Friday, October 31, 2008

Something Missing here

Having caught parts of Senator Obama's infomercial before the World Series game, I was struck by how depressing, and insulting he whole thing was. In it, Obama portrays Americans, and I add ALL Americans, as pathetically helpless when faced with moments of despair in their lives. The somber, and macabre nature of this portrayal diminishes us all, and is not representative of the real America this man lives in. For someone who casts himself as "his brothers keeper", Obama has never found the time nor the grace to assist his own family during moments of crisis in their lives. From his half-brother George, living in a hut in Kenya, to his Aunt living in a Boston slum. Obama has mentioned them freely n his books, and in his public discourse. Yet, apparently he can not bring himself to help "lift their boats". All the while, he proclaims to be the one, the Messiah, who will come to the aid of every poverty stricken American who so desperately needs his compassion. What a bunch of unmitigated crap!

The true America, and the true American, are concepts unknown to Obama. One has but to listen to that Iraqi war veteran scolding Obama for belittling our Military personnel's sacrifices over the past five years. If the "little guy" gets it, then why can't Obama get it? Why? Because he is too busy denigrating the country big enough to grant him a stage, yet small enough to casually dismiss isolated shortcomings such as the parade of pitiful people allowing themselves to be used as extras in Obama's video telling us that America is more like the country of Jeremiah Wright's disdain, or of William Ayre's contempt. "America is not what it once was, or could be", he told that little seven year old school girl. How scornful may one man be?

Obama's greatest kill lies in his ability to inaccurately tell us what America is truly all about. He can't, because he doesn't himself know. He is nothing more than a very, very Liberal politician, selling a very Liberal vision for the America he wants to "change"! He won't, or can't, tell us what exactly it is he wants to change America from, or to. Of course, I do not believe he hates America, but there is something about the America he, and we, live in that is not to his liking.

Lies have become a hallmark of the Obama campaign. No need to go into detail here, we all know what they are. This man who can not generate an ounce of compassion for a newborn baby in critical need of a doctor's services, wants us to believe that he is nonetheless, a man of supreme compassion. This man who desires to lead America's military can not generate an ounce of respect for all those men and women put into harms way by he and his running mate, Joe Biden. This man who cherishes only our vote, and little more, must not willingly be enabled to implement his Socialist plans for what would then be a former Democracy, in the formerly greatest country on earth.

I believe I know now just what it is that frustrates me most, as I am sure it does many other Americans. Obama possesses not an iota of a sense of American history. The many instances of bravery, and sacrifice made by others completely escapes him. His view of America is a view of OTHER people who live in this country. He sat in the pews of Trinity Church for 20 years, and heard only the fulminations of his radical pastor Wright. He was mentored by William Ayres, and Saul Alinsky, went to the one million man march at the side of Louis Farrakhan. For all of his graduate work, he seemingly never was introduced to any American history programs that meant anything at all to him. The question is not why he wants to lead us, but rather, why would WE permit this man to sit at the helm of government in the first place. I shudder at the thought.

We listened, well, some did, in rapturous fascination as he threw stones at the feet of America while in Berlin, speaking to Euro-Fascists. How is it that Nicholas Sarkozy, of France, extolled the greatness of America, and it's willingness to sacrifice for the greater good of the whole world? And still, this man, Obama, has said nothing at all about the greatness of America, and of Americans in general. Could it be that he sees no greatness, past or present, merely a country needed to be "changed" for the most nebulous of reasons. Let us "hope" such a man, and his promise of unwarranted change will be denied this Tuesday coming. God Bless America! God save America!


Anonymous said...

Mr. Atkinson, Sir, what exactly are you going to do when Mr. Obama
wins this contest next Tuesday?

What are your personal goals and how do you plan to specifically
change his course of action.

WE, the people have a firm belief that he is the 2nd coming of Christ. So let it happen and be happy.

Anonymous said...

My husband and I heaved up our
dinner this evening after reading your blog for Oct. 31st.

Where do you get off with these
sassy remarks with no basis.

Oh Lord, gimme a break.

Straight Talk on McCain said...

When will the real McCain finally stand up to Obama?