

What more evidence do we require than what candidate Obama told a seven year old boy today? Quote: "America is no longer what it could be, what it once was." What in God's name did he mean by that statement? Aside from being historically, and grammatically incorrect, it provides yet a convincing display of just how much this man thinks of the country that has given so much to him, and to his family. Most of us are grown weary of the tearing down of Americanism, and American ideals. Most of us, also, hope he continues talking just like that right into the first Tuesday of November. Simply because Republicans will vote on the first Tuesday, and Democrats on the next day, Wednesday, is no reason to abandon our civic responsibilities, none what so ever.

Under the heading of: Keeping it in the family, Michelle Obama asked questions of other children. One, aged seven, advised that, " We should finish what we started in Iraq" Art Linkletter had to smile at that bit of advice, I think. These two people, in spite of their seeming ignorance, and profligate ways, are a reminder to us all that the job will be hard, but definitely winnable. I know those charges under the mantel of my influence are terribly more sophisticated in their world views. Their age range? 6-16 years. The six year old knows that there are only fifty states, and has stopped loking for the other seven. He knows a "breathalizer" is a test administered by police to drunk drivers. He knows there is no such thing as an "inhalator", rather an inhaler. He uses them both, and he knows better than the presumptive Democrat candidate. The others, in no order, realize the fallacy of "Global Warming", and will challenge anyone to scientifically prove otherwise. Caution! They know their science, and p.s., they want to drive cars as big as mine, and live the good life, an American life full of hope, and the realization of dreams. Go on, make their day, if you dare.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Everything Seemed So Normal...

...until I turned the radio on today.

And what a day it was! The morning began like so many others, and yet, it turned out to be an extraordinary beginning to a day filled with business accomplishment. Problems were solved with relative ease, and everyone seemed happy, and contented. Even the weather cooperated, as the sky was a bright blue, and the sun was warm, but not too hot. Then, between visits to one account, and then the next, I ruined everything. I turned the car radio on.

The first thing I heard, was the voice of Paris Hilton. She was gasping that she was "hot", and that she approved this message. Of course, this was in response to the clever John McCain ad linking the fawning celebrity of Ms. Hilton, and Britney Spears to his opponent, Senator Obama. This begat the modest fury of Mr. Obama, who always seems to become angry when confronted with the truth in any form. "Why not?", I thought to myself, meaning the entry of Ms. Hilton into the presidential race. The descension into the nether regions had already begun weeks earlier, and the race desperately needed a "shot in the arm". No! Perhaps that is a bad choice of words, given whom it is we are talking about here, but let it stand.

Then, my own state's governor, Jon Corzine, emphasized that he was definitely opposed to any off shore drilling of New Jersey's coast line. I wonder if that has anything to do with his new support for Senator Obama? Senators Menendez, and Lautenberg, and most New Jersey congressional reps. agree with the same sentiment. It's enough to make one blue, but then we are "Blue", are we not?

My business day followed a normal course, but I wonder how it went for "Big Bad Oil"? Remember hurricane Katrina? Of course we do, how could we forget people like Mayor Ray Nagin, of New Orleans, the custodian of 400 unused school buses? How could we forget Governor Kathleen Blanco's spine stiff resistance to the idea of allowing the federal government to oversee the disaster with it's greater resources? both the governor and the mayor won, but it was the people of Louisiana who ultimately lost through the ineptitude of it's elected leaders.

Meanwhile, out in the gulf of Mexico, there was relatively insignificant damage to the hundreds of oil rigs as a result of Katrina's ferocious assault on that fateful day. Spillage too, was not of concern. Only the disruption of supply to the consuming public, and the concommitant rise in fuel prices, gave rise to concern. How do we suppose all this happened as it did? In the first place, people who were not fit to lead during emergencies, wrapped their political hands more tightly around their corrupt version of "local control". Oil companies, assessed the damage to their property, and put into place actionable plans to quickly, and safely restore service to the public. Theirs was not only a fiduciary responsibility to their share holders, but a shared responsibility to the United States as well. Not much has been said of those efforts, the press has been, and was, consumed with the political fallout only. The press apparently succeeded, for the mayor won his reelection bid, and meanwhile, the rigs continued to almost silently deliver the life blood of commerce to the economic engine of America. So, were there "good" and "bad" guys in all this? Let's leave that to the historians for the moment.

Simply put, Governor Corzine, and his political pals are happily united in their attempt to wean America off it's "oil addiction". God, how I hate that term! Are you addicted to air? Are you addicted to food for sustenance? Are we addicted to pursuing healthy living? Or are we simply addicted to the likes of the men and women who currently populate the halls of Congress?

Doctor Phil, where are you when America needs you most? More to the point, we need someone like Judge Judy, and her gavel of doom for the innane, and almost insane people, who stridently, and with implied impunity, want to steer America eastward into a common bond with the Eurocrats they most admire. Well, it is not going to happen on our watch, is it? As Dirty Harry used to say invitingly, "Go ahead, make my day!"

Still, it was a beautiful day. A day replete with promise, and for hope also. Lift the glasses to the sky, and let us announce that, We The People have had enough, and we are going to take back what rightfully belongs to every man, woman, and child...Freedom! Freedom from tyranny, freedom from despotism, freedom from socialist elements in our society, and above all, freedom to pursue our guaranteed RIGHT to happiness!

The children are patiently waiting, and I must go to them....children everywhere.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Economics In A Nutshell

Who are these people who have attained sage status, albeit unworthily so? Why, they are the current era's crop of university trained economists. Experts, they are referred to as being. Why then, are each of them seemingly, "Surprised", at the sudden figures they pore over? All this, while exclaiming that the news they are reporting qualifies to be placed in the "Unexpected" category. Never, it seems, are they satisfied with the results of economic activity on a day to day basis. Meanwhile, the economic engine that is American made, and born, hums along sniffing it's nose at the gloom and doom prognosticators who can't seem to get anything right.Why do we suppose that it is that way?

To begin with, there are several schools of economic thought vying for, no, make that clamoring for, their prominent place in the public psyche. Traditional economists who tell us not so much what their version of economics means in terms of balanced federal budgets, and the wisdom of tax levying strategies designed to keep us "whole" as a country, omit something very important to the boiling stew. They spend an inordinate amount of time trying to convince us that the "new Kid On The Block", supply side economics, does not fufill it's promises to the people, and to the government either. Increases in tax revenue flowing toward the treasury, are an anomaly, and not verification of the supply side argument when implemented.

One need not possess a graduate degree to understand what it all means in the end. Much like the statement by Senator Obama which proclaimed that if American drivers just "inflated their car's tires to the standards set by the auto industry", why then, we would save the equivalent of three and a quarter billion barrels of crude oil per year. False argument, false premise. First, there is an assumption that all Americans are driving vehicles with under inflated tires It seems we, as Americans, just can't get a break from politicians who apparently believe we are that dumb! Congressional don't- drill- types use this technique to look down upon us from even further on high.

As the economists relate to the economy, they are blind mathemeticians at best. They construct a tidy left side of an equation, completely omitting the right side all together. For example: If money raised by taxation is a part of an equation, it should appear thusly: TMR= ? The question left unanswered, is just how much money do the Congress, and the President plan on spending? That figure, when known, is inserted on the right side of the above equation, and Voila!, a balance is struck. Well, sort of. Truthfully speaking, the cart has been put before the horse. The government decides what it is going to spend, then tries to develop a taxation scheme to "pay" for it. Home budgeters do not have this luxury. They work with a finite set of dollars to spend, THEN make plans to accomodate the perceived needs. Why, there may even be times when spending itself is simply not an option for most homeowner families.

So, until the economists, and the government types understand that any equation contains TWO equal parts, there will continue to be the gasps of "I'm surprised!", and "This was certainly unexpected!" Bear in mind that the entrepeneur, in addition to pursuing his dream, must also keep a wary eye on things done governmentally, and his ears to the ground, listening for the encouraging sounds of propulsion for his ideas. Smart cookies, these American entrepeneurs. Hmmm...the idea of a political entrepeneur is beginning to sound just a little better to me.

For a better idea of basic economics, go to: A word of caution, you won't find the answer to your question there either. Might be worth a Google prize though.

Now, back to the educational chores, and to my newest best friend in the whole wide world.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Entrepeneurship And Risk

So, what's it going to be? Do we talk of the political entrepeneur, or of the social entrepeneur, of the businessman turned political entrepeneur? Not at all. There is only the individual who has discovered a certain truth, and is willing to risk all to bring his idea to fruition in the marketplace. All other entrepeneurial categories are mere calculations designed to bring something to the individual, rather than to society, generally speaking The true entrepeneur is one who has virtual belief in his idea, and doggedly pursues his goals for himself, and for society. It is the free market that provides him with the tools to further his goals, and not some government agency's largesse with taxpayers money. Of course, financing the implementation is always of the highest necessity, however, it is belief in the idea that fosters the notion that good things will come his way. Society, and the consuming public can not help but see the worthiness of the individuals idea. They will see what I also see, and they will come, he believes with firmity.

The closest analog to understanding how government involves itself in an entrepeneur's affairs, is the following example: Earlier this year, Senator John McCain proposed a 3 million dollar "reward" for anyone coming up with a battery that would power the nation's automobiles. At first glance, the incentive seems to be an excellent idea. Upon closer examination though, does this incentive match itself with a prevailing need? A need not currently being met by the business community as a matter of normal business course? First, one must accept the argument that the need exists outside the political desire to be an agent of change. The premises are always getting in the way of purer, and better understanding, it seems. Believe me, if the need were actually there, then someone, or something, i.e. established business, would already have begun work on the idea. The reason? Simple, business employs forecasters of it's own who are paid for their unique ability to take into account every market dynamic, inccluding the availability of raw materials to continue business as usual. Therefore, put the battery idea on hold for a bit, and let's drill for available oil resources to keep our economy going

When business, lead footed, and tied to the traditional manner, avoids the responsibility to think in clearer terms, and bring beeded innovation to it's approach, then the entrepeneur steps in, the one with the clarity of thought, and the knowledge that new methods will not only bring that needed change, but do it in a way that changes the traditional business approach also. All this is born of a keen knowledge of the free market, and a determination to show newer approaches to those tied to the aforementioned business traditions. These are the people who will let us know when the battery idea is a good thing to chase after.

Perhaps the best example of this is the computer revolution. When the "PC", threatened to supplant "Big Blue", as IBM was known back then, how indeed could a bunch of long haired youngsters overturn this business behemoth? Well, they not only did exactly that, they revolutioned the manner in which the world today, now conducts business with itself. This example alone, underscores the value of the entrepeneur to his society, and to the world's citizens.

Hail to the entrepeneur! This exalted hero; this individual equipped with but a dream, and steadfastness of purpose. These people who work for the most part alone, enduring trying times of uncertainty, and times of momentary failure. Without them, America would certainly not be the exceptional nation it is. Without them, we would be but ordinary in the eyes of the rest of the world. This country needs a National Entrepeneurs Day to celebrate. I propose it here, and now.

Now, back to those budding young entrepeneurs who will show us the way out of our dilemmas. The assumption still exists that they will have a future within which to lead by example...

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Economics And The Entrepeneur

Over the years, much has been said, and written about the good old American entrepeneur. Phrases such as , "can do", and "made in a garage", have been put on the broad shoulders of men and women with the names: Ford, Jobs, Buffet, Gates, Allen, and Winfrey. Such success, startlingly so, has always held that you too, can add your name to this august list. You may do this by allowing your creativity, steadfastness of purpose, and determination to guide you on your way to the top. Most of us though, are acutely aware of limitations, especially our own, which eventually control our destiny. We may have to settle for just being on the low end of the millionaires list. For most, it is absolutely nothing more than, "chasing the dream". Nothing wrong with that, it is what gives us the drive to awaken early, and plunge into a work day fully charged; prepared for the kind of success we instinctively know is but a few moments away.

In time, after a failure or two, or even after modest returns on our investment of self, something occurs to us. Direction may have to be changed, even the dream itself. Those who truly benefit, are the ones whose minds are susceptible to these directional needs, and those who are willing to admit they have made simple mistakes. Malleability is the key ingredient in the makeup of a man or woman who wants to grasp the brass ring of accomplishment, and hold tightly to it. Sure, not everyone will arrive at the doorway to riches, but just the trip there has rewards of it's own for them. It is what has been learned that is the best barometer of personal success. The application of wisdom derived from these lifes lessons is a form of guarantee that prepares one for the next hurdle to cross. I have learned, and I shall continue my trek into the wilderness. I shall find comfort in knowing what it is that works, and just as importantly, what doesn't work.

The American entrepeneur is a person doggedly in pursuit of self defined goals for himself. The word "quit" is of little matter, or consequence to him or her, however, it may be the greatest stimulator when someone else advises you to "hang it up", or "quit". Certain words are not members of the entrepeneurs lexicon, and can not be tolerated. The path is never easy, nor well traveled, but this is not on the mind of a driven person. They search the sky for clues as to where to travel next, make a decision, and go for it!

Were it only that simple,--success that is. Aside from mechanical obstacles, and the lack of cooperation of formulaic designs, there is yet the greatest hurdle to overcome. Government interference in the affairs of these people. I shall elaborate on some of the more important aspects in the next post.

Meanwhile, a joyous return to those who may yet have answers for the most vexing problems facing us all...the children, of course.

Friday, August 01, 2008

A Study In Contrast

For the sake of discussion, let us assume that Senator John McCain decides to go to the ANWR for a visit. Previously, the Senator has said he is opposed to drilling for oil in the approved one tenth of one percent of the total acreage which constitutes the Refuge. His claim is that the area is "pristine" and should be left alone. As his campaign moves along, sputtering, and at times, devoid of direction, it is clear he needs to contrast himself with Senator Obama much more vividly. What better way to do this than to announce that he is going on a fact finding mission to the ANWR. Never having visited the area, that would make extraordinary good sense, one might believe. He might, upon completion of his trip, announce to the general public that he has decided to support drilling for oil there. This, he bases on his discussions with oil company executives who also support the idea because the promise of success is real to them. With the North Slope daily average of oil delivered down to approximately 750,000 barrels per day, this region of America has much to offer to the American public. The question is: will he do it?

Today, House Republicans defied Speaker Pelosi's desist commands, and remained in Congress while many others went home on August vacation. At this minute, they are still there, speaking individually, encouraging the President to call Congress back for a special session to deal with a true, and comprehensive energy policy for the American people. Senator McCain has an opportunity here to demonstrate his leadership qualities, by supporting the Republican House members with his presence.

With the House Speaker having recently proclaimed that she wants to "save the planet", and with Senator Obama announcing that he wants to change "the world", all that Senator McCain has to do is proclaim that he wants simply to rescue "ordinary Americans" from the specter of higher, and higher, fuel and food prices. It is really that simple, isn't it? But, will he do it?

Something is terribly awry in our country, and it is difficult to put your finger on just what it is, exactly. Evidence points to something so nebulous, yet, so exact in it's implications for us all. In previous posts, I have talked of creeping socialism, and even Marxism as being root causes. Still, it is a horrible exercise to think that we are under attack from enemies within our own country. One, however, may not exclude certain possibilities. One must study ALL possibilities, and sift through them searching for the elusive truth. Just today, for example, Senator Salazar from Colorado objected to Senator McConnells escalating benchmark prices for a gallon of gasoline to trigger the implementation of an ammendment allowing off shore drilling to begin. Incrementally, at trigger prices ranging from $4.50 cents, to $10.00 a gallon, Senator Salazar continued to object, thus killing the ammendment on the Senate floor. Why this steadfast objection to solving our country's energy woes? As I say, nothing must be exempted from being a possible explanation for such stupidity, or worse, an alternate agenda.

In subsequent posts, I shall explore all facets of this dilemma, and strive to come up with answers. Let the chips fall where they may!

Now, back to what I do best...educating the children.