Friday, September 26, 2008

Keep Your Eyes On The Bouncing Ball!

It really doesn't matter, does it? I mean, who won the presidential debate tonight? Here we are barely three hours removed from discussion regarding the financial market crisis, and everyone is concerned as to who, exactly, won the debate. Was it John McCain, or was it Barack Obama?

Do not be deceived by the mere passage of time, nor the lack of continuing discussion on this more important issue before us. Did you, as I did today, call any of your Congressional representatives in Washington, or for that matter, President Bush, to express your concerns for their proposed plan to save the markets? In speaking with a representative from Congressman Mike Pence's office, I brought up the matter of inquiry, and investigation into the fundamental reasons underlying the market crisis. "Will there be such a call for accountability?", I asked. The young man said he was not aware of any plans, but the question was an excellent one. Clearly, Congress, and the President, want to put the matter firmly behind them, and move on to the next most pressing issue. I say we should keep the pressure on our representatives, and the President himself. After all, would your father have given you a sum of money, an extremely large sum of money, just because you had asked for it? No, he would not. Among other questions he would ask you, would be what exactly did you need it for, and would you please account for any mistakes you might have made getting yourself into such a grand mess. That we would owe to the man we hoped would bail us out of our difficulty.

The people of America deserve, no, the people of America have a fundamental right, to an explanation of how this country got itself into these dire straits. It seems there is culpability a'plenty to go around, and we demand answers before our "servants" in Washington sweep that culpability under congressional rugs. How important is this? Well, we all know the old saw about history repeating itself, don't we? Take the brooms and vacuum cleaners away, and let us see the unvarnished truth emerge. As I said last evening, there may not be enough room on post office walls for all the pictures of those with direct complicity in all this.

Please, do not take this lightly, for the information we seek will not be voluntarily forthcoming. Call your Representative at 202-224-3121, The Capital Office, and the President, at 202-456-1111. Register your concerns, and your demands for full, and complete accountability. Remember, your acting expeditiously will have lasting meaning for your children, and for your grand children. We, if Congress does not, owe this much to those who are in our care. There is nothing more important in any of our lives at this time. Stand up, and be accountable to all who love, and depend on you.

Now, back to those who sleep blissfully, unaware of the surprises in store for them, should we default in our role of being responsible citizens, and parents.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

What Happened?

What a risk one takes by simply taking a few weeks off!

The financial house of cards has fallen. All that remains is to put the rotting carcass in a hole far from the sensitive noses of the public, and cover it with the worthless remnants of the politically correct mortgages that had no chance of being repaid. Ever!

Whatever the cost to those burdened with their own mortgages to repay, this unanticipated new cost has the potential to be a real back breaker. Fear not however, our US Congress is hard at work fashioning a remedy sure to please everyone. Well, almost everyone that is. Isn't it funny how merely watching the unfolding drama can make you race for the bottle of Tums? Wait a minute though, for there is a sinister component to all this. We are assured by Democrat spokesmen that there is after all, a way out. Just give them more control over the US economy, and over you as well. The party pinata has been broken, and what lies on the floor are the broken promises, and the dashed hopes of responsible Americans. Americans who played by the accepted rules of personal responsibility. Gone is the veil of political correctness, long used as a lever to extract more, and more concessions from a public convinced of it's own culpability by those who have profited in unholy ways from this mess of their own creation.

Let's call a spade a spade here. A pig rolling merrily in the slop of it's home will raise a stink no matter how much perfume, or lipstick is applied. Democrats bear the responsibility for this collapse, and have since the Carter years in the White House. The names, and photos of Clinton, Raines, Johnson, Gorelick, Frank, and Dodd should be on display in every US Post Office in America. Don't forget Schummer, and Rangel either, but are we running out of post office wall space here? Never before has there been such an open view into the workings, and machinations of greedy politicians whose sworn oaths to the Constitution, and to the American people, mattered so little by the few, to the many.

Billions have been lost in the financial markets, and tens of millions of that total are safely placed in the bank accounts of managers who violated their public trust positions. Of course, these latter millions were taken before the "crash" of the markets, therefore, ineligible to be accounted for by Democrat rules for corruption. To Democrats, corruption is as the oxygen bottle to someone with emphysema; an inhaler to an asthmatic patient. It is a means of sustaining ill gotten wealth, and power. Have you ever noticed how seemingly penniless people go to Washington to represent(?) us, and suddenly they are filing income statements reflecting piles of money far beyond their meager salaries? In a word, it is the individual who corrupts the system, and not the other way around. No accountability, and of course, no investigation of the underlying reasons, and individuals, who are to blame for the mess we now find ourselves in. To demand such accountability, and investigations would be downright unAmerican, or so we are told.

For those of you still enamored of Barack Obama, and the Democrat Party, especially those of you with children and grand children, answer this question : Can you look those children you love directly in the eyes and not sense a feeling of having failed their best interests with your voting record? Go ahead, do it now. I just did, and it makes one want to cry. I'll do my best to resecure the guarantees of nothing more than an opportunity for them to chase. That is the promise of America, and my promise to them.

Now, back to those whose struggles are just beginning...the children, God Bless Them All!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Morning Is Broken...

...So went the song by Cat Stevens. If only Homeland security could exercise the same authority over Hurricane Ike, as it did four years ago over Cat Stevens airline flight into the US. He was denied entry because his name was on a federal "watch" list. What? Cat Stevens on a federal watch list? Not exactly. When a man changes his name to Yusuf Islam, as Stevens did, don't you think he might just arouse a little bit of suspicion? Certainly. Now, if only we could get Ike to change it's name to something a bit more insidious, Homeland Security might be able to deny access to the US mainland in the morning.

In a short six to seven hours, Galveston, Texas, may not exist, we are warned by the weather Service. The city of Houston also lies in the path of Ike, and in a while, a lot of Texas may indeed be "Broken in the morning". Lost, momentarily, in the rush to calamity, is the effect this storm may have upon the oil supplies to much of America. Approximately one fourth of this nation's refinery capacity lies in the path of Ike. Once again, the shortsightedness of our nations Congressional representatives looms as a direct threat to our ability to adequately, and efficiently, deliver our economy's life blood. As it is, our economy is already on life support, guaranteed by a Congress reluctant to buck "Big Enviro", and their unhealthy plans for America.

Were we able to have built new refineries within the past thirty plus years, such facilities may have been located in less hurricane threatened areas of our country, but no, we can't have that, can we? So, in effect, what we have now facing us is a disaster plan developed by our government, and ready for implementation. The plan is disaster itself, promised, and ably forecast by those charged with protecting our country. All that is left, is to once again blame "Big Oil" for somehow not planning adequately for the future safety of their facilities, nor being ready in the midst of one hundred mile an hour winds, to keep the pipelines open, and delivering their product to market. Is there a phrase that approximates, "laughable sadness"?

Jeremiah Wright would probably say right now that, "America's chickens are coming home to roost!" Truth be told, America's "chickens" have never left the Congressional coop in Washington, D.C. Somehow though, the mess they are responsible for creating has, itself, indeed come home to roost. The mess is an economy crippled for lack of decisive action by those charged with the responsibility to protect that economy. The mess is what we find ourselves mired in on a daily basis as we go to work, and return to a home that might not be there waiting for us. The mess we find ourselves in, is a mess for which we share at least some of the responsibility. The mess we are in, is one we most definitely can repair, if only we dare to not return those charged with our protection, back to their "roost" in Washington.

Cock-a-doodle-dooo! Morning has come, and morning is very much broken.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Seven Years Later

Tonight, I found myself glued to the television set once again. It was little different than that fateful morning of September 11, 2001. This time however, the History Channel provided the real time images of jetliners crashing into the World Trade center buildings, one after the other. The scenes were all too real, and I was transfixed as the destruction unfolded before my eyes. The visceral reactions were exactly as they were on that day. Tonight though, there was something more, something which only amplified the feelings of the moment: seven years of subsequent history.

People fleeing the carnage, ran toward the many cameras recording the event. First responders, police, and firemen, were all running in the opposite direction, toward the unfolding conflagration. Screams, shouting, moans of disbelief, each in turn served to describe what was to become the single worst attack on mainland America, ever. In America's worst disaster inflicted by unseen enemies, the very finest of American ideals came to the fore. Servants charged with preserving the public safety, did just that. Given the hellish circumstances, one can only look with pride upon these individuals, and their commitment to others unknown to them.

I recall feelings of awestruck wonder, and shortly thereafter, a rage building within me as we were told that Islamic extremists had carried out this attack at the heart of America's might, our financial center in New York City. In passing days, more details emerged, and the picture became clearer. President Bush acted with determination, and with resolve. There was an enemy to be defeated, an enemy to be punished for the murder of almost three thousand of our neighbors. The passing years have been testimony to that determination, and to that resolve.

It was said by supporters of former president Bill Clinton, that if only this had happened on his watch, a legacy might have been born. Not long after, it was Senator Jay Rockefeller who drafted a memo detailiing that there was political "cash"to be gleaned by attacking President Bush on his handling of the war against terrorism. Through the ensuing years, Democrats have held tenaciously to that disgustingly unpatriotic tenet, and today, they have effectively painted themselves into a corner of no return. Their congressional displays of arguing for the rights of terrorists, and their false condemnation of procedures that would safeguard the lives of ordinary Americans has been despicable, and deplorable.

Todd Beamer's call of,"Let's roll!"became a rallying cry for decent, and patriotic citizens everywhere. After democrat Caucus meetings, "Let's Roll!" took on a different meaning altogether. From Senator Harry Reid's assertive pronouncement that "the war is lost.", to the calls to "bring home the troops!", to the idiotic statements by Representative John Murtha, claiming that American service people were killing innocent civilians, none of these reflect a supportive cast of politicians for the aims of a wounded America to simply defend herself.

Somewhere in this curious mix, there are a handful of so-called Republicans. They too, deserve the enmity they have earned. If absolute power is that important, then let's hope they never gain that power; only our undying opposition to their aims, and selfish goals.

Yes, 9-11, 2008 has been a day of sober reflection. It brings into sharper focus, the importance of this year's presidential election. Do we want a man who is prepared to lead the world stage, or a man who is content to lead America only, on a smaller, but more important stage. The choice is not that complex, in fact, it is relatively simple, wouldn't you say?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

Let's not forget the efforts of the "no drill" Democrats to deny Americans, and American businesses the fruits of honest labor. The minority Republican House members have spent their summer vacation on the floor of a darkened, and silent House Chamber. This was done to emphasize the need for the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, to reconvene Congress that it might get on with the development of a comprehensive energy plan for all Americans. This has not been done, and the reasons beg for some kind of explanation.

Colonel Edwin L. Drake's first oil well, dug to a depth of 70 feet, or so, in Oil Creek, Titusville, Pennsylvania, is accepted as the first commercial oil well ever built in the United states. The product, known as "rock oil", sold for about 40 dollars a barrel, and was used for medicinal purposes, there of course being no automobiles in August, of 1859. Colonel Drake's discovery was replicated around the world, but it was the United States which perfected the refining techniques, and gave as a gift to the world, this new product which ushered in a new age of commercial development. With it all, national economies grew significantly. The world was moving ahead, and societies changed radically. Fortunes were made, and were lost too, but still, there was no turning back the clock on the powers unleashed. A review of this period in history offers a look at unprecedented growth, and a substantial rise in standards of living for average people. This continued well into the second half of the twentieth century, then, something changed.

Congress has impeded the search for oil since 1980, when it imposed a moratorium on drilling off the coast lines of America. The first President Bush made it two out of the three branches of government to ban drilling, with his executive order issued in 1990. Since then, a crisis began to brew in an unwatched pot of congressional stew. Today, the pot is boiling over, and yet, the Democrat Congress is unrelenting in it's opposition to allowing America to seek out meaningful ways to achieve energy independence. An unwitting byproduct of this obstinacy, is the falling value of the US dollar, and much higher prices for the gas, and oil products Americans need just to maintain a suitable standard of living for themselves. The American dream has become the American nightmare for many, and there is plenty of blame to go around.

Why do Democrats want to destroy the American dream? What reasons are there for such an arrogance associated with simply supplying ourselves with the needed life blood of our economy?

On Monday, September 15, 2008, the Minerals Management Service will decide what the five year plan for size, timing, and location of federal areas for off coast drilling, will be. These considerations for leasing are of the greatest importance. We must support them, and can do so by visiting the Partnership For Energy This is very important, and we must stand with those who share our concerns for the future of America.

Now, back to the children, they are learning quickly what it means to be here in the land of the brave, and the home of the free.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Sarah And The Math Teacher

Let's see, in the short space of one week, the math world has been turned upside down. If I remember my algebra correctly, unbalance one side of an equation, and it is no longer an equation. However, the Democrats are intent upon preserving this "political equation", therefore, as they continue to load their "left" side with false allegations, and smears of Sarah Palin, well, then the "right" side must also be grown with something of equal import. That "something" as it turns out, is increasing poll numbers for McCain-Palin. Of course, there is no numerical equivalence between trash talking, and playing it straight. The Democrats are learning that sorry lesson with each passing day. Why? Because, as Laura Ingram has said, "Hurricane Sarah has made landfall, and she is a category 6! The famous Saffir-Simpson scale, developed in the 1970's will itself, have to be upgraded to include this remarkable lady's power. Think of a category 5 storm, with it's winds in excess of 156 miles per hour. The raw power of a category 6 storm, (Sarah) is about to unleash it's fury on an unexpecting, and unprepared Washington D.C. area. Fortunately, storms of this magnitude are local in nature, but their effects are felt country- wide. Don't you wonder if Al Gore, and the Doomsday Left, will attribute this to global warming?

Typically, hurricanes are robbed of their strength when having made landfall. What is unique about this coming storm however, is that it will gain strength when positioned over washington D.C. What Al Gore's forecasters will fail to take into account, is the upward draft of hot air above the Capital building. This will not only strengthen this storm, it will intensify it in an ungodly fashion. Or is that Godly? Call it "The Washingtonian Effect" if you must, but give full attribution to Sarah, please.

In recent weeks, I have mused as to why I have been drawn to the Weather Channel. Now, I know with certainty. Their format is perfect for viewing, and they even have weather specials, and weather history videos. Above all, they now have Sarah, and so do we. Can anyone tell me where to purchase an age appropriate weather station for my grandson? Don't worry, I'll make the necessary modifications to allow measurement of the new Category 6 hurricanes. This, I can do safely from my home some 175 miles from Washington D.C.

Batten the hatches! Head for the storm cellars, or climb into your bathtub. Sarah is on the way; her projected path leads directly to you know where.

P.S. Don't worry, the math and weather books can be rewritten by the soon to be out of work history revisionists. We will submit the draft, and we shall approve the final product.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Revisiting The Past.

A while back, I commented on the point that there may be two Americas. The passage of time has not diminished the possibility at all. In fact, a case can be made that the two Americas paradigm has existed for decades now. Proof of this abounds in the political discourse disguised as nothing more than one side fighting the other on internet sites. The sheer bombast, and vitriol evident in these discussions takes it's toll on all parties. For the very most part, I believe the Daily Kos exemplifies what I am saying here. In avoiding the tendency to establish moral equivalence, as is the wont of a virtuous politician, I conclude it is precisely the Left in America which bears responsibility for this unbounded change in voice. One has only to read the postings on Liberal blogs replete throughout the internet to arrive at the same conclusion.

It is not a matter of people possessing changed values, it is a matter of the ease with which a person gains his ephemoral fame. Heretofore, people were in effect, disenfranchised. Their voices were difficult to hear, because there was no suitable forum within which to announce their views, assuming they had responsible views. No, today, we are witness to a phenomenon of our own creation. Much like the chaos associated with Doctor Gregory House's operating room, raucous voices shout their opinions out, each trying to outdo the other. Lost in this operating room scenario, is the patient himself. The patient? America.

But! There is another facet in this gleaming jewel of discord. The politicians. They, being the elitists they are, take full advantage of these angry conveyors of messages. From them, they accept quite readily, all the money given to promote causes harmful to America. Think of any "ism" at all, and you will find a group with a very self centered purpose that serves their aims well, but not necessarily the aims of a free society, notably, America's aims. We may shrug our shoulders, and say we can't fight all these people, all these groups. Yet, we can do much to prevent the steady erosion of core values, and core principles. Individually, we may indeed be small in number, but certainly, not small in stature, nor influence. It takes, fortunately, just one person, a person with conviction of thought, and a sense of righteous purpose to be the " stick in the spokes " of enemies of America; enemies of American ideals.

Sadly, this means that we must accept this division of our peoples as being firmly entrenched. So be it! I suppose it is analogous to the difference between old fashioned boxing, and today's enhanced version combining martial arts,and boxing. This, of course, reflects the change in public appetite where we demand substantially more action, and more mayhem. If life teaches us anything at all, it is that we always get what we ask for. Is this truly what we are asking for?

In an Arctic setting, the two sides would likely be more concerned with simple survival. Chances are they would work seamlessly toward that life saving goal. How true it is that when we are environmentally comfortable, our senses of purpose suffer. Just as a fisherman who has caught his limit for the day, our minds turn to other things that will sate our appetites. In the case of politics, too many of us are a bit too comfortable, a bit too oblivious to the harm we do to others, and to our country.

Hopefully, the day will come when we are better able to understand the life saving nature of identifying valid common goals, much as in the Arctic setting previously discussed. First, however, is the necessity to point fingers squarely at the objects of social, and political, disdain. Second, is the obligation one must assume to point the way forward to reasonable success. Third, is the firmness of personal commitment which always precedes success in any given endeavor. The recipe is simple, so too, is the implementation of procedural willingness.

I have received my storm updates from the youngest grandson, and he has received my updates for his next life lesson. The tasks never end, they only become more complex, and more fulfilling.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Let The Battle Begin.

In 1848, Karl Marx, the father of Communism, wrote the Communist manifesto. In it, he argued that capitalism would produce internal tensions that would ultimately destroy it. To that end, began the endless forays into creating classless societies. Virtually all countries in the world were involved in Marxist philosophy to at least some extent. Most notably, the rise of Communism in the Soviet Union was in fact, the enduring legacy of this man who was more socialist, than a true philosopher. Today, his ideas live on, and are embraced by politicians of the Left.

There are few who would deny social justice for all,. and fewer yet, who would advocate anything but equality, and freedom for all in America. Many will protest that this is not true; that there are certain class distinctions preventing a common path to individual success. That today, there are people of the political class who are enamored of Marxist ideas, is not as unthinkable as one might think. Then, as apparently now, these movements took the form of labor organizational politics. Herein, the key word is organizational. To think these Marxist influences would ever be a part of American presidential campaign politics is utterly unthinkable, but , believe me, they are very much real.

For example, Barack Obama has promised us that, "...I won't just ask for your vote as a candidate, I will ask for your service, and your active citizenship when I am president of the United States. This will not be a call issued in one speech, or program; this will be a cause of my presidency."---Barack Obama. Sounds good, doesn't it? There can't be anything to fear in such thoughts, or dreams for all Americans, can there? If you think not, then put aside the sleeping pills, and wake up. This man has plans for you, and for your school age children, that send chills up the collective spines.

This man, after all, is an experienced community( here comes that word again) organizer. My children, nor my grandchildren will not, I stress, will not, become Obama's social lab rats. If they choose to volunteer their services in quality, long standing charitable organizations, then so be it. However, the key word here, choose, is one associated with freedom of choice, my choice, and not some government agency's choice. This idea is so foreign to American sensitivities; to American traditions. America has long been associated with charitable outpouring to others who are the victims of natural disasters. It has ever been a choice to do so, and Americans have always responded well, better than any other country in the world. Let's not CHANGE that American tradition.

Obama's plan for Universal Voluntary Public Service must be defeated. The best, and the only way to do this, is to defeat the man himself in his quest to be our next president. If you do not mind your child being subjected to indoctrination techniques that have their founding interest in pure Marxist beliefs, then be advised. I do! I do not want your child, as an agitator for social change, attempting to indoctrinate my children regarding any of the socialist agenda put forth by Barack Obama, or his supporting class.

The warning is clear, and compelling. The time is now. This is our moment, and this is still America.

And now, back to the education tasks ahead, they are gaining more, and more importance it seems, with each passing day.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

OK John, I give up,,,

The conventions are now relegated to history, and we pause for some reflection on the last two weeks. In truth, the contrasts between the Democrat and Republican parties are more stark than imagined. The Democrats tried hard, they really did, but in comparing the individuals representing both parties, the Republicans came out ahead. For sheer personal American accomplishment, there is no comparison at all. The Republicans share much in the American values held dearest by all, and it was quantified in the telling of the tales of the two candidates. One is left to wonder why the Democrats could not ante up the stakes, and be more competitive in this race to the highest offices in the land. As compelling a speech as was John McCain's, there are still some questions not fully answered. Immigration reform, global warming, and less reliance on foreign oil are chief among these concerns. Bask in the glow Mr. McCain,you have earned the nomination, and the hearts of many a person who may have had doubts about your ability to carry the day.

McCain's speech was a bit odd, in that as a nominee of the Republican party, he scolded both Democrat, and Republican congressional types for their wasteful spending ways. This tactic merely affirmed his status as a "maverick". It would be unwise to assume that "Conservative chickens" have come home to roost as a result of Sarah Palin's speech last evening. Mr. McCain hopefully, understands this, and will be more mindful of the fragile nature of such support as he campaigns his way to Washington in November.

Listening to the speech, I was carefully parsing his words, and liking much of what I was hearing. Then, toward the end of the speech, a hush gathered over the hall as Mr. McCain slowly, and deliberately, recounted the story of his life as a prisoner of war. Clearly, this was his shining moment. He stressed that yes, he was fearful, but felt the need to show fellow prisoners that he could take the punishment administered by his Vietnamese captors. He confessed that the enemy had "broken' him, and that it was a fellow prisoner who resuscitated his belief in himself, and in his county. Was this a calculated move? I do not think so, for sincerity cloaked the image of this man standing alone on the grandest of stages. It was a moment befitting of someone exiting a Catholic confessional booth. He told us of his finding meaningful love for the country that did not abandon him, and that he would not ever abandon America, so long as he was drawing a breath of life sustaining air. A moment of contrition wears well on an honest man.

His most meaningful words to me, were his stating that Americans do not turn from history, but make history. So, in a nut shell, this man made his points well, and has earned my support. As much as I feared this man, I now fear him less. Yes, I give in to you, John McCain. I will back you all the way to the White House. The next day though, I shall be watching for signs of your firm commitment to the Conservative cause. God Bless you, and Sarah Palin!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

A Star Is Born.

Sarah Palin's meteoric ascendancy to the national stage ended in Minnesota on Wednesday evening. The only thing missing, was the tortured response of some typical, would be beauty queen in a national competition, to a silly question posed. Poise was the defining word to describe her speech while accepting the Republican nomination for vice president, and she did it wearing a skirt. The talking heads were all quick to tell us that her speech was written for her, although she delivered it well. I can't seem to remember those same heads saying the same thing about a man's speech. I wonder why? Is attribution simply a man's thing?

The truth is that this woman seriously frightens Liberals. Let's just say she DELIVERS well. In contrasting her speech, and senator Biden's similar speech in the prior week, it is easy to see why Republicans fare so well in their appeal to average Americans. In a Republican speech, you will hear references made to the greatness of America. You will hear God's name spoken in proper context. You will hear honest concerns for the welfare of the people, and not admonitions coming before the taxation storms hit. Conversation will be perceived as honest, and devoid of hyperbole. Most importantly, you will sense the respect for America as being the one last, best hope for mankind. We didn't hear any of this last week, but that wasn't surprising at all.

In Sarah Palin, we get America's future, and not it's past. We get a directness of style that is very becoming. Most of all, we get the feel that with people such as her in national office, America's future is bright. Her words are uplifting, and illuminating, offering promise for our children's tomorrows. On the other side we get: "Just words, just speeches." However, words do mean things, very important things to very many people.

The ironies continue on. God, in his covenant with Abraham, included Sarai, his wife who God renamed as Sarah. Sarah, God promised would be the mother of nations, and that kings would come in homage to them. Tonight, Sarah Palin took the torch of peace, and held it high above herself, her family, and above an appreciative American audience. In Sarah, you know she will not be bashful about the modern kings, and princes of darkness, who wish America harm. They will be confronted sternly, and with firm resolve. This she will do at the side of John McCain. This is her way, and the way of all Americans who love their country.

So, tonight the future seems brighter for the children, and the grandchildren. Tomorrow, school begins again, and so too, does the Liberal indoctrination attempts. Ask yourself, are your children safe tonight? Will they be as safe tomorrow night? Get involved, you are the primary education tool your child respects most, and listens to first. McCain got the"big stick" Teddy Roosevelt was speaking of 107 years ago, and the sticks name is Sarah.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

A Corner Turned?

Slowly, almost mystically, a feeling emerges in the conscious mind. As the Democrats pounce on the daughter of Sarah and Ed Palin, we are witness to the strength of the Palin family. It is eerie how much one is reminded of the story of Theodore Roosevelt, a famous Republican president at the turn of the last century. Roosevelt, you may recall, was the man forced upon William McKinley as a running mate in the election of 1900. Roosevelt proved to be a wise choice, for his strength as a campaigner was evident from day one. The Republicans won in a landslide, running on prosperity restored to America, and a very successful war with Spain. Sound familiar?

Fast forward to September, 2008. Candidate John McCain, in a surprise move selects a woman, Sarah Palin, to be his vice presidential running mate. Some have said that the Conservatives forced her upon McCain, much like Roosevelt was forced upon McKinley. The two, Roosevelt, and Palin, share the same love of the outdoors, the same no nonsense approach to governance, and both surely share the same tenacious approach to solving problems. The first, a man, the second, a woman. I'm not asking for Mount Rushmore considerations here, but, in America anything is definitely possible. In America, the improbable has a habit of becoming the very possible.

Let the hordes of MSM messengers have their way. It will backfire on them in the end. As we like to say here in New Jersey, "Teddy and Sarah, Puhfect together!" Ironically, it was on september 2, 1901, that Teddy Roosevelt, speaking at the Minnesota State Fair, offered that famous advice: "Speak softly, and carry a big stick, and you will go far." Well. McCain now has his big stick. Sarah Palin! Oh, and by the way, they are in Minnesota, aren't they? Cooincidence or fate?

Meanwhile, there are those on the Left who say America is weak, and in a state of disrespect around the world. They say America is a downright mean country. They also say that America needs "change", and "hope". They say the American military wantonly kills defenseless women and children on foreign fields of battle. They fret over the "rights" of enemy combatants, and utilize the courtrooms of America to advance their twisted view of " world citizenship."

This is all said about an America we love. An America that has lead the world in it's agonizing march toward peace, and democracy. They say they want to lead our America, and I say there is a country in this world fit for their leadership visions. I do not know where that country is, but I do know that it is not the United States of our America!

The children await, they learn well, and a new school year is upon us...

Monday, September 01, 2008

It Won't Be Long Now

Sarah Palin's 17 year old daughter is pregnant, and the left are swirling about the political pool like starved piranas. Before the Daily COS, and others like them take a first bite, let's take a closer look at things: 1. The daughter is not going to abort the life of this child to be. 2. She is going to marry the boy friend, and create a loving family for the child, and for themselves. 3. None of this will be sufficient for the party of abortion on demand, and they will continue to nibble until they think they have destroyed the daughter, the father, the child, and of course, Sarah Palin herself. What fools!

Obama himself won't touch this issue with a ten foot pole. He will simply let his surrogates do all the dirty work. He will not charge them with orders to do so, but believe this: he will not make an attempt to stop them either. They, with their shorter poles, and lesser minds, will go on the attack immediately. And you thought this was going to be a clean campaign? Thank God an innocent child will be born to see the light of an imperfect day! Thank God this young woman has been raised by parents who believe in the sanctity of human life. Can you imagine what is being said in the chambers of Planned Parenthood this minute?

So, yes, a mistake was made, but see how a proper decision has also been made? Actually, this may all be a blessing in disguise. The subject is one that needs a hearing in the public forums across America, and this might just jump start such a discussion. Once again, the secular nature of modern America is called into question, and along with it, Roe v. Wade. Americans at large are ready for this debate to begin, especially since Madam Speaker Pelosi provoked a fracas with the Catholic church. She did this, you remember, when telling Tom Brokaw that the church doctors(?) have for at least fifty years accepted that human life begins in the first trimester of pregnancy. She was sternly scolded by many Bishops across America who corrected her understanding by telling her that life begins at the moment of conception, and not a second later. Some Catholic she is, wouldn't you say?

If only we could focus on real significant issues, such as Obama's intent to repeal tax cuts, enact taxation on all Americans with his plan to increase capital gains taxes, new spending plans approaching one trillion dollars, and a definite weakening of the US Military. These are real issues of concern, and guess what? It doesn't make you a racist to oppose those plans, not at all. It just makes you a good American. Someone who believes in foundational principles of good governance, and the best we can offer to our children, and grandchildren, and to the America we all love