At home alone, I sit in the comfort of my surroundings, and reflect on life. Not any life in particular, but my life, and the lves of those I love. But! When it becomes apparent that we are not really alone behind our closed doors, my thoughts turn to what others are thinking of at this same time. In Sweden, for example, social reconstructionists are applauding that country's efforts to bring in outside foreign "workers" to answer their declining demographic status. You see, the Swedes, growing older, need the strong backs of someone, anyone, to care for them as they retreat into retirement. The result thus far? Rock throwing at buses has increased 66% in just one year! No one seems to know why, but the fickle finger of Swedish fate points it's forgiving finger at the immigrantt population new to the Swedish scene. Rapes of young Swedish women are also up, and the hand wringers fret foolishly, and wonder what has gone wrong.
Anti-semitism is on a steady rise in Europe, and in the sub-continent in Spain. Apologists in high places merely wish for the "Jewish" problem to go away, possibly Israel as well. Somewhere, there are other people smiling, one might think. Now, is not the time for their active participation in the demise of Europe, for the Europeans are doing that quite famously on their very own.
Here in America, we people are thinking of similar things. How to recover our grasp on our country, and how but to simply feed, and clothe our families. The grandeur of America stands as a symbol of a mighty people, and a strong and proud country. Our motto ought to be: "Laborare est orare", to labor is to pray. While we are at it, in keeping with the Latin frame of reference, we should also remember: "Soli Deo Gloria", The glory is in God alone.
Fitful men are hard at work, honest labor they believe, devising plans for the remaking of America. The night grows darker, and so do our chances for retainment of our values, and our way of life.Europeans are also fitfully working. Doggedly, they pursue a new and improved colossus of a revised European Union. This new Union based on the language precepts of the Lisbon Treaty, assure them of one simple new fact of life. They will lose, effectively, their national sovereignties. That is ok though, for the benefits heavily outweigh the negatives of membership they are told by the European elitists at the helm. Funny thing happened on the way to the dance however. The Irish (you can always count on the Irish to screw things up) decided that this newest version of the EU was not necessarily in the best interest of their country. As a result they are being labeled as being obstructionists by those in Europe who obviously know better than the Irish, what the best interests of Ireland really are.
Does any of this sound somewhat familiar? that I think of it, these people might just as well be in Washington, where we are being told that they, the elitists (US version) know so much better what it is that is in our best interests.Amazingly, these squabbling Europeans are being held up on false idol pedestals by the elitists, and we are told we must emulate their work, and seek their forgiveness for eight long years of cowboy diplomacy by that evil one, himself, George Bush.
We are told further, that soon we will come to be loved and appreciated for whom we have become under the guidance of a much more understanding Barack Obama.
To our left, across that pearl water expanse known as the Pacific Ocean, the Chinese too, wait for signs that America is imploding upon itself. Then at the right moment, and not a minute sooner, they will pick up the pieces of a new Roman decay, and build anew right on top of Old Glory!
Unless.........we summon the ghost of Colonel Christopher Gadsden for an encore performance. You might remember the Colonel. He was the man from South Cariolina who presented that famous yellow flag, with the menacing likeness of a coiled eastern rattlesnake, over the words; Don't Tread On Me, to the secretary of the US Navy. As menacing as the snake appears, a rattler won't attack without provocation, after that, all bets are off.
We need a similar flag to represent us. Perhaps a yellow likeness with one of the fiercest descendants of that same snake, coiled and waiting, just waiting. The wording would be a little different however. This time the flag will read: Don't Tread On Us!!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
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How sad to think that a philosopher such as yourself is not out making the rounds with fellow historians. You are a credit to the American People. You are inspring to all young and old. Please keep up your excellent work in your blogs. Look forward to your daily thoughts.
Your public needs you Sir.
With high respect,
Your readers......
Bravo Mystro Bravo
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