So, what's it going to be? Do we talk of the political entrepeneur, or of the social entrepeneur, of the businessman turned political entrepeneur? Not at all. There is only the individual who has discovered a certain truth, and is willing to risk all to bring his idea to fruition in the marketplace. All other entrepeneurial categories are mere calculations designed to bring something to the individual, rather than to society, generally speaking The true entrepeneur is one who has virtual belief in his idea, and doggedly pursues his goals for himself, and for society. It is the free market that provides him with the tools to further his goals, and not some government agency's largesse with taxpayers money. Of course, financing the implementation is always of the highest necessity, however, it is belief in the idea that fosters the notion that good things will come his way. Society, and the consuming public can not help but see the worthiness of the individuals idea. They will see what I also see, and they will come, he believes with firmity.
The closest analog to understanding how government involves itself in an entrepeneur's affairs, is the following example: Earlier this year, Senator John McCain proposed a 3 million dollar "reward" for anyone coming up with a battery that would power the nation's automobiles. At first glance, the incentive seems to be an excellent idea. Upon closer examination though, does this incentive match itself with a prevailing need? A need not currently being met by the business community as a matter of normal business course? First, one must accept the argument that the need exists outside the political desire to be an agent of change. The premises are always getting in the way of purer, and better understanding, it seems. Believe me, if the need were actually there, then someone, or something, i.e. established business, would already have begun work on the idea. The reason? Simple, business employs forecasters of it's own who are paid for their unique ability to take into account every market dynamic, inccluding the availability of raw materials to continue business as usual. Therefore, put the battery idea on hold for a bit, and let's drill for available oil resources to keep our economy going
When business, lead footed, and tied to the traditional manner, avoids the responsibility to think in clearer terms, and bring beeded innovation to it's approach, then the entrepeneur steps in, the one with the clarity of thought, and the knowledge that new methods will not only bring that needed change, but do it in a way that changes the traditional business approach also. All this is born of a keen knowledge of the free market, and a determination to show newer approaches to those tied to the aforementioned business traditions. These are the people who will let us know when the battery idea is a good thing to chase after.
Perhaps the best example of this is the computer revolution. When the "PC", threatened to supplant "Big Blue", as IBM was known back then, how indeed could a bunch of long haired youngsters overturn this business behemoth? Well, they not only did exactly that, they revolutioned the manner in which the world today, now conducts business with itself. This example alone, underscores the value of the entrepeneur to his society, and to the world's citizens.
Hail to the entrepeneur! This exalted hero; this individual equipped with but a dream, and steadfastness of purpose. These people who work for the most part alone, enduring trying times of uncertainty, and times of momentary failure. Without them, America would certainly not be the exceptional nation it is. Without them, we would be but ordinary in the eyes of the rest of the world. This country needs a National Entrepeneurs Day to celebrate. I propose it here, and now.
Now, back to those budding young entrepeneurs who will show us the way out of our dilemmas. The assumption still exists that they will have a future within which to lead by example...
Monday, August 04, 2008
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1 comment:
When will you stop with the rantings and ravings, Don't you think there are better things to do such as tend to your lonesome wife??
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