Friday, September 05, 2008

Let The Battle Begin.

In 1848, Karl Marx, the father of Communism, wrote the Communist manifesto. In it, he argued that capitalism would produce internal tensions that would ultimately destroy it. To that end, began the endless forays into creating classless societies. Virtually all countries in the world were involved in Marxist philosophy to at least some extent. Most notably, the rise of Communism in the Soviet Union was in fact, the enduring legacy of this man who was more socialist, than a true philosopher. Today, his ideas live on, and are embraced by politicians of the Left.

There are few who would deny social justice for all,. and fewer yet, who would advocate anything but equality, and freedom for all in America. Many will protest that this is not true; that there are certain class distinctions preventing a common path to individual success. That today, there are people of the political class who are enamored of Marxist ideas, is not as unthinkable as one might think. Then, as apparently now, these movements took the form of labor organizational politics. Herein, the key word is organizational. To think these Marxist influences would ever be a part of American presidential campaign politics is utterly unthinkable, but , believe me, they are very much real.

For example, Barack Obama has promised us that, "...I won't just ask for your vote as a candidate, I will ask for your service, and your active citizenship when I am president of the United States. This will not be a call issued in one speech, or program; this will be a cause of my presidency."---Barack Obama. Sounds good, doesn't it? There can't be anything to fear in such thoughts, or dreams for all Americans, can there? If you think not, then put aside the sleeping pills, and wake up. This man has plans for you, and for your school age children, that send chills up the collective spines.

This man, after all, is an experienced community( here comes that word again) organizer. My children, nor my grandchildren will not, I stress, will not, become Obama's social lab rats. If they choose to volunteer their services in quality, long standing charitable organizations, then so be it. However, the key word here, choose, is one associated with freedom of choice, my choice, and not some government agency's choice. This idea is so foreign to American sensitivities; to American traditions. America has long been associated with charitable outpouring to others who are the victims of natural disasters. It has ever been a choice to do so, and Americans have always responded well, better than any other country in the world. Let's not CHANGE that American tradition.

Obama's plan for Universal Voluntary Public Service must be defeated. The best, and the only way to do this, is to defeat the man himself in his quest to be our next president. If you do not mind your child being subjected to indoctrination techniques that have their founding interest in pure Marxist beliefs, then be advised. I do! I do not want your child, as an agitator for social change, attempting to indoctrinate my children regarding any of the socialist agenda put forth by Barack Obama, or his supporting class.

The warning is clear, and compelling. The time is now. This is our moment, and this is still America.

And now, back to the education tasks ahead, they are gaining more, and more importance it seems, with each passing day.


Anonymous said...

Sir, It is clear that you are
taking data out of context. Whilst, you appear to be an educated man, you have a few hangups too. Narrow minded people such as yourself do not favor growth of the American Dream. I would be interested in debating your remarks.

Anonymous said...

Is this Battle of the Sexes?