Thursday, August 07, 2008

Ominous Clouds On The Eastern Horizon

There has been much talk today regarding the possibility of a military strike against Iran's nuclear facilities. Whether this is done unilaterally by the US military, or done by Israeli forces with full support of the US, is unknown at this time. Questions revolve around the lack of public support of the Israeli government by it's citizens, and the relative unwillingness of President Bush to plunge America into another war prior to his leaving office in January. What has not changed however, is that Euro style diplomacy, whose stalwarts insist that we continue talking, has failed miserably over the last five years. Iran sees this lack of resolve as being merely supportive of it's need for time to pass, unconsequentially for them, that they may continue on the path to development of sophisticated nuclear arms. When so equipped, they would obviously be more than a simple threat to Israel, and to the region as a whole.

Think for a minute of the disruption of the flow of crude oil from Saudia Arabia, Kuwait and other lesser producers, should the Iranian's threat to close the Straits of Hormuz materialize. Iran though, is an oil based economy with a vital need for the continual flow of money into their treasury. At best, this is but speculation, however, constant vigilance is the order of the day, and we had better not ignore the very real nature of such a threat to world stability by a rogue nation. Yes, Iran is a rogue state, that is undeniable.

On other fronts, the price of crude rose somewhat today. Has the effect of announcing support for drilling off the coastal shelf reached it's zenith? Isn't it time for more dramatic announcements, such as the congress reconvening to consider a truly historic move to self sufficiency? Ought not this session offer to the world, and to the American people, viable, and reachable goals toward that end? Of course, it should. But, will that happen...? Apparently not as long as the environmental lobby has a stranglehold on the extreme Left of America. Just thinking out loud here.

As the "American Exceptionalism Watch" continues on sans any candidate daring to speak flatteringly of America, and of the American people, we watch, none the less.

What more evidence do we require than what candidate Obama told a seven year old boy today? Quote: "America is no longer what it could be, what it once was." What in God's name did he mean by that statement? Aside from being historically, and grammatically incorrect, it provides yet a convincing display of just how much this man thinks of the country that has given so much to him, and to his family. Most of us are grown weary of the tearing down of Americanism, and American ideals. Most of us, also, hope he continues talking just like that right into the first Tuesday of November. Simply because Republicans will vote on the first Tuesday, and Democrats on the next day, Wednesday, is no reason to abandon our civic responsibilities, none what so ever.

Under the heading of: Keeping it in the family, Michelle Obama asked questions of other children. One, aged seven, advised that, " We should finish what we started in Iraq" Art Linkletter had to smile at that bit of advice, I think. These two people, in spite of their seeming ignorance, and profligate ways, are a reminder to us all that the job will be hard, but definitely winnable. I know those charges under the mantel of my influence are terribly more sophisticated in their world views. Their age range? 6-16 years. The six year old knows that there are only fifty states, and has stopped loking for the other seven. He knows a "breathalizer" is a test administered by police to drunk drivers. He knows there is no such thing as an "inhalator", rather an inhaler. He uses them both, and he knows better than the presumptive Democrat candidate. The others, in no order, realize the fallacy of "Global Warming", and will challenge anyone to scientifically prove otherwise. Caution! They know their science, and p.s., they want to drive cars as big as mine, and live the good life, an American life full of hope, and the realization of dreams. Go on, make their day, if you dare.

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