This post will be very short tonight. There is but one thing on my mind, and, I hope, yours as well.Today, two of President Bush's advisers carefully spelled out the starting points for the presidents plunge into mediocrity as this country's president( their opinions, not necessarily mine). The president's incoming aptitude for the job was compared to Sarah Palin's supposed lack of fitness to hold such high office. To think the president would have surrounded himself with such less than loyal men, is most difficult to understand. Typical Bush bashing, I thought, as I read the story. It concluded with the observation that Mister Bush had never sought a just and lasting peace between Israel, and Hamas, with the events this week in the Gaza Strip sorely underlining his failures, and any hope for a lasting, and favorable legacy.
Putting aside the presidents faults, alleged, perceived, and actual, he has it within his grasp to do something quite meaningful indeed. The nagging question is: Will he do it?
On this Christmas last, I spent more than a few moments contemplating the fate of Ignacio Ramos, and Jose Compean. Their families, too, were in my thoughts, and in my prayers. I still have not reconciled myself to the fact that these two men are suffering along with their families and friends, for actions taken against an illegal drug smuggling alien. Quite in spite of what I would guess to be hundreds of thousands of requests to commute the sentences of these two Border Patrol agents, and actually pardon them, nothing yet has been done, and time is running out quickly.
Yes, I have been sorely disappointed with President Bush, and his performance. But! I would be the first to congratulate him if he will simply do the correct thing here. Issue full pardons before his time runs out. His failure to do this will only serve to confirm the negative assessments made by those very close to him, and that would be a terrible shame.
If you have not already done so, then send your requests, if you agree, to
Ignacio and Jose would be most thankful, as would be their families, and that is the very least we, in good conscience, can do for them at this time.
Happy New Year, everyone, let's make sure it is a good one for the Ramos, and Compean family as well.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Life In The Midst Of Turmoil
Today, Christmas day 2008, is seasonable enough, although forces are at work trying to diminish the significance of this day. Nativity scenes across the world, are beng desecrated, and the likenesses of the baby Jesus are being stolen. In one particularly bizarre incident, a bottle of beer was left where once the baby Jesus did lay. Secularists, atheists, and especially, non-believers are the cause of these acts of depravity in our town squares, and in our cities. Worse, they are engaging in acts of scornfulness, directed at those who truly believe in the existence of God.
As such, they are not a real threat to us, for their numbers are small. However, when a goverment body looks askance at these acts, without any real comment, they in effect, are condoning these behaviors, and abetting them. It seems no one knows what to do, and so, nothing is done at all. The proposition 8 opponents in California, exemplify this attitude by virtue of their constant attacks on the Mormon Churches of California.
Away in a manger, no food, no bed, nothing of material comfort for the baby Jesus. Yet, he does not cry, simply looks up at the stars, and sees the Star of The East, the star announcing his birth to a skeptical world. the Wise men came, drawn to the place of the baby's birth. King Herod, himself, was vitally interested, for he saw in the baby Jesus a threat to his hold on the Kingdom, to his very power.
Stillige Nacht, the Christmas carol given to us by Germany many years ago, stressed the calm of the evening, and the brightness too. Round yon virgin, lay mother and child. Tenderness abounded, and earth had at last, a new King, the son of God!
Good King Vaclav, also known as Wenceslas, was the King of Bohemia in the tenth century. A Catholic, Wenceslas looked out one evening from his castle window, and espied a poor man gathering winter fuel. So taken by this scene was Wenceslas, that he went out with gifts of food and other comfort for the man who had gathered the winter's fuel for his family's warmth. The feast of Saint Stephen is celebrated on December 26th in Czechoslovakia, and though no refrence was made to the Nativity scene in the lyrics, it has become one of the most popular Christmas carols, signifying man's inherent goodness, and his willingness to share his own gifts with others less fortunate.
If you think seriously but for a minute or two, you may understand how Christmas carols extoll the common virtues of generosity, and personal sacrifice. All these gifts, given by only God to man, are the soothing balms which never fail to inspire feelings of completeness, and of joy in us. What a contrast to the devilish actions of the defilers, and the antagonists of the Mormon Church. I, for one, do not fret over these people's actions, because, ultimately, they will answer to their God, our God, in spite of their throwing off the shackles of personal responsibility.
Yes, today is the most beautiful day of the year! Warmth is felt without the fire beside you. Joy is in the heart, and a Baby's birth is celebrated once more. Jesus came into this world pennieless, and He left it the same way. He never traveled more than 200 hundred miles from His home, and never acquired the higher learning of those most critical of Him, and His mission to save us. No other man in recorded history has had as profound an effect on the fortunes of man himself, than Jesus has.
It is "free will" that leads many of us to doubt, and to sin. Why is it that anger, is always an important component of the makeup of people who deny their place at the table of God? Why too, is it that when such people lie on their death beds, that they somehow are confronted by their personal demons, and realize that mere uncompromising faith would have saved their eternal lives?
The one thing that believers are not, is weak. Weak of mind, and weak of faith. This is why the tables turn for us, and why others of no faith sit alone.
Celebrate the Baby Jesus' birthday today. Do it with firmness, and with great faith in eventual outcomes. None of us likes to say, "I told you so!", for the apparentness of the moment of epiphany for all, is in itself a holy and glorious realization.
Merry Christmas, to one and to all. And remember that Ebenezer Scrooge himself, a cold-hearted man who despised Christmas, came around to his own belated understandings, through the impoverished Cratchitt family, and especially young, and lame Tiny Tim. It was not too late, even for Scrooge himself, nor is it too late for all the non-believers wreaking havoc around the world. Each has their own Jacob Marley to contend with, and each, certainly is worthy of final redemption.
Say prayers for them all, the Baby in the manger would smile knowingly at that act of human generosity, and human understanding.
As such, they are not a real threat to us, for their numbers are small. However, when a goverment body looks askance at these acts, without any real comment, they in effect, are condoning these behaviors, and abetting them. It seems no one knows what to do, and so, nothing is done at all. The proposition 8 opponents in California, exemplify this attitude by virtue of their constant attacks on the Mormon Churches of California.
Away in a manger, no food, no bed, nothing of material comfort for the baby Jesus. Yet, he does not cry, simply looks up at the stars, and sees the Star of The East, the star announcing his birth to a skeptical world. the Wise men came, drawn to the place of the baby's birth. King Herod, himself, was vitally interested, for he saw in the baby Jesus a threat to his hold on the Kingdom, to his very power.
Stillige Nacht, the Christmas carol given to us by Germany many years ago, stressed the calm of the evening, and the brightness too. Round yon virgin, lay mother and child. Tenderness abounded, and earth had at last, a new King, the son of God!
Good King Vaclav, also known as Wenceslas, was the King of Bohemia in the tenth century. A Catholic, Wenceslas looked out one evening from his castle window, and espied a poor man gathering winter fuel. So taken by this scene was Wenceslas, that he went out with gifts of food and other comfort for the man who had gathered the winter's fuel for his family's warmth. The feast of Saint Stephen is celebrated on December 26th in Czechoslovakia, and though no refrence was made to the Nativity scene in the lyrics, it has become one of the most popular Christmas carols, signifying man's inherent goodness, and his willingness to share his own gifts with others less fortunate.
If you think seriously but for a minute or two, you may understand how Christmas carols extoll the common virtues of generosity, and personal sacrifice. All these gifts, given by only God to man, are the soothing balms which never fail to inspire feelings of completeness, and of joy in us. What a contrast to the devilish actions of the defilers, and the antagonists of the Mormon Church. I, for one, do not fret over these people's actions, because, ultimately, they will answer to their God, our God, in spite of their throwing off the shackles of personal responsibility.
Yes, today is the most beautiful day of the year! Warmth is felt without the fire beside you. Joy is in the heart, and a Baby's birth is celebrated once more. Jesus came into this world pennieless, and He left it the same way. He never traveled more than 200 hundred miles from His home, and never acquired the higher learning of those most critical of Him, and His mission to save us. No other man in recorded history has had as profound an effect on the fortunes of man himself, than Jesus has.
It is "free will" that leads many of us to doubt, and to sin. Why is it that anger, is always an important component of the makeup of people who deny their place at the table of God? Why too, is it that when such people lie on their death beds, that they somehow are confronted by their personal demons, and realize that mere uncompromising faith would have saved their eternal lives?
The one thing that believers are not, is weak. Weak of mind, and weak of faith. This is why the tables turn for us, and why others of no faith sit alone.
Celebrate the Baby Jesus' birthday today. Do it with firmness, and with great faith in eventual outcomes. None of us likes to say, "I told you so!", for the apparentness of the moment of epiphany for all, is in itself a holy and glorious realization.
Merry Christmas, to one and to all. And remember that Ebenezer Scrooge himself, a cold-hearted man who despised Christmas, came around to his own belated understandings, through the impoverished Cratchitt family, and especially young, and lame Tiny Tim. It was not too late, even for Scrooge himself, nor is it too late for all the non-believers wreaking havoc around the world. Each has their own Jacob Marley to contend with, and each, certainly is worthy of final redemption.
Say prayers for them all, the Baby in the manger would smile knowingly at that act of human generosity, and human understanding.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
When In The Course Of Human Events...
Long ago, Thomas Jefferson opened up discussion with his partner Framers, by penning this most famous of phrases. In doing so, he set into motion the mechanics of revolution against an oppressive King George, and his policies of taxation without fair return to the original colonies in America.
What followed, is known history to most of us. To some others, it is as vague an understanding, as is trying to understand the laws of nature themselves. The former, quite naturally, are those who have captured Jefferson's vision for this new country. The latter, unfortunately, could probably never understand the importance of that phrase, nor it's significance to our history as a country.This is what we must contend with, both today, and tomorrow also. Yet, there are eerie parallels preceeding the revolutionary period, and another time in the long ago history of man.
Christ studiously avoided pronouncing himself as the Messiah for all of his life. he did this to the end, when he stood before Pontius Pilate, awaiting his judgement. It was only then that he acknowledged himself to be a king, and the son of God Almighty.
Robbin Webber, a writer, authored a column in "The World News and Prophecy", in 2006. The title was: "This is the Way: When in the course of human events..." Robbin saw the connection between Jefferson's time, and the period of the "Jubilee", when Jews were emancipated from debt; were given back land lost, as well as other lost freedoms. The Jubilee was a time of census taking, which occurred every 50 years on the Biblical day of atonement, Yom Kippur. This was a glorious state of revolution, for things denied were returned to rightful owners.
The Jews yearned for the coming of their new king, that they might reclaim lost lands, and lost glory as a nation of peoples. Generally speaking, it was Christ, who through his miraculous acts of allowing the blind to see once more, and healing the sick, was thought to be the "Messiah" or new king for the Jewish people. Unfortuntely, the people were not themselves impressed with the idea of Christ being the Son of God. They in effect, through their denials, brought about his eventual downfall, and crucifixion. It became a matter of believing, or not believing in the "Second Coming of Christ. From that day forward, many have chosen to not have the strength that such faith requires.
And the world waits, and waits some more.
Jefferson, and his fellow compatriots worked determinedly to establish the most unique, and the most intriguing form of self governance the world had ever seen. Their vision has survived a tumultuous history of war, ravages of nature, and of man himself---but barely so. We too, as the ancient people, seem to be in a perpetual state of denial regarding the fate of our country. The "Second Coming" will one day be upon us, but will we be ready, and be accepting?
Nations come, and they fade away into the vastness of a dark and foreboding history of mankind. For whatever reason, the skeptics among us often hold sway, and deter us from eternal truths, and eternal salvation. These same skeptics populate our seats of current day government, and we, the people, await the second coming of a saner approach to solving our problems, which by Biblical standards, are not so severe, but nonethless equally as important ot those suffering under the yokes of oppression.
The Liberty Bell was to be rung, to announce liberty at hand throughout our country. Today, that bell, sits alone in a protected environment in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It's pealing of righteous liberty for all has been muted by the actions of the few, against the many. Still, it stands as a symbol of the greatness; the firmness of the convictions held by brave men those many years ago.
So, yes, there is an interesting parallel here. We are at a cross road of decision making for ourselves. For those of us who believe in the original "Second Coming", we too, believe that any nation which professes itself to be a great nation, must endure the hardships, and render the sacrifices to be made in the name of goodness.
In the article, Robbin pondered whether or not the original phrase "when in the course of human events..." had lost it's meaning, and it's ultimate purpose as a guide to continuous prosperity as a people of this, the greatest nation in the history of the world.
All that is required is "Faith". faith in onesself to be the good and caring citizen. Faith in the collective abilities of those who lead us, to do so in full accord with the Founding principles
What followed, is known history to most of us. To some others, it is as vague an understanding, as is trying to understand the laws of nature themselves. The former, quite naturally, are those who have captured Jefferson's vision for this new country. The latter, unfortunately, could probably never understand the importance of that phrase, nor it's significance to our history as a country.This is what we must contend with, both today, and tomorrow also. Yet, there are eerie parallels preceeding the revolutionary period, and another time in the long ago history of man.
Christ studiously avoided pronouncing himself as the Messiah for all of his life. he did this to the end, when he stood before Pontius Pilate, awaiting his judgement. It was only then that he acknowledged himself to be a king, and the son of God Almighty.
Robbin Webber, a writer, authored a column in "The World News and Prophecy", in 2006. The title was: "This is the Way: When in the course of human events..." Robbin saw the connection between Jefferson's time, and the period of the "Jubilee", when Jews were emancipated from debt; were given back land lost, as well as other lost freedoms. The Jubilee was a time of census taking, which occurred every 50 years on the Biblical day of atonement, Yom Kippur. This was a glorious state of revolution, for things denied were returned to rightful owners.
The Jews yearned for the coming of their new king, that they might reclaim lost lands, and lost glory as a nation of peoples. Generally speaking, it was Christ, who through his miraculous acts of allowing the blind to see once more, and healing the sick, was thought to be the "Messiah" or new king for the Jewish people. Unfortuntely, the people were not themselves impressed with the idea of Christ being the Son of God. They in effect, through their denials, brought about his eventual downfall, and crucifixion. It became a matter of believing, or not believing in the "Second Coming of Christ. From that day forward, many have chosen to not have the strength that such faith requires.
And the world waits, and waits some more.
Jefferson, and his fellow compatriots worked determinedly to establish the most unique, and the most intriguing form of self governance the world had ever seen. Their vision has survived a tumultuous history of war, ravages of nature, and of man himself---but barely so. We too, as the ancient people, seem to be in a perpetual state of denial regarding the fate of our country. The "Second Coming" will one day be upon us, but will we be ready, and be accepting?
Nations come, and they fade away into the vastness of a dark and foreboding history of mankind. For whatever reason, the skeptics among us often hold sway, and deter us from eternal truths, and eternal salvation. These same skeptics populate our seats of current day government, and we, the people, await the second coming of a saner approach to solving our problems, which by Biblical standards, are not so severe, but nonethless equally as important ot those suffering under the yokes of oppression.
The Liberty Bell was to be rung, to announce liberty at hand throughout our country. Today, that bell, sits alone in a protected environment in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It's pealing of righteous liberty for all has been muted by the actions of the few, against the many. Still, it stands as a symbol of the greatness; the firmness of the convictions held by brave men those many years ago.
So, yes, there is an interesting parallel here. We are at a cross road of decision making for ourselves. For those of us who believe in the original "Second Coming", we too, believe that any nation which professes itself to be a great nation, must endure the hardships, and render the sacrifices to be made in the name of goodness.
In the article, Robbin pondered whether or not the original phrase "when in the course of human events..." had lost it's meaning, and it's ultimate purpose as a guide to continuous prosperity as a people of this, the greatest nation in the history of the world.
All that is required is "Faith". faith in onesself to be the good and caring citizen. Faith in the collective abilities of those who lead us, to do so in full accord with the Founding principles
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
A Camel And The Loss Of Faith
much as for the acquisition of raw power? With power, others may be influenced to believe as they believe. Power is intoxicating, and too often wielded poorly, with calamitous effects on the unknowing. Does the Madoff scandal come to mind?
Ordinary people manage to eke out a survivable existence based solely on their commitment to honest labor, and honest dealings with those with whom they trade. Devoid of such honesty, mortal life loses quite a bit of it's lustre, and it's appeal for us. Moments of despair are foisted on us by virtue of our own actions, actions that do not satisfy the standards of christian beliefs.
Christ, during a rare moment of anger, entered the Temple of the money changers, and drove out those who sold, and those who bought in the Temple. Christ sternly announced that, " have made it a den of robbers!" ( Mark 11:15-17 RSV)
Robber. Greed. Money Changers. All may be found today on Wall Street, in New York City. The ancient money changers were more business like than their contemporary counterparts, and they had to face an irate Christ in their temple. Todays money changers are not frightened of the likes of Congressman Barney Frank. No, they appeal to us through Barney for more and more money that their ship of capitalist state may stay afloat and on course. Now, not a soul is bashful about stepping forward and asking, at times demanding, more of our financial resources. With this money firmly in hand they go on about their lustful way. Company revenues underwritten with this infusion of new money, are now pronounced as fit vehicles for rewarding executives with seasonal bonuses and perks we could only dream of.
Greed is deadly to the soul. It is deadly to the health of a nation, And when we acquiesce to the greedy one's demands, we too, are accomplices, abeting the evil that surely follows.Many years ago, Liberalism, Classc Liberalism, was indistinguishable from modern day Conservatism. The Founders themselves were of the Classic Liberal mold, and a country was born, thrived, and became the envy of the world. In mid-century, it was John Kenneth Galbraith who preached in behalf of Liberalism, and we were on our way to a new kind of Liberalism---Modern Liberalism. At one time Liberals believed in liberty, individual liberty, and freedom too. Property rights were an important cog in this spinning wheel. Entrepeneurship was not only encouraged, it was looked upon with pride. Stocisim, and stiff upper lips guided a nation forward, but then came the rocks inhabited by the Sirens of greed, and of corruption. The end was near for Classic Liberalism.
Ali Baba, and his merry band of maurading Congressional thieves are working assidulously to dominate our every doing, our every thing in life. The money changers, too, from on high look down on us, contemptful of our very existence it seems. they will exchange "Holiday" greetings with one another this year, and pass us by on the sidewalks we share. Theirs will be an example of Godlessness on parade, for they have given up on Christ, and given up on the most meaningful things in life itself.
We are religiously instructed to tithe our meager monies in the name of goodness, and we do so. But no one ever told us we would be told that tithing doesn't always stop at our home, and in our pockets. Tithing, a metafor for taxation, is said to be noble in and of itself. The only thing noble about this is, the self styled noble aristocracy which seeks to enlist us as Knights of someone elses round table. All this, in the name of a new God, the god of wealth and power acquisition, for the privileged few, but not for the ordinary folk.
Wish yourself a very Merry Christmas this year. So great a number of people, bound inescapably to the gentried set, and not a peep is heard. It is long past the date when we should have taken more direct action against these people. The time is here, the time is now!
So, to Barney, and Chris, and Chuckie, and Nancy, and Harry, it is time for you to pull the Christmas sleigh through the darkened night.In your travels, may you gain the wisdom, and the strength to admit your failings, and tell us you seek repentance. Do it now!
Ordinary people manage to eke out a survivable existence based solely on their commitment to honest labor, and honest dealings with those with whom they trade. Devoid of such honesty, mortal life loses quite a bit of it's lustre, and it's appeal for us. Moments of despair are foisted on us by virtue of our own actions, actions that do not satisfy the standards of christian beliefs.
Christ, during a rare moment of anger, entered the Temple of the money changers, and drove out those who sold, and those who bought in the Temple. Christ sternly announced that, " have made it a den of robbers!" ( Mark 11:15-17 RSV)
Robber. Greed. Money Changers. All may be found today on Wall Street, in New York City. The ancient money changers were more business like than their contemporary counterparts, and they had to face an irate Christ in their temple. Todays money changers are not frightened of the likes of Congressman Barney Frank. No, they appeal to us through Barney for more and more money that their ship of capitalist state may stay afloat and on course. Now, not a soul is bashful about stepping forward and asking, at times demanding, more of our financial resources. With this money firmly in hand they go on about their lustful way. Company revenues underwritten with this infusion of new money, are now pronounced as fit vehicles for rewarding executives with seasonal bonuses and perks we could only dream of.
Greed is deadly to the soul. It is deadly to the health of a nation, And when we acquiesce to the greedy one's demands, we too, are accomplices, abeting the evil that surely follows.Many years ago, Liberalism, Classc Liberalism, was indistinguishable from modern day Conservatism. The Founders themselves were of the Classic Liberal mold, and a country was born, thrived, and became the envy of the world. In mid-century, it was John Kenneth Galbraith who preached in behalf of Liberalism, and we were on our way to a new kind of Liberalism---Modern Liberalism. At one time Liberals believed in liberty, individual liberty, and freedom too. Property rights were an important cog in this spinning wheel. Entrepeneurship was not only encouraged, it was looked upon with pride. Stocisim, and stiff upper lips guided a nation forward, but then came the rocks inhabited by the Sirens of greed, and of corruption. The end was near for Classic Liberalism.
Ali Baba, and his merry band of maurading Congressional thieves are working assidulously to dominate our every doing, our every thing in life. The money changers, too, from on high look down on us, contemptful of our very existence it seems. they will exchange "Holiday" greetings with one another this year, and pass us by on the sidewalks we share. Theirs will be an example of Godlessness on parade, for they have given up on Christ, and given up on the most meaningful things in life itself.
We are religiously instructed to tithe our meager monies in the name of goodness, and we do so. But no one ever told us we would be told that tithing doesn't always stop at our home, and in our pockets. Tithing, a metafor for taxation, is said to be noble in and of itself. The only thing noble about this is, the self styled noble aristocracy which seeks to enlist us as Knights of someone elses round table. All this, in the name of a new God, the god of wealth and power acquisition, for the privileged few, but not for the ordinary folk.
Wish yourself a very Merry Christmas this year. So great a number of people, bound inescapably to the gentried set, and not a peep is heard. It is long past the date when we should have taken more direct action against these people. The time is here, the time is now!
So, to Barney, and Chris, and Chuckie, and Nancy, and Harry, it is time for you to pull the Christmas sleigh through the darkened night.In your travels, may you gain the wisdom, and the strength to admit your failings, and tell us you seek repentance. Do it now!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Ophiophobia Anyone?
At home alone, I sit in the comfort of my surroundings, and reflect on life. Not any life in particular, but my life, and the lves of those I love. But! When it becomes apparent that we are not really alone behind our closed doors, my thoughts turn to what others are thinking of at this same time. In Sweden, for example, social reconstructionists are applauding that country's efforts to bring in outside foreign "workers" to answer their declining demographic status. You see, the Swedes, growing older, need the strong backs of someone, anyone, to care for them as they retreat into retirement. The result thus far? Rock throwing at buses has increased 66% in just one year! No one seems to know why, but the fickle finger of Swedish fate points it's forgiving finger at the immigrantt population new to the Swedish scene. Rapes of young Swedish women are also up, and the hand wringers fret foolishly, and wonder what has gone wrong.
Anti-semitism is on a steady rise in Europe, and in the sub-continent in Spain. Apologists in high places merely wish for the "Jewish" problem to go away, possibly Israel as well. Somewhere, there are other people smiling, one might think. Now, is not the time for their active participation in the demise of Europe, for the Europeans are doing that quite famously on their very own.
Here in America, we people are thinking of similar things. How to recover our grasp on our country, and how but to simply feed, and clothe our families. The grandeur of America stands as a symbol of a mighty people, and a strong and proud country. Our motto ought to be: "Laborare est orare", to labor is to pray. While we are at it, in keeping with the Latin frame of reference, we should also remember: "Soli Deo Gloria", The glory is in God alone.
Fitful men are hard at work, honest labor they believe, devising plans for the remaking of America. The night grows darker, and so do our chances for retainment of our values, and our way of life.Europeans are also fitfully working. Doggedly, they pursue a new and improved colossus of a revised European Union. This new Union based on the language precepts of the Lisbon Treaty, assure them of one simple new fact of life. They will lose, effectively, their national sovereignties. That is ok though, for the benefits heavily outweigh the negatives of membership they are told by the European elitists at the helm. Funny thing happened on the way to the dance however. The Irish (you can always count on the Irish to screw things up) decided that this newest version of the EU was not necessarily in the best interest of their country. As a result they are being labeled as being obstructionists by those in Europe who obviously know better than the Irish, what the best interests of Ireland really are.
Does any of this sound somewhat familiar? that I think of it, these people might just as well be in Washington, where we are being told that they, the elitists (US version) know so much better what it is that is in our best interests.Amazingly, these squabbling Europeans are being held up on false idol pedestals by the elitists, and we are told we must emulate their work, and seek their forgiveness for eight long years of cowboy diplomacy by that evil one, himself, George Bush.
We are told further, that soon we will come to be loved and appreciated for whom we have become under the guidance of a much more understanding Barack Obama.
To our left, across that pearl water expanse known as the Pacific Ocean, the Chinese too, wait for signs that America is imploding upon itself. Then at the right moment, and not a minute sooner, they will pick up the pieces of a new Roman decay, and build anew right on top of Old Glory!
Unless.........we summon the ghost of Colonel Christopher Gadsden for an encore performance. You might remember the Colonel. He was the man from South Cariolina who presented that famous yellow flag, with the menacing likeness of a coiled eastern rattlesnake, over the words; Don't Tread On Me, to the secretary of the US Navy. As menacing as the snake appears, a rattler won't attack without provocation, after that, all bets are off.
We need a similar flag to represent us. Perhaps a yellow likeness with one of the fiercest descendants of that same snake, coiled and waiting, just waiting. The wording would be a little different however. This time the flag will read: Don't Tread On Us!!
Anti-semitism is on a steady rise in Europe, and in the sub-continent in Spain. Apologists in high places merely wish for the "Jewish" problem to go away, possibly Israel as well. Somewhere, there are other people smiling, one might think. Now, is not the time for their active participation in the demise of Europe, for the Europeans are doing that quite famously on their very own.
Here in America, we people are thinking of similar things. How to recover our grasp on our country, and how but to simply feed, and clothe our families. The grandeur of America stands as a symbol of a mighty people, and a strong and proud country. Our motto ought to be: "Laborare est orare", to labor is to pray. While we are at it, in keeping with the Latin frame of reference, we should also remember: "Soli Deo Gloria", The glory is in God alone.
Fitful men are hard at work, honest labor they believe, devising plans for the remaking of America. The night grows darker, and so do our chances for retainment of our values, and our way of life.Europeans are also fitfully working. Doggedly, they pursue a new and improved colossus of a revised European Union. This new Union based on the language precepts of the Lisbon Treaty, assure them of one simple new fact of life. They will lose, effectively, their national sovereignties. That is ok though, for the benefits heavily outweigh the negatives of membership they are told by the European elitists at the helm. Funny thing happened on the way to the dance however. The Irish (you can always count on the Irish to screw things up) decided that this newest version of the EU was not necessarily in the best interest of their country. As a result they are being labeled as being obstructionists by those in Europe who obviously know better than the Irish, what the best interests of Ireland really are.
Does any of this sound somewhat familiar? that I think of it, these people might just as well be in Washington, where we are being told that they, the elitists (US version) know so much better what it is that is in our best interests.Amazingly, these squabbling Europeans are being held up on false idol pedestals by the elitists, and we are told we must emulate their work, and seek their forgiveness for eight long years of cowboy diplomacy by that evil one, himself, George Bush.
We are told further, that soon we will come to be loved and appreciated for whom we have become under the guidance of a much more understanding Barack Obama.
To our left, across that pearl water expanse known as the Pacific Ocean, the Chinese too, wait for signs that America is imploding upon itself. Then at the right moment, and not a minute sooner, they will pick up the pieces of a new Roman decay, and build anew right on top of Old Glory!
Unless.........we summon the ghost of Colonel Christopher Gadsden for an encore performance. You might remember the Colonel. He was the man from South Cariolina who presented that famous yellow flag, with the menacing likeness of a coiled eastern rattlesnake, over the words; Don't Tread On Me, to the secretary of the US Navy. As menacing as the snake appears, a rattler won't attack without provocation, after that, all bets are off.
We need a similar flag to represent us. Perhaps a yellow likeness with one of the fiercest descendants of that same snake, coiled and waiting, just waiting. The wording would be a little different however. This time the flag will read: Don't Tread On Us!!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Wall Street Good At..What Else?...Building Walls
ABC News is good for something after all.
The good fellow news gatherers of the much maligned MSM, have done themselves proud. They almost sound like responsible, and quite reputable members of the Fourth Estate. Should we applaud them, or boo them? Personally, I believe they are just rubbing our noses in the scummy mess created by Liberals and their MSM handlers.
In the western looking canyon atmosphere of New York City's financial district, aka Wall Street, the monied men in business suits are showing us how to do it, to US that is. ABC News asked 16 of the banking institutions receiving federal TARP money (bail-out money) how they planned to use that money, and whether they were gong to pay executive bonuses this year from those same funds.
Not surprisingly, only one of the 16 banks gave a straight answer to what must have seemed like a loaded question. American Express Group told that it would be paying 100 milion in bonus money to 168 employees. However, they cautioned that the bonus money would come from company revenues, and not from capitally invested federal TARP funds. Here I pause to offer a sigh of relief. They actually answered a question truthfully!
The other 15 recipients of TARP funds ranging from the 150 billion extended to American Express Group ( Exactly what is a GROUP anyway?) to Marshall and Isley on the lower end of federal largesse at 1.715 billion, all said the same thing. They were going to use federal money to extend loans to "credit worthy customers", assist mortgage holders who were having poblems repaying loans, BUT they would not use federal money to pay executive bonuses, rather, they would be paying the bonuses with company revenue money.
Let's see, two revenue streams, one federal, one company, each with a seperate purpose in mind. Nothing like clean books I always say. Still, something stinks in Denmark.
Anytime you read or hear the word "federal" used to describe a sum of money, large or small, think of it as YOUR money being spoken of. Money that you didn't specifically agree to be used in the manner the feds want to use it. Here's another way to look at this:
We, you, all of us here at TS, and others across America, are the benefactors, and not the beneficiaries, of this kind of federal thinking. For example, should these banking institutions NOT have received YOUR money where then, would the money have come from to pay these executive bonuses? From company revenues? But I thought we were told these companies were too big to fail, and that WE had to bail them out. Without money, how could they have justified paying exhorbitant bonuses to these top execs? Face it, this was all going to be done in spite of your objections, or mine. not that it was a fait accompli, simply that these institutions were TOO BIG to fail.
Weren't we the magnanimous ones? We came through right when our country needed us most, didn't we?
Congress, taking it's cue from Wall Street, afforded themselves a pay raise this week. I suppose this was because they too, were too big to fail, and here we came with buckets of additional money to their rescue. Now,don't you go looking for proclamations of acclaim for your actions taken in behalf of all those too big to fail, there won't be any, any time soon.
We the "suckers" got suckered by people just like us. People whom we pass on the street each day, people we keep re-electing to public ofice, and we keep coming back for more of the same.So, during this Christmas season, this holiday period, I will be going to Walter Reed Army Hospital with my grand children to commiserate, and honor the true brave souls who too, were suckered by those many who sent them to their places of personal enlightenment in a faraway land, and then were critical of them, and of their mission. As a matter of fact, we'll be doing this on January 20th, 2009, when not too far away others will be assembed to hear from the ONE, and the ONLY.
Wall Street builds additional walls, behind which decisions are made as to how best to use the funds we so graciously provided them with. These are walls that must be breached. We are Joshua, and those walls are no impediment to our energies, and to our will. Those walls will tumble down!
Merry Christmas everyone! May your days be bright and fulfilled of promise. Please say prayers for our fighting soldiers, especially those with bleak futures ahead of them. We will carry your thoughts with us.
The good fellow news gatherers of the much maligned MSM, have done themselves proud. They almost sound like responsible, and quite reputable members of the Fourth Estate. Should we applaud them, or boo them? Personally, I believe they are just rubbing our noses in the scummy mess created by Liberals and their MSM handlers.
In the western looking canyon atmosphere of New York City's financial district, aka Wall Street, the monied men in business suits are showing us how to do it, to US that is. ABC News asked 16 of the banking institutions receiving federal TARP money (bail-out money) how they planned to use that money, and whether they were gong to pay executive bonuses this year from those same funds.
Not surprisingly, only one of the 16 banks gave a straight answer to what must have seemed like a loaded question. American Express Group told that it would be paying 100 milion in bonus money to 168 employees. However, they cautioned that the bonus money would come from company revenues, and not from capitally invested federal TARP funds. Here I pause to offer a sigh of relief. They actually answered a question truthfully!
The other 15 recipients of TARP funds ranging from the 150 billion extended to American Express Group ( Exactly what is a GROUP anyway?) to Marshall and Isley on the lower end of federal largesse at 1.715 billion, all said the same thing. They were going to use federal money to extend loans to "credit worthy customers", assist mortgage holders who were having poblems repaying loans, BUT they would not use federal money to pay executive bonuses, rather, they would be paying the bonuses with company revenue money.
Let's see, two revenue streams, one federal, one company, each with a seperate purpose in mind. Nothing like clean books I always say. Still, something stinks in Denmark.
Anytime you read or hear the word "federal" used to describe a sum of money, large or small, think of it as YOUR money being spoken of. Money that you didn't specifically agree to be used in the manner the feds want to use it. Here's another way to look at this:
We, you, all of us here at TS, and others across America, are the benefactors, and not the beneficiaries, of this kind of federal thinking. For example, should these banking institutions NOT have received YOUR money where then, would the money have come from to pay these executive bonuses? From company revenues? But I thought we were told these companies were too big to fail, and that WE had to bail them out. Without money, how could they have justified paying exhorbitant bonuses to these top execs? Face it, this was all going to be done in spite of your objections, or mine. not that it was a fait accompli, simply that these institutions were TOO BIG to fail.
Weren't we the magnanimous ones? We came through right when our country needed us most, didn't we?
Congress, taking it's cue from Wall Street, afforded themselves a pay raise this week. I suppose this was because they too, were too big to fail, and here we came with buckets of additional money to their rescue. Now,don't you go looking for proclamations of acclaim for your actions taken in behalf of all those too big to fail, there won't be any, any time soon.
We the "suckers" got suckered by people just like us. People whom we pass on the street each day, people we keep re-electing to public ofice, and we keep coming back for more of the same.So, during this Christmas season, this holiday period, I will be going to Walter Reed Army Hospital with my grand children to commiserate, and honor the true brave souls who too, were suckered by those many who sent them to their places of personal enlightenment in a faraway land, and then were critical of them, and of their mission. As a matter of fact, we'll be doing this on January 20th, 2009, when not too far away others will be assembed to hear from the ONE, and the ONLY.
Wall Street builds additional walls, behind which decisions are made as to how best to use the funds we so graciously provided them with. These are walls that must be breached. We are Joshua, and those walls are no impediment to our energies, and to our will. Those walls will tumble down!
Merry Christmas everyone! May your days be bright and fulfilled of promise. Please say prayers for our fighting soldiers, especially those with bleak futures ahead of them. We will carry your thoughts with us.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Enough Is Never Enough
Rod "Blago" Blagojevich, the embattled Illinois governor has vowed that he will not step down from office, and will fight on to remain in office, in spite of an impeachment panel's moves to do just that---get him out of there. Oh, and by the way, the panel insisted that they will not impede, nor do anything to prevent federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald's efforts to bring an indictment in the corruption scandal raging in Illinois, and by extension, in Washington, DC.( know what I mean?)
Unfortunately, Mr. Fitzgerald seems to have already done what the impachment panel has promised it won't: namely, destroy the case against Rod and others. The jury pool is tainted they say, but how can you determine that from among all the stench invested in "the Chicago way" of doing things political?
Aren't there bigger fish to fry, you protest? Of course there are, so let's begin with a few of the most egregious out there. For the sake of sanity, not brevity, I'll list them in numbered order:
1. Caroline Schlossberg Kennedy, or is it Caroline KENNEDY Schlossberg?No less than former president Bill Clinton pronounced her as "qualified" to be a US Senator.Where does that leaveSarah Palin's qualifications in the former president's mind. I wonder? Hey! Let's not go there!
2. Bill Clinton himself.His library's list of money donors was released today. There are few surprises on the list: Saudia Arabia, Brunei,Kuwait, Oman and Qatar are all there, along with the usual suspects, i.e. the Hollywood elites, and sundry others.How's that for a potential conflict list, Hillary?
3. Barrack Obama
Enough said.
What a boring cadre of list seekers these are. There must be different fish in another section of the pond. Let's go look together. Ahah! Who are those funny men with the strange looking hats on? Oh, they are Amish people you say. Boy! I'll bet they would like to be on someone's list, wouldn't you think? Don't I remember them from somewhere? Some movie perhaps about nine years ago, I believe. Yes! Harrison Ford and kelly McGillis were the featured actors, and in the end Harrison was busy helping all the men with the funny hats, to build a new barn. I remember it clearly now.
Well, they've made someone's list. In fact, a county Supervisor's list in Jackson County, Wisconsin. It seems these Amish have the gall to build their own homes in accord with their traditons, and do not feel it necessary to abide by county and local building codes when constructing their new homes. That is just too much for Gary Olson, the Supervisor in question. He believes they must comply in spite of their religion's dictates, and has taken them to court to force compliance. Next thing you know, he'll threaten to huff, and puff, and blow their homes down. Simultaneously, other cases have been bought against more Amish folk in Wisconsin, and New York State. Inasmuch as the Amish never defend themselves, advocates have taken up their cause, in their behalf, and strong legal arguments have been put forward, defense attorneys agree.
Now we have the new Devil, and he is the Amish people! How dare they protest on simple grounds of religious beliefs? The world waited, and the world was given the "Annointed One". The Amish stay in the background of daily life, ask for nothing, but now get a dose of political reality in the form of a zealous county Supervisor in Wisconsin, of all places. And I thought they were famous only for their cheese, and cows.
Harrison Ford, old though he may be, must surely be seeing a sequel in his film future. The movie "Witness" starring he and Kelly, is the best choice for sequelization. We, I mean he, could call it "Next Witness Please!", or how about, "The Kingdom of The Crystal House Crunchers"? "Star wars" doesn't fit here too well, does it?
Hey! wait a minute! Instead of Amish advocates, how about enlisting the opponents of California's Proposition 8 in the defense of these affable farmers? Couldn't they stir things up a bit? Let's see, Rick Warren? Nah, he'll be too busy figuring out what in the heck Obama wants him to come to Washington for. How about John McCain, the man with time on his hands, and a certain willingness to cross the furrowed earth, if not in Washington, then certainly in Wisconsin's fertile farmland? Sorry, "I have to cross an aisle here today, and the traffic is not so bad here." John will say.
All in all, the Amish will have to reconcile themselves to this new day in America, or will they?Just as Ramos and Compean have not lost their lustre as American patriots, neither shall the Amish have to relinquish their tenacious hold on their religious principles (there's that word, principle, again)
The Liberals are hell bent on taking taking God and religion out of America, and now, the Amish have been added to their list of things to wrench from the hands of a proud, and free people. I pray the stink rising from the fields of Wisconsin are the remnants of a dying, and rotting corpse of Liberalism itself, and not the sacred beliefs of proud might not the Amish affix the holiest of names, and call their individual home sites "Holy Houses, or Places"? That seems to work effectively against the Liberal "dhimmi" in Iran and other places in the near east.
Oh Grand Unifier, where are you when needed most?
Enough said!
Unfortunately, Mr. Fitzgerald seems to have already done what the impachment panel has promised it won't: namely, destroy the case against Rod and others. The jury pool is tainted they say, but how can you determine that from among all the stench invested in "the Chicago way" of doing things political?
Aren't there bigger fish to fry, you protest? Of course there are, so let's begin with a few of the most egregious out there. For the sake of sanity, not brevity, I'll list them in numbered order:
1. Caroline Schlossberg Kennedy, or is it Caroline KENNEDY Schlossberg?No less than former president Bill Clinton pronounced her as "qualified" to be a US Senator.Where does that leaveSarah Palin's qualifications in the former president's mind. I wonder? Hey! Let's not go there!
2. Bill Clinton himself.His library's list of money donors was released today. There are few surprises on the list: Saudia Arabia, Brunei,Kuwait, Oman and Qatar are all there, along with the usual suspects, i.e. the Hollywood elites, and sundry others.How's that for a potential conflict list, Hillary?
3. Barrack Obama
Enough said.
What a boring cadre of list seekers these are. There must be different fish in another section of the pond. Let's go look together. Ahah! Who are those funny men with the strange looking hats on? Oh, they are Amish people you say. Boy! I'll bet they would like to be on someone's list, wouldn't you think? Don't I remember them from somewhere? Some movie perhaps about nine years ago, I believe. Yes! Harrison Ford and kelly McGillis were the featured actors, and in the end Harrison was busy helping all the men with the funny hats, to build a new barn. I remember it clearly now.
Well, they've made someone's list. In fact, a county Supervisor's list in Jackson County, Wisconsin. It seems these Amish have the gall to build their own homes in accord with their traditons, and do not feel it necessary to abide by county and local building codes when constructing their new homes. That is just too much for Gary Olson, the Supervisor in question. He believes they must comply in spite of their religion's dictates, and has taken them to court to force compliance. Next thing you know, he'll threaten to huff, and puff, and blow their homes down. Simultaneously, other cases have been bought against more Amish folk in Wisconsin, and New York State. Inasmuch as the Amish never defend themselves, advocates have taken up their cause, in their behalf, and strong legal arguments have been put forward, defense attorneys agree.
Now we have the new Devil, and he is the Amish people! How dare they protest on simple grounds of religious beliefs? The world waited, and the world was given the "Annointed One". The Amish stay in the background of daily life, ask for nothing, but now get a dose of political reality in the form of a zealous county Supervisor in Wisconsin, of all places. And I thought they were famous only for their cheese, and cows.
Harrison Ford, old though he may be, must surely be seeing a sequel in his film future. The movie "Witness" starring he and Kelly, is the best choice for sequelization. We, I mean he, could call it "Next Witness Please!", or how about, "The Kingdom of The Crystal House Crunchers"? "Star wars" doesn't fit here too well, does it?
Hey! wait a minute! Instead of Amish advocates, how about enlisting the opponents of California's Proposition 8 in the defense of these affable farmers? Couldn't they stir things up a bit? Let's see, Rick Warren? Nah, he'll be too busy figuring out what in the heck Obama wants him to come to Washington for. How about John McCain, the man with time on his hands, and a certain willingness to cross the furrowed earth, if not in Washington, then certainly in Wisconsin's fertile farmland? Sorry, "I have to cross an aisle here today, and the traffic is not so bad here." John will say.
All in all, the Amish will have to reconcile themselves to this new day in America, or will they?Just as Ramos and Compean have not lost their lustre as American patriots, neither shall the Amish have to relinquish their tenacious hold on their religious principles (there's that word, principle, again)
The Liberals are hell bent on taking taking God and religion out of America, and now, the Amish have been added to their list of things to wrench from the hands of a proud, and free people. I pray the stink rising from the fields of Wisconsin are the remnants of a dying, and rotting corpse of Liberalism itself, and not the sacred beliefs of proud might not the Amish affix the holiest of names, and call their individual home sites "Holy Houses, or Places"? That seems to work effectively against the Liberal "dhimmi" in Iran and other places in the near east.
Oh Grand Unifier, where are you when needed most?
Enough said!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Conservatism Is...
There are those who call themselves "Compassionate conservatives", but who are really Liberal more than not. There are those who say they are Conservative, but like the actors who do not live up to the billing, stray unavoidably from true Conservative principles often times. There are so-called "social" Conservatives, with a tendency to engage in profligate spending of public money to that end. Then there are the "fiscal" Conservatives, who are derided for lacking a social conscience caught in the rat trap because they dared to NOT spend the public moneys, and are labeled as being without a "social conscience".
This year in particular, the "Republican party elders" offer that it is time to redefine Conservatism, for it is no longer a winner for them as a party. None other than Colin Powell, has said recently that the republican party should "fire" Rush Limbaugh, purportedly, because Rush was a bad influence, and the party should disassociate itself pronto. Newt, among others, I think, believes that the Reagan Era is long gone, and rather effete, if not down right antithetical to modern day Conservative view points.
You get the picture. We lost an election by giving these people exactly what they demanded in a candidate for the presidency this year, and somehow, it is the Conservative base's fault for that loss. It was not so much that Conservatives acceded, Conservatives were unable to convince the party of the need for a principled individual to represent the party in 2008. Instead, Washington insider elitists got their wish, and when their wish bore not the fruits of victory, they looked elsewhere for someone to blame, ergo, the Conservative base.
We do not have to go back to the Founders discussions when implementing their vision for the greatest country ever to represent a people. We have only to travel back some 28 years to the nascent days of the man who was to become Conservatism's most eloquent spokesperson. Ronald W. Reagan was this man. Initially, he was not held in the highest regard, but how he prevailed over the rebirth of true Conservatism. His Conservatism was, and still is, contemporary with the Founders visions for America. Conservatives got a belated taste of Reagan's principles with the ascendancy of Sarah Palin to the vice president role in this recent election.
Many things Sarah is, and some things she is not One thing she is however, is a Conservative in the classic mold. In other words, when Sarah speaks, the world listens, and the Liberals denigrate her, her family, and hence, all Conservatives nation wide. Liberal fear is the root cause of this media hysteria, and the blatherings of the ONE, and the SECOND (Joe Biden). There is a fundamental reason for all this, and it is Conservatism itself.
So, what is Conservatism? If a reasonable man were to search his very soul, he would doubtless find his thoughts transforming themselves into very Conservative mouthings indeed! The very foundation of America was built upon Conservative ideas, Conservative ideals, and most importantly, Conservative principles of self governance.
How difficult is it to understand the nature of man himself? A yearning to be free, and especially free of the constraints of federal government. It has always been the other way around hasn't it? Government has always been constitutionally constrained from intrusions into personal life through the "enumeration of powers" as set forth by the Framers as a safeguard against a tyrranical government one day usurping the collective power of the people. States were left as the custodians of the bulk of the power, for the people, of the people, and by the people themselves. You wouldn't recognize this today, nor would the Framers either.
Conservatism as both a political, and personal philosophy, requires that no government, or group of individuals may impress their desires on those so governed, without the consent of the governed. Conservatives abide by the principle that we are free to succeed, or to fail in the manifold things we choose to do for ourselves, those things being both moral and legitimately engaged in. Liberty! Liberty is a Conservatives life blood, and it courses through the veins of our self sufficiency with the same effect that Warfarin, or Lipitor does in the veins of our mortal existence. Absent that liberty, our mortal existence remains very questionable.
Conservatism, Liberal protestations aside, is the most passionate of all political ideologies when it comes to individual rights, liberty and freedom. Charitable examples include the extending of a helping hand to those truly in need, and teaching those so afflicted to survive on their own that they too, may enjoy the fruits of their own labors. Conservatves teach others how to dirty their hands in honest labor, not do the work for them, thereby lessening their self dignity, and sense of worth or value to themselves and their families.
Since the 1994 Congress took their seats, there has been a steady reduction of dependency on government, especially through the Welfare Reform efforts of that congress. It is the Republican party which has lost it's ideological way, and not Conservatism. What is it that Rush always says defiantly, "Conservatism works every time it's tried!" How true
Ask yourself these questions: Do you simply want to go home at the end of a day of hard work, and be alone with a loving family? Do you want to simply be left alone to try alternative methods of advancing your family's future? Do you cherish your country's beliefs, and are willing to defend those beliefs with the sacrifice of your own life, if necessary? Do you believe in a future for your children and grand children uncomplicated by messy, and intrusive government mandates regarding your personal behavior? Do you believe in Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness?
If your answers are yes, then come on and confess, you are a Conservative!
This year in particular, the "Republican party elders" offer that it is time to redefine Conservatism, for it is no longer a winner for them as a party. None other than Colin Powell, has said recently that the republican party should "fire" Rush Limbaugh, purportedly, because Rush was a bad influence, and the party should disassociate itself pronto. Newt, among others, I think, believes that the Reagan Era is long gone, and rather effete, if not down right antithetical to modern day Conservative view points.
You get the picture. We lost an election by giving these people exactly what they demanded in a candidate for the presidency this year, and somehow, it is the Conservative base's fault for that loss. It was not so much that Conservatives acceded, Conservatives were unable to convince the party of the need for a principled individual to represent the party in 2008. Instead, Washington insider elitists got their wish, and when their wish bore not the fruits of victory, they looked elsewhere for someone to blame, ergo, the Conservative base.
We do not have to go back to the Founders discussions when implementing their vision for the greatest country ever to represent a people. We have only to travel back some 28 years to the nascent days of the man who was to become Conservatism's most eloquent spokesperson. Ronald W. Reagan was this man. Initially, he was not held in the highest regard, but how he prevailed over the rebirth of true Conservatism. His Conservatism was, and still is, contemporary with the Founders visions for America. Conservatives got a belated taste of Reagan's principles with the ascendancy of Sarah Palin to the vice president role in this recent election.
Many things Sarah is, and some things she is not One thing she is however, is a Conservative in the classic mold. In other words, when Sarah speaks, the world listens, and the Liberals denigrate her, her family, and hence, all Conservatives nation wide. Liberal fear is the root cause of this media hysteria, and the blatherings of the ONE, and the SECOND (Joe Biden). There is a fundamental reason for all this, and it is Conservatism itself.
So, what is Conservatism? If a reasonable man were to search his very soul, he would doubtless find his thoughts transforming themselves into very Conservative mouthings indeed! The very foundation of America was built upon Conservative ideas, Conservative ideals, and most importantly, Conservative principles of self governance.
How difficult is it to understand the nature of man himself? A yearning to be free, and especially free of the constraints of federal government. It has always been the other way around hasn't it? Government has always been constitutionally constrained from intrusions into personal life through the "enumeration of powers" as set forth by the Framers as a safeguard against a tyrranical government one day usurping the collective power of the people. States were left as the custodians of the bulk of the power, for the people, of the people, and by the people themselves. You wouldn't recognize this today, nor would the Framers either.
Conservatism as both a political, and personal philosophy, requires that no government, or group of individuals may impress their desires on those so governed, without the consent of the governed. Conservatives abide by the principle that we are free to succeed, or to fail in the manifold things we choose to do for ourselves, those things being both moral and legitimately engaged in. Liberty! Liberty is a Conservatives life blood, and it courses through the veins of our self sufficiency with the same effect that Warfarin, or Lipitor does in the veins of our mortal existence. Absent that liberty, our mortal existence remains very questionable.
Conservatism, Liberal protestations aside, is the most passionate of all political ideologies when it comes to individual rights, liberty and freedom. Charitable examples include the extending of a helping hand to those truly in need, and teaching those so afflicted to survive on their own that they too, may enjoy the fruits of their own labors. Conservatves teach others how to dirty their hands in honest labor, not do the work for them, thereby lessening their self dignity, and sense of worth or value to themselves and their families.
Since the 1994 Congress took their seats, there has been a steady reduction of dependency on government, especially through the Welfare Reform efforts of that congress. It is the Republican party which has lost it's ideological way, and not Conservatism. What is it that Rush always says defiantly, "Conservatism works every time it's tried!" How true
Ask yourself these questions: Do you simply want to go home at the end of a day of hard work, and be alone with a loving family? Do you want to simply be left alone to try alternative methods of advancing your family's future? Do you cherish your country's beliefs, and are willing to defend those beliefs with the sacrifice of your own life, if necessary? Do you believe in a future for your children and grand children uncomplicated by messy, and intrusive government mandates regarding your personal behavior? Do you believe in Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness?
If your answers are yes, then come on and confess, you are a Conservative!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The jolly Green Giant Is Headed Your Way
Now that Barack Hussein Obama (it's ok to use his middle name now) has named Steven Chu, a professor at the University of California, at Berkeley, Ca,, as his energy secretary, Lisa Jackson, chief of Staff to Jon Corzine, Governor of New Jersey, as his administrator of the EPA, Carol Browner, former EPA head under Bill Clinton, as his White House energy and environmental policy "tsar", and finally, Nancy Sutley, Deputy mayor for energy and environment in Los Angeles, as his White House Counsel on environmental quality, well, we are in for one heck of a ride.
This cast of characters will be shepherding Obama's policys regarding America's future energy needs. Needless to say, our future appears to be one of greater dependence on foreign sources for the desperately needed oil of our country's economy. Further, it seems there will be more corn put into bio-fuels, and less corn into the tummys of the "hungry" Americans we hear so much about these days. Soon enough, we will be replacing the age old "aw shucks!", with a revised phrase to use called simply: "less shucks!" Compact fluorescent bulbs, notwithstanding their personal environmental perils, will be the order of the day, and I do mean ORDER! How in heaven's name are all the soon to be laid off workers in this free falling economic mess going to read the want ads, looking for new jobs?
Meanwhile, the American Petroleum Institute has submitted a new report regarding the nation's recoverable oil and natural gas supplies. This study recognizes the rather dire nature of our country's willingness to develop coastal areas, the ANWR, and proven western reserves. Without boring you with the details, let us focus rather, on what is in store for us as innauguration day approaches. Obama has announced repeatedly that he is not even lukewarm to the idea of America securing it's energy independence. In fact, with the four appointments noted above, so-called renewable energy schemes are to be put into place almost immediately. Doubtless, this will make the "greens" ecstatic, but Americans will continue to suffer in the face of a worsening economy. What can we do?
First, the president-elect must determine whether or not such policys are fully warranted. By this, I mean are the prospects of massive unemployment something to gloss over? When tens of thousands of American workers might find well paying jobs in the oil industries efforts to bring oil and gas to us, from within America's borders, should we not invest in that promise of needed employment relief? If the intent by Obama is to actually spend the trillions, not billions, of dollars he has proclaimed he would, then where is this money to come from? The Fed can print only so much valueless paper, and then the bottom falls out. Back at the ranch, the revenues flowing into federal coffers as a result of a committed drive to secure energy independence, would sky rocket.
Although the ONE and his administration seem to have no questions, there are answers waiting for the relevant questions to be asked. Perhaps, that's it. No person with an IQ of 100 can escape undetrstanding this, why then, is not the solution as apparent to them, as it is to the common people among us? It just might be a matter of policy after all, might it not? A policy of degrading this nation's wealth, and it's standing in the world of nations.
Many on the political scene have commented on the hypocrisy of Liberalism and it's goals. however, only one has spoken at length about what all this means for America. That person is Sarah Palin, and I surely hope she speaks out soon on these plans for the demise of a once proud, soon to be, nation. She understands better than most Washington insiders, that a man needs not only dignity, but an opportunity to dirty his hands at honest labor. At the end of a day of honest toil, that man wants nothing more than to be able to go to a warm, and comforting home, with his family beside him. Still, this incoming administration denigrates, and demonizes the great American dream.
Remember this, victims are not born victims, they are cleverly made into victims by those whose sole interest is in the preservation of political power. Haven't we had enough of this contemptful thinking? Let's create the jobs, and not the long welfare lines. Let's invest once more in the America we all love, and forget about the communal community of nations ideal about to be forced upon us.
America is at the precipice. Shall we simply fall over, or should we resist with the determination, and the resolve of the early pioneers? Such valiant people knew not the perils in their paths, they had a greater goal for themselves, and for their families, and ultimately, for America itself.
Drill baby, drill, has been a recent battle cry. First, we must "drill" that sentiment into the heads of the incoming administration. After all, this is America. Nothing is impossible here, a tad difficult possibly, but certainly, not impossible. Watch out jolly green giant, something's headed your way. Remember the battle cry of Larry the Cable Guy? Git 'er done!!
This cast of characters will be shepherding Obama's policys regarding America's future energy needs. Needless to say, our future appears to be one of greater dependence on foreign sources for the desperately needed oil of our country's economy. Further, it seems there will be more corn put into bio-fuels, and less corn into the tummys of the "hungry" Americans we hear so much about these days. Soon enough, we will be replacing the age old "aw shucks!", with a revised phrase to use called simply: "less shucks!" Compact fluorescent bulbs, notwithstanding their personal environmental perils, will be the order of the day, and I do mean ORDER! How in heaven's name are all the soon to be laid off workers in this free falling economic mess going to read the want ads, looking for new jobs?
Meanwhile, the American Petroleum Institute has submitted a new report regarding the nation's recoverable oil and natural gas supplies. This study recognizes the rather dire nature of our country's willingness to develop coastal areas, the ANWR, and proven western reserves. Without boring you with the details, let us focus rather, on what is in store for us as innauguration day approaches. Obama has announced repeatedly that he is not even lukewarm to the idea of America securing it's energy independence. In fact, with the four appointments noted above, so-called renewable energy schemes are to be put into place almost immediately. Doubtless, this will make the "greens" ecstatic, but Americans will continue to suffer in the face of a worsening economy. What can we do?
First, the president-elect must determine whether or not such policys are fully warranted. By this, I mean are the prospects of massive unemployment something to gloss over? When tens of thousands of American workers might find well paying jobs in the oil industries efforts to bring oil and gas to us, from within America's borders, should we not invest in that promise of needed employment relief? If the intent by Obama is to actually spend the trillions, not billions, of dollars he has proclaimed he would, then where is this money to come from? The Fed can print only so much valueless paper, and then the bottom falls out. Back at the ranch, the revenues flowing into federal coffers as a result of a committed drive to secure energy independence, would sky rocket.
Although the ONE and his administration seem to have no questions, there are answers waiting for the relevant questions to be asked. Perhaps, that's it. No person with an IQ of 100 can escape undetrstanding this, why then, is not the solution as apparent to them, as it is to the common people among us? It just might be a matter of policy after all, might it not? A policy of degrading this nation's wealth, and it's standing in the world of nations.
Many on the political scene have commented on the hypocrisy of Liberalism and it's goals. however, only one has spoken at length about what all this means for America. That person is Sarah Palin, and I surely hope she speaks out soon on these plans for the demise of a once proud, soon to be, nation. She understands better than most Washington insiders, that a man needs not only dignity, but an opportunity to dirty his hands at honest labor. At the end of a day of honest toil, that man wants nothing more than to be able to go to a warm, and comforting home, with his family beside him. Still, this incoming administration denigrates, and demonizes the great American dream.
Remember this, victims are not born victims, they are cleverly made into victims by those whose sole interest is in the preservation of political power. Haven't we had enough of this contemptful thinking? Let's create the jobs, and not the long welfare lines. Let's invest once more in the America we all love, and forget about the communal community of nations ideal about to be forced upon us.
America is at the precipice. Shall we simply fall over, or should we resist with the determination, and the resolve of the early pioneers? Such valiant people knew not the perils in their paths, they had a greater goal for themselves, and for their families, and ultimately, for America itself.
Drill baby, drill, has been a recent battle cry. First, we must "drill" that sentiment into the heads of the incoming administration. After all, this is America. Nothing is impossible here, a tad difficult possibly, but certainly, not impossible. Watch out jolly green giant, something's headed your way. Remember the battle cry of Larry the Cable Guy? Git 'er done!!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
A Day To Wonder
Many are the cares, many are the woes
facing each one of us day in day out
never it seems are the moments when
each one of us is tired and without
but a glimmer of hope that lies just ahead
around the corner and up on the hill
under a shade tree so bushy and tall
are the children Jack and his Jill
they laugh and they play joyfully so
in their world all is right or so it seems
these children two with eyes that shine
realizing no more than their dreams...
Yes, our children dream, and they have their dreams of future days and nights. In a perfect world theirs would be the fruits of our labors in their behalf. In a perfect world, they, none of them, would ever think of asking for anything save that which was rightly, and justly earned. But a perfect world is only a vision of what ought to be, and not what actually is. A perfect world being a simple idea that motivates people, is still but a dream, although one worth striving for, wouldn't you say?
Jesus Christ's birthday, Christmas, is one such example of an idea whose time is put before us as a sign of hope and of peace for all. It is much more than that though. To believe in Christmas, to believe in anything at all, is to exercise your faith in the inherent goodness of man, and in the guidance of a loving, and just God. Before any child is left alone to dream the dreams of children many, they must understand the implicit necessity of embracing faith in themselves, their parents and their God. By extension, they must have faith in the governments established, and in their resolve to be good citizens. At times, they must stand and question, loudly, and boldly, when they are witness to acts not in the best interests of themselves, their parents, and especially their country.
The task, not the chore, of educating our children will always bear fruitful results, providing that education is offered to them in meaningful ways. Our sincerity is their adopted sincerity. Our determination is their commitment to similar feelings of wanting to know more, and more about their world to come. Our shared love for the ideals set forth by the Founders, becomes their enlightened view of how to act and how to react to threats that threaten their way of life.
In time, the torch is passed, and comfort is derived by the teachers among us, from the newest examples of youthful accomplishments.
David, with but a sling, slew the Goliath, and the Jews were saved. Washington survived the winter at Valley Forge, crossed the Delaware, and a nation's future was born amid the swirling snows. Lincoln persevered, and carried the conscience of a nation across his strong shoulders, and a nation was saved from itself. Later, Johnny came marching home proudly, and a nations rightful place in the world was secured. A man named Churchill defied an onslaught from the east, and stirred the minds and hearts of Americans all. Another man named King lighted the way out of darkness, and another named Reagan taught a nation how to believe in itself, and in it's simple goodness. All these exampes of men bound by the common thread of faith, are illustrious, profoundly so, and more than worthy of being studied and honored by our children. They too, will one day add their own precious examples of accomplishments underwritten by a faithful resolve to do the correct things.
All being ephemeral, the fame and the famous too, pass away to other places, to other destinies. Jesus Christ is the lone exception. He survives in the mind, the heart, and in our souls. Each new day is a new day of promise, a new day of sacrificing for the better good. let this not be lost on anyone, principally our leaders, and especially our children. Glory in the highest is our constant refrain, and our greatest hope. May it never be said of us that we have failed. That we selfishly ignored the requisites of faith, and good will toward others. Above all, that we sacrificed the future for the peace of the moment.
In the movie, "The Bishp's Wife", the homily written for the Bishop by the Angel of God, stressed that a single stocking was hung, and that stocking was the stocking hung for the baby Jesus. There was nothing in that stocking on Christmas Eve. The question posed was, "What will you put in the stocking for your Lord, Jesus Christ?"
An empty stocking hangs from the mantel. It awaits you, and your faith in all that is good. What will each put into the stocking hung with the greatest of care?
facing each one of us day in day out
never it seems are the moments when
each one of us is tired and without
but a glimmer of hope that lies just ahead
around the corner and up on the hill
under a shade tree so bushy and tall
are the children Jack and his Jill
they laugh and they play joyfully so
in their world all is right or so it seems
these children two with eyes that shine
realizing no more than their dreams...
Yes, our children dream, and they have their dreams of future days and nights. In a perfect world theirs would be the fruits of our labors in their behalf. In a perfect world, they, none of them, would ever think of asking for anything save that which was rightly, and justly earned. But a perfect world is only a vision of what ought to be, and not what actually is. A perfect world being a simple idea that motivates people, is still but a dream, although one worth striving for, wouldn't you say?
Jesus Christ's birthday, Christmas, is one such example of an idea whose time is put before us as a sign of hope and of peace for all. It is much more than that though. To believe in Christmas, to believe in anything at all, is to exercise your faith in the inherent goodness of man, and in the guidance of a loving, and just God. Before any child is left alone to dream the dreams of children many, they must understand the implicit necessity of embracing faith in themselves, their parents and their God. By extension, they must have faith in the governments established, and in their resolve to be good citizens. At times, they must stand and question, loudly, and boldly, when they are witness to acts not in the best interests of themselves, their parents, and especially their country.
The task, not the chore, of educating our children will always bear fruitful results, providing that education is offered to them in meaningful ways. Our sincerity is their adopted sincerity. Our determination is their commitment to similar feelings of wanting to know more, and more about their world to come. Our shared love for the ideals set forth by the Founders, becomes their enlightened view of how to act and how to react to threats that threaten their way of life.
In time, the torch is passed, and comfort is derived by the teachers among us, from the newest examples of youthful accomplishments.
David, with but a sling, slew the Goliath, and the Jews were saved. Washington survived the winter at Valley Forge, crossed the Delaware, and a nation's future was born amid the swirling snows. Lincoln persevered, and carried the conscience of a nation across his strong shoulders, and a nation was saved from itself. Later, Johnny came marching home proudly, and a nations rightful place in the world was secured. A man named Churchill defied an onslaught from the east, and stirred the minds and hearts of Americans all. Another man named King lighted the way out of darkness, and another named Reagan taught a nation how to believe in itself, and in it's simple goodness. All these exampes of men bound by the common thread of faith, are illustrious, profoundly so, and more than worthy of being studied and honored by our children. They too, will one day add their own precious examples of accomplishments underwritten by a faithful resolve to do the correct things.
All being ephemeral, the fame and the famous too, pass away to other places, to other destinies. Jesus Christ is the lone exception. He survives in the mind, the heart, and in our souls. Each new day is a new day of promise, a new day of sacrificing for the better good. let this not be lost on anyone, principally our leaders, and especially our children. Glory in the highest is our constant refrain, and our greatest hope. May it never be said of us that we have failed. That we selfishly ignored the requisites of faith, and good will toward others. Above all, that we sacrificed the future for the peace of the moment.
In the movie, "The Bishp's Wife", the homily written for the Bishop by the Angel of God, stressed that a single stocking was hung, and that stocking was the stocking hung for the baby Jesus. There was nothing in that stocking on Christmas Eve. The question posed was, "What will you put in the stocking for your Lord, Jesus Christ?"
An empty stocking hangs from the mantel. It awaits you, and your faith in all that is good. What will each put into the stocking hung with the greatest of care?
Monday, December 08, 2008
Has Anyone Noticed?
That Al Gore hasn't been heard of or from, for some time now? There must be a reason for this. Wait a second, I've got to turn the heat up a bit, as it is getting colder by the day. Now, back to Mister Gore. I spent some time surfing (no, not that kind) this weekend, and I was able to come up with some very fascinating information.
My grandchildren have been taught to be close to being professional skeptics when at school. They question virtually everything being taught them, for they believe that school should be a place where you are taught HOW to think, and not WHAT to think. Admittedly, this sometimes causes problems for them, but they have also developed a thicker skin than most when it comes to teachers dominating the class rooms with THEIR versions of what is truth, and what is not.
Mostly, the children, most of them, don't bat an eye when they are fed the liberal pap that passes for a solid education.. Instead, they leave their schools on any given day, indoctrinated into believing just about anything that is told to them. Gone, it seems, are the days of standing upright, and questioning anything that just doesn't make sense.How easy it is to turn a skull full of mush into a predictably correct frame of mind. take for example, the matter of being taught that global warming is upon us, and that man himself, is mostly to blame for that unfortunate circumstance we find ourselves in.
Put aside the matter of polar bear depletion, ozone layer depletion, and glacier depletion on Mount Kilimanjaro, in Africa. As it turns out, man alone is not responsible for all this. In fact, man is quite incapable of destroying this planet, or any other all by himself. And, this is where the fun begins.
First, there is the not so simple matter of developing a sustainable hypothesis, utilizing observable phenomena, and other scientifically derived facts. When constructed, this hypothesis must withstand the tests applied to it, that enable one to safely conclude that the theory, or hypothesis is true. Proponents of the theory, i.e. Al Gore, will then parade their particular version of what they believe to be a truth before a wide eyed public. Opponents, on the other hand, will insist that not enough is known to be that accepting of the theory as being uncontestably factual.
This is where enlightened children come into play.When they are told, for example, that the debate is over, they will protest that there has been no real debate at all. At least not a debate where they were permitted to be partners in the gathering of factual data. Such children who rise defiantly, will assert that testing models are woefully incomplete, taking into account only data recorded for perhaps the last one hundred years, and therefore, scientifically, and geologically incomplete. Children who are trained properly, look at all the facts available, and not just the so-called facts that underscore the tests so necessary to determining the sole truth, the inescapable truth.
Assuming this is being discussed in a science class, a reputable science class, taught by reputable teachers, the students will protest that there is no consensus in science as they are being led to believe. Even the great Einstein himself, the greatest classical physicist the world has known, admitted to making a mistake or two on his quest to discovering a unified field theory. Sure, he may have been wrong about quantum mechanics, but that did not sufficiently tarnish his legacy, nor his value to the public discourse about matters foreign to most of us. To this day he stands alone as a man of his time, a man of significant importance to our eventual understanding of complex cosmological matters.
From the science class, the questioning minds next turn to the civics class, where the minds of the children turn to questions of politics, and to questions of economics. There is a correlation between what is learned(?) in previous classes, and what is learned(?) in succeeding classes. Before you know it, these children possessed of the audicity to merely question that which is being taught, sense an empowerment of the mind. Their minds. The connections, starkly before them, stand out like beacons of light, and they learn in spite of, not at the behest of, teachers who themselves have a vested interest in the outcome of their efforts.
It has been said that theories may never be proven, only disproven. The great man, Einstein, famously apologized to Sir Issac Newton. he did so in a curiously intimate manner saying, as if to himself, "Newton, verzeih mir" [Newton, please forgive me]. This was Einstein's way of apologizing to Newton for having disturbed the classical purity of Newton's theory of gravity His great respect for his hero, Newton, led him to do this in spite of his knowing he had discovered something Newton had not, or could not, have discovered for himself.
The question begs: will Al Gore similarly apologize for foisting upon us his hoax of a theory? Not likely will he do this.Therefore it is for the inquiring minds of the next generations of mini Einsteins to sit in judgement of all theories , good, valid, but especially those theories that serve a unique purpose, such as the discrediting of America's free market system by charlatans such as Mister Gore..It is not that we can not do this ourselves, we should always question motives, and intentions. It is simply that the children have so much more time to do so much more. Would we want it any other way, really?
My grandchildren have been taught to be close to being professional skeptics when at school. They question virtually everything being taught them, for they believe that school should be a place where you are taught HOW to think, and not WHAT to think. Admittedly, this sometimes causes problems for them, but they have also developed a thicker skin than most when it comes to teachers dominating the class rooms with THEIR versions of what is truth, and what is not.
Mostly, the children, most of them, don't bat an eye when they are fed the liberal pap that passes for a solid education.. Instead, they leave their schools on any given day, indoctrinated into believing just about anything that is told to them. Gone, it seems, are the days of standing upright, and questioning anything that just doesn't make sense.How easy it is to turn a skull full of mush into a predictably correct frame of mind. take for example, the matter of being taught that global warming is upon us, and that man himself, is mostly to blame for that unfortunate circumstance we find ourselves in.
Put aside the matter of polar bear depletion, ozone layer depletion, and glacier depletion on Mount Kilimanjaro, in Africa. As it turns out, man alone is not responsible for all this. In fact, man is quite incapable of destroying this planet, or any other all by himself. And, this is where the fun begins.
First, there is the not so simple matter of developing a sustainable hypothesis, utilizing observable phenomena, and other scientifically derived facts. When constructed, this hypothesis must withstand the tests applied to it, that enable one to safely conclude that the theory, or hypothesis is true. Proponents of the theory, i.e. Al Gore, will then parade their particular version of what they believe to be a truth before a wide eyed public. Opponents, on the other hand, will insist that not enough is known to be that accepting of the theory as being uncontestably factual.
This is where enlightened children come into play.When they are told, for example, that the debate is over, they will protest that there has been no real debate at all. At least not a debate where they were permitted to be partners in the gathering of factual data. Such children who rise defiantly, will assert that testing models are woefully incomplete, taking into account only data recorded for perhaps the last one hundred years, and therefore, scientifically, and geologically incomplete. Children who are trained properly, look at all the facts available, and not just the so-called facts that underscore the tests so necessary to determining the sole truth, the inescapable truth.
Assuming this is being discussed in a science class, a reputable science class, taught by reputable teachers, the students will protest that there is no consensus in science as they are being led to believe. Even the great Einstein himself, the greatest classical physicist the world has known, admitted to making a mistake or two on his quest to discovering a unified field theory. Sure, he may have been wrong about quantum mechanics, but that did not sufficiently tarnish his legacy, nor his value to the public discourse about matters foreign to most of us. To this day he stands alone as a man of his time, a man of significant importance to our eventual understanding of complex cosmological matters.
From the science class, the questioning minds next turn to the civics class, where the minds of the children turn to questions of politics, and to questions of economics. There is a correlation between what is learned(?) in previous classes, and what is learned(?) in succeeding classes. Before you know it, these children possessed of the audicity to merely question that which is being taught, sense an empowerment of the mind. Their minds. The connections, starkly before them, stand out like beacons of light, and they learn in spite of, not at the behest of, teachers who themselves have a vested interest in the outcome of their efforts.
It has been said that theories may never be proven, only disproven. The great man, Einstein, famously apologized to Sir Issac Newton. he did so in a curiously intimate manner saying, as if to himself, "Newton, verzeih mir" [Newton, please forgive me]. This was Einstein's way of apologizing to Newton for having disturbed the classical purity of Newton's theory of gravity His great respect for his hero, Newton, led him to do this in spite of his knowing he had discovered something Newton had not, or could not, have discovered for himself.
The question begs: will Al Gore similarly apologize for foisting upon us his hoax of a theory? Not likely will he do this.Therefore it is for the inquiring minds of the next generations of mini Einsteins to sit in judgement of all theories , good, valid, but especially those theories that serve a unique purpose, such as the discrediting of America's free market system by charlatans such as Mister Gore..It is not that we can not do this ourselves, we should always question motives, and intentions. It is simply that the children have so much more time to do so much more. Would we want it any other way, really?
Friday, December 05, 2008
History? What History?
Certainly, it is bad enough when America's school administrators, and teachers refrain from imbuing their (our) students with a proper sense of shared history.History, like a chain, is comprised of constituent links, each as strong as the others, both succeeding, and preceeding it. The strength of the chain itself relies on the willingness of individual links to do their job efficiently. Such chains tether a country's citizens to themselves, much as a similar chain will anchor a ship at sea, or to the dock of it's port of call.
Occasionally, there are links that fail, and the chain itself is doomed. So too, are each individual links, the many components thereof, which fade into the darkness of the sea, in this particular case, the darkness of an unforgiving world's history. This is exactly what came across my mind when I watched Senator "Chuck" Schummer, of New York, while he listened to an exasperated young woman giving testimony before a Senate commitee hearing in Washington DC, on October 1st, 2003. The woman, Suzannah Gratia-Hupp, a Texas state representative, detailed the horror she experienced when her parents were shot by an obviously deranged killer. Her concluding statement was perfect. She told the assembled Senators that her 2nd ammendment right was put into place for the express purpose of protecting her, from them, the Senators of the federal Government, and all others in positions of unlimited power, and influence
.Long ago, the English philosopher, John Locke (a man who profoundly influenced Thomas Jefferson) argued that the PATRIARCHA, the brain child of Sir Robert Filmore, was intellectually, and morally wrong. In Lockes First Treatise of Government, he assailed the idea that Kings descended from Adam, and thereby possessed a Devine right to their thrones, they, being the descendants of Adam, to whom God had given the earth. This "Jure Divino", the devine right of kings all, would be the eventual downfall of all governments, Locke asserted. A prescient man this John Locke. He must have known there would be the likes of the Chuck Schummers in the world to come after his passing.
Today, it seems that our children's history begins at the moment of their birth. We can thank our educational institutions for that misguided concept. Many of us believe ourseves to be the whole chain, and of only one link, we are that link, and that chain. So too, must it be for Chuck Schummer and his Liberal brethren, that they believe themselves to be not a link in the chain of America's history, but they themselves to be THE CHAIN.
Remember the wise man who stated: Those who forget, or neglect history, are doomed to make the same mistakes over, and over again? To the list of disagreeable ingredients in this boiling stew, add arrogance and a dash of impunity. What you get is a stew alright, but beware, for the stew will poison you and your mind.
Is it any wonder many of our children think this way? There will be no future historians to write of them, for their history will be written in the very next generation by similarly unprepared generation (whatever letter you desire).With no chain of generational links, our ship will drift to sea, and face the storms that shall come---the storms of ignorance and of decay. The rotting corpse of a once great and proud peoples will wash ashore on some distant isle, and the island's people will be perplexed. But they will go on their way, for they possibly have a chain. One that stirs the pride of the people in themselves. One that safely tethers them to their future. The buzzards will circle, and one day they too, will be gone, as are the traces of a once great civilization
What history? Perhaps the answer lies in paying attention to the opinions of men like John Locke.
Occasionally, there are links that fail, and the chain itself is doomed. So too, are each individual links, the many components thereof, which fade into the darkness of the sea, in this particular case, the darkness of an unforgiving world's history. This is exactly what came across my mind when I watched Senator "Chuck" Schummer, of New York, while he listened to an exasperated young woman giving testimony before a Senate commitee hearing in Washington DC, on October 1st, 2003. The woman, Suzannah Gratia-Hupp, a Texas state representative, detailed the horror she experienced when her parents were shot by an obviously deranged killer. Her concluding statement was perfect. She told the assembled Senators that her 2nd ammendment right was put into place for the express purpose of protecting her, from them, the Senators of the federal Government, and all others in positions of unlimited power, and influence
.Long ago, the English philosopher, John Locke (a man who profoundly influenced Thomas Jefferson) argued that the PATRIARCHA, the brain child of Sir Robert Filmore, was intellectually, and morally wrong. In Lockes First Treatise of Government, he assailed the idea that Kings descended from Adam, and thereby possessed a Devine right to their thrones, they, being the descendants of Adam, to whom God had given the earth. This "Jure Divino", the devine right of kings all, would be the eventual downfall of all governments, Locke asserted. A prescient man this John Locke. He must have known there would be the likes of the Chuck Schummers in the world to come after his passing.
Today, it seems that our children's history begins at the moment of their birth. We can thank our educational institutions for that misguided concept. Many of us believe ourseves to be the whole chain, and of only one link, we are that link, and that chain. So too, must it be for Chuck Schummer and his Liberal brethren, that they believe themselves to be not a link in the chain of America's history, but they themselves to be THE CHAIN.
Remember the wise man who stated: Those who forget, or neglect history, are doomed to make the same mistakes over, and over again? To the list of disagreeable ingredients in this boiling stew, add arrogance and a dash of impunity. What you get is a stew alright, but beware, for the stew will poison you and your mind.
Is it any wonder many of our children think this way? There will be no future historians to write of them, for their history will be written in the very next generation by similarly unprepared generation (whatever letter you desire).With no chain of generational links, our ship will drift to sea, and face the storms that shall come---the storms of ignorance and of decay. The rotting corpse of a once great and proud peoples will wash ashore on some distant isle, and the island's people will be perplexed. But they will go on their way, for they possibly have a chain. One that stirs the pride of the people in themselves. One that safely tethers them to their future. The buzzards will circle, and one day they too, will be gone, as are the traces of a once great civilization
What history? Perhaps the answer lies in paying attention to the opinions of men like John Locke.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
He Reached Into His Pocket, And Found A Little Less...
...of that most priceless of things dearest to him---His freedoms! This afternoon, my youngest grand son told me that, tomorrow, he would be taking a bus to the middle school nearby. I of course, asked him why, and his answer was revealing. "I am going to the Holliday Concert, Pop pop." I thought things over for a minute, and softly said,"You mean a Christmas concert, don't you?" The young man looked at me and said once again, "No! It is a Holliday Concert. You are not the boss of the school, they just call it a Holiday Concert, that's all."How I wished he might have told his teacher that he would just sit out this "Holiday" concert, and wait for the "Christmas" concert, and then he would go to that one instead.
At this point, I knew it was not a distinction I was going to be able to make with ease. The distinction between Christmas, and Holliday concerts.Several hours later, i was still agitated by what he had told me, and I got to thinking about something said by Charlton Heston, actor, and American Patriot a while back. It was in Washington DC, on December 6, 1997, on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the Free Congress Foundation.
During his remarks to the assembled guests, Mister Heston said the following:"A cultural war is raging across our land, storming our values, assaulting our freedoms, killing our self-confidence in who we are, and [in] what we believe." Mister Heston, then asked those who owned guns to raise their hands. "I wonder how many of you own guns, but chose not to raise your hands? How many of you considered revealing your conviction about a constitutional right, but then thought better of it?"If so, then you are the victim of the cultural war being waged against traditional American freedom of beliefs and ideas. You have been assaulted and robbed of the courage of your convictions. Your pride in who you are, and what you believe in has been ridiculed, ransacked, and plundered! It may be a war without a bullet, or bloodshed, but with as much LIBERTY, LOST. you, and your country are LESS FREE!
"Holliday concert, or Christmas concert? Which will it be?
In Holland, Geert Wilders, a Dutch Parlamentarian, wages a lone battle against what he views as an immigration policy that dooms the Dutch to eventual Islamification of the land of Peter and the dike. Of windmills, and colorful tulips dotting the countryside.In England, citizens worry that they too, are being overwhelmed, and sense their country is quite in the same mess as Holland. In these countries, there are ministries serving the needs of MULTICULTURALISTS. So too, in Canada, but mere hundreds of miles to the north, do these same denizens of the cold winter nights live and thrive, not at the will of, but at the expense of, the people they purportedly serve.
The year is 2008 AD, and not 2008 the common era, as the History Channel refers to it as being.
How better to illustrate this post than to accompany it with that calendar year 2008 shot of Sarah Palin, with her shotgun resting across those strong, and unyielding shoulders. This, my grand son shall see, and he will gain a greater appreciation for the freedoms remaining; for those freedoms yet to be taken back in the name of the PEOPLE of America.This young lad will forcefully exclaim, "Merry Christmas!" to his fellow students, and to his teachers also. In time he too, will come to understand that there are things very much worth fighting for;Things that other young Americans are both fighting for, and even dying for, all in our name.
What will it be for you? A Holliday Concert, or a Christmas Concert?
Merry Christmas everyone, and to all, a good night!
At this point, I knew it was not a distinction I was going to be able to make with ease. The distinction between Christmas, and Holliday concerts.Several hours later, i was still agitated by what he had told me, and I got to thinking about something said by Charlton Heston, actor, and American Patriot a while back. It was in Washington DC, on December 6, 1997, on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the Free Congress Foundation.
During his remarks to the assembled guests, Mister Heston said the following:"A cultural war is raging across our land, storming our values, assaulting our freedoms, killing our self-confidence in who we are, and [in] what we believe." Mister Heston, then asked those who owned guns to raise their hands. "I wonder how many of you own guns, but chose not to raise your hands? How many of you considered revealing your conviction about a constitutional right, but then thought better of it?"If so, then you are the victim of the cultural war being waged against traditional American freedom of beliefs and ideas. You have been assaulted and robbed of the courage of your convictions. Your pride in who you are, and what you believe in has been ridiculed, ransacked, and plundered! It may be a war without a bullet, or bloodshed, but with as much LIBERTY, LOST. you, and your country are LESS FREE!
"Holliday concert, or Christmas concert? Which will it be?
In Holland, Geert Wilders, a Dutch Parlamentarian, wages a lone battle against what he views as an immigration policy that dooms the Dutch to eventual Islamification of the land of Peter and the dike. Of windmills, and colorful tulips dotting the countryside.In England, citizens worry that they too, are being overwhelmed, and sense their country is quite in the same mess as Holland. In these countries, there are ministries serving the needs of MULTICULTURALISTS. So too, in Canada, but mere hundreds of miles to the north, do these same denizens of the cold winter nights live and thrive, not at the will of, but at the expense of, the people they purportedly serve.
The year is 2008 AD, and not 2008 the common era, as the History Channel refers to it as being.
How better to illustrate this post than to accompany it with that calendar year 2008 shot of Sarah Palin, with her shotgun resting across those strong, and unyielding shoulders. This, my grand son shall see, and he will gain a greater appreciation for the freedoms remaining; for those freedoms yet to be taken back in the name of the PEOPLE of America.This young lad will forcefully exclaim, "Merry Christmas!" to his fellow students, and to his teachers also. In time he too, will come to understand that there are things very much worth fighting for;Things that other young Americans are both fighting for, and even dying for, all in our name.
What will it be for you? A Holliday Concert, or a Christmas Concert?
Merry Christmas everyone, and to all, a good night!
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