Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Awareness and flashbacks.

May 3, 2006

There is a simple formula for success that at times eludes even the most keenly observant among us. Today, as many of us anguish at the rather pathetic solutions being offered by our elected Congressional representatives, we may wonder, What can I do to be better heard by those same representatives?

I am intrigued by the simple notion that it is they who toil for us, and not the other way around. Perhaps it is time for those of us who hold to Conservative principles to tell Democrats and Republicans alike that not only will we not allow ourselves to be taken for granted any more. Additionally, the moment we sense the liberating power inherent in such an approach, the stronger we become. This can and should be contagious. In subsequent posts, I shall detail the grievances Conservatives share. You may remember the late eighties, and the pains of rejection President Reagan suffered at the hands of Conservative leaders who distanced themselves from the President over Iran-Contra, and other lesser matters.

Are you sensing a growing awareness yet?

Real power is in our collective hands. Whatever the final number may be,it can only solidify our resolve to make certain we are heard clearly. I personally believe that Congress has shown us who they really are, and their timidness when confronted with issues that beg for easy resolution. Unfortunately, unless we demonstrate the courage so lacking in our representatives, it is only we who will suffer. That brings me to another realization tapping me on my shoulder.

Think a third viable political party. A Conservative Party beholden only to it's ideals, and a sense of meaningful purpose. Think of the strength possessed, and while at it, think of politicians eager for the support of such a third party. I am not so much interested in a strong leadership, rather only the understanding by those who curry our favor, that such favor comes with an expensive price tag. We know who we are, we live our lives fully in accord with our guiding principles. Let us similarly look for those best suited to carry the banner of Conservatism forward.

Are there among us those who share the desire to call a halt to runaway pandering? Are there among us those who yearn for the quiet, yet efficient leadership of a Ronald Reagan? I think so, and hope to find many who are in agreement with these few tenets of our Conservative heritage.

Conservatives unite!

Stephen B. Atkinson
Mantua, NJ

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