Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Operation Chaos A Rousing Success

And now, it is Rush Limbaugh who is in for the ride of his life. Along with his fellow Conservative commentators, he, and they, will eventually feel the wrath of Democrat politicians upset with their manipulations in primary election voting. This is not to say that what they have done is a bad thing. Indeed, it has been useful in exposing the dangerous proclivities of one Barrack Obama. In spite of enhancing the prospects of Senator Clinton, we have all been treated to an exposure of the aims, and goals of those two candidates. Now, wait for the calls to implement the,"Fairness Doctrine", once more. This too, will be well defended against, for a public that is well informed, is a public that will not tolerate abuse of certain freedoms.

A corner has been turned, and once again we welcome Spring into our midst. Colors abound. Renewed life is evident all about us, and the lure of balmier days beckons to one and to all. The children continue with their growth, and with their understanding. Those who wish to corrupt their increasing knowledge, do so with impunity no longer. These Socialist, country destroying prophets of doom, no longer enjoy a monopoly on the truth, for their truth was, and has always been, based on hideous destructiveness.

Our America, the real America, shall survive their attempts to destroy it through political manipulation, and self-serving means. The children will know better, for this is what they are being taught. Not in our schools do they learn this, but in the comfort of their homes, with the elders leading the way to a more prosperous enlightenment.

And now, back to the education of those who will save us...

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