Now that Barack Hussein Obama (it's ok to use his middle name now) has named Steven Chu, a professor at the University of California, at Berkeley, Ca,, as his energy secretary, Lisa Jackson, chief of Staff to Jon Corzine, Governor of New Jersey, as his administrator of the EPA, Carol Browner, former EPA head under Bill Clinton, as his White House energy and environmental policy "tsar", and finally, Nancy Sutley, Deputy mayor for energy and environment in Los Angeles, as his White House Counsel on environmental quality, well, we are in for one heck of a ride.
This cast of characters will be shepherding Obama's policys regarding America's future energy needs. Needless to say, our future appears to be one of greater dependence on foreign sources for the desperately needed oil of our country's economy. Further, it seems there will be more corn put into bio-fuels, and less corn into the tummys of the "hungry" Americans we hear so much about these days. Soon enough, we will be replacing the age old "aw shucks!", with a revised phrase to use called simply: "less shucks!" Compact fluorescent bulbs, notwithstanding their personal environmental perils, will be the order of the day, and I do mean ORDER! How in heaven's name are all the soon to be laid off workers in this free falling economic mess going to read the want ads, looking for new jobs?
Meanwhile, the American Petroleum Institute has submitted a new report regarding the nation's recoverable oil and natural gas supplies. This study recognizes the rather dire nature of our country's willingness to develop coastal areas, the ANWR, and proven western reserves. Without boring you with the details, let us focus rather, on what is in store for us as innauguration day approaches. Obama has announced repeatedly that he is not even lukewarm to the idea of America securing it's energy independence. In fact, with the four appointments noted above, so-called renewable energy schemes are to be put into place almost immediately. Doubtless, this will make the "greens" ecstatic, but Americans will continue to suffer in the face of a worsening economy. What can we do?
First, the president-elect must determine whether or not such policys are fully warranted. By this, I mean are the prospects of massive unemployment something to gloss over? When tens of thousands of American workers might find well paying jobs in the oil industries efforts to bring oil and gas to us, from within America's borders, should we not invest in that promise of needed employment relief? If the intent by Obama is to actually spend the trillions, not billions, of dollars he has proclaimed he would, then where is this money to come from? The Fed can print only so much valueless paper, and then the bottom falls out. Back at the ranch, the revenues flowing into federal coffers as a result of a committed drive to secure energy independence, would sky rocket.
Although the ONE and his administration seem to have no questions, there are answers waiting for the relevant questions to be asked. Perhaps, that's it. No person with an IQ of 100 can escape undetrstanding this, why then, is not the solution as apparent to them, as it is to the common people among us? It just might be a matter of policy after all, might it not? A policy of degrading this nation's wealth, and it's standing in the world of nations.
Many on the political scene have commented on the hypocrisy of Liberalism and it's goals. however, only one has spoken at length about what all this means for America. That person is Sarah Palin, and I surely hope she speaks out soon on these plans for the demise of a once proud, soon to be, nation. She understands better than most Washington insiders, that a man needs not only dignity, but an opportunity to dirty his hands at honest labor. At the end of a day of honest toil, that man wants nothing more than to be able to go to a warm, and comforting home, with his family beside him. Still, this incoming administration denigrates, and demonizes the great American dream.
Remember this, victims are not born victims, they are cleverly made into victims by those whose sole interest is in the preservation of political power. Haven't we had enough of this contemptful thinking? Let's create the jobs, and not the long welfare lines. Let's invest once more in the America we all love, and forget about the communal community of nations ideal about to be forced upon us.
America is at the precipice. Shall we simply fall over, or should we resist with the determination, and the resolve of the early pioneers? Such valiant people knew not the perils in their paths, they had a greater goal for themselves, and for their families, and ultimately, for America itself.
Drill baby, drill, has been a recent battle cry. First, we must "drill" that sentiment into the heads of the incoming administration. After all, this is America. Nothing is impossible here, a tad difficult possibly, but certainly, not impossible. Watch out jolly green giant, something's headed your way. Remember the battle cry of Larry the Cable Guy? Git 'er done!!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
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