Senator Harry Reid has extended an invitation to Senator John McCain that John just can't refuse. Harry wants John to join him in conferring legal status on millions of people illegally here, in America. Of course, the sooner the better. Early Spring is the target time, and John seemingly, can not agree more. John, the wolf in Conservative clothing, is only weeks away from a failed presidential bid, and apparently, could not resist the stroll across the aisle, to help his pals from the Left. Really, there ought to be a law against this kind of jaywalking.
Isn't the real reason John lost the election, simply one of his being the lesser of two Liberal candidates, ergo, a foregone loser? You could tell he knew that, by the manner in which he exchanged leering glances at Sarah Palin while at campaign(?) stops this Fall. She was doing real damage to Obama's chances, and John had to rein in his running mate, lest she assist him in winning the role he truly didn't want to play---President!
Now, that may seem a rather harsh assessment of John's efforts, but what else are we left to conclude? By "we", I mean Conservatives, and not rank and file Republicans, who had as much to fear in a successful Sarah, as did the Democrats. Decisions, decisions! What is a man to do? Get back to the comfy confines of a Senate chamber, and begin plotting the next across the aisle trips, all in the best interests of the "American People", that's what.
Also on the agenda, is the not so small matter of passing the "Censorship Bill" under the auspices of "fairness" in broadcasting. Put aside the fact that in spite of Conservative talk radio, Obama clearly won the election. Why then the need to stifle free speech, unless the real reason is to secure a tight monopolistic control over ALL speech in America? Will John once more cross the crowded aisle to support this brazen Liberal attempt to diminish even more of our liberties?
Will John be, at all, a voice of reason, or simply a voice in the Senate wilderness? I heard today, that in the year 2013, a new vote will be found in the Franken recount effort. A vote held in the hands of a dead hunter in the wilds of Minnesota. That vote reduced the difference numbers to 50 or so, but unfortunately, Al had passed away the year previous. You've got to admire such resolve, don't you?
Meanwhile, Obama, through his Cabinet, and staff appointments, is reminding us just how much better Sarah Palin was qualified to be our next President. Whatever happened to the "audacity of hope, and of change"? In Obama's mind, "change" equates to more of the same old, same old. Trillions in debt is America, and the clock, ticking away our freedoms, looks just like the clock of Atomic Doom. Remember that one? The clock she ticks, and America's chickens are fleeing the coop! Reverend Wright didn't quite put it like that, but it will do for now, for today.
Now, back to the conflicted ones among us, they are as confused as am I. One heck of a mess to try to explain, but I'll try.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
The Vaccuum Of Hope
So, here we are some 57 days until the Presidency changes hands. Ordinarily, this period of time,
separating the orderly transfer of power from one party to another, is benign, even melancholy for most outgoing presidents, and a wistful anticipation of great things to come by the incoming president. These times however, are extraordinary. There is precious little President Bush can or should do, to alleviate economic pressures confronting America. In effect, his presidency is now over, not officially, but effectively, over. The incoming president, Barack Obama, can not officially do anything at all. Nothing.
He could, though, through his articulation of his policy plans, instill a sense of encouragement in the minds of average Americans. He has largely chosen to ignore the healing effects this would have, and instead, has kept himself busy appointing Clinton retreads as his new Cabinet members. One might say this is personal policy, versus the healing of his country's ills, a public policy opportunity. Secrecy is the rule today, it seems, at least as far as the public gaining an insight into just who is this man we have elected?
The secrecy extends from not only knowing just when he was in Reverend Wright's church, listening to the poisonous homilies therein, and further, not being able to see one of his college thesis papers. His health records remain a mystery, save for the one page letter offered by his doctor. All this, and then there is the matter of just exactly where was this man born anyway? Is he legal in the sense that he meets the fundamental requirement of being a native born American.
If someone were to ask me: Where were you born? I would be able to tell them specifically, the place, the date and time, and any other supporting information essential to know. It is a matter of city, and state official record. I can furnish not only the state certificate, but the hospital of birth certificate as well. It really is no big deal, but in Obama's case it apparently is a VERY big deal, because the Supreme Court of the United States will be hearing a case on December 5th, regarding this matter. Wouldn't it be much simpler to just go back to the house, and retrieve the same type of documents I, or any one of you, possesses, and show them to the interested parties? "My gosh, what is all this fuss about ?" Obama could say, absolutely destroying the credibility of his challengers.
But, no. We are left to wonder why such mysteries are allowed to persist. Why anyone of good, and jolly spirit would permit this to go on. Why, indeed? The man, The One, wants so much to be considered as being of the mold of President John F. Kennedy. Does this mean he desires, or does not mind, the conspiracy theorists soon to converge upon him? Of course, there are no good or even simple reasons for this. Just lots of unanswered questions to ponder. We don't have time for that, the American people that is, we are in the throes of diminishing opportunities, and financial ruin descending, we need much, much more than all the mysteries surrounding this man.
Questions deserve accurate answers not subtle hints. Why are not the birth places of the prior 43 presidents a matter of unanswerable difficulty? Why should it be only this one? Our chances, apparently, of knowing as much as we should about this man, are equivalent to being able to accurately predict the winner of the next Kentucky Derby. Just can't be done!
No, I won't be one of those hanging on each of the One's words come next January 20th. I'll be too busy researching whatever records I may have access to, in order to find suitable answers for myself, to the questions that nag. And that's just not right. I should be able to appreciate the significance, and the importance of the moment, but will be denied, and that's not my fault either.
Let's have a Happy Thanksgiving, none the less, and give thanks for that which appears about to be lost. I have my family, but America needs so much more, doesn't she?
separating the orderly transfer of power from one party to another, is benign, even melancholy for most outgoing presidents, and a wistful anticipation of great things to come by the incoming president. These times however, are extraordinary. There is precious little President Bush can or should do, to alleviate economic pressures confronting America. In effect, his presidency is now over, not officially, but effectively, over. The incoming president, Barack Obama, can not officially do anything at all. Nothing.
He could, though, through his articulation of his policy plans, instill a sense of encouragement in the minds of average Americans. He has largely chosen to ignore the healing effects this would have, and instead, has kept himself busy appointing Clinton retreads as his new Cabinet members. One might say this is personal policy, versus the healing of his country's ills, a public policy opportunity. Secrecy is the rule today, it seems, at least as far as the public gaining an insight into just who is this man we have elected?
The secrecy extends from not only knowing just when he was in Reverend Wright's church, listening to the poisonous homilies therein, and further, not being able to see one of his college thesis papers. His health records remain a mystery, save for the one page letter offered by his doctor. All this, and then there is the matter of just exactly where was this man born anyway? Is he legal in the sense that he meets the fundamental requirement of being a native born American.
If someone were to ask me: Where were you born? I would be able to tell them specifically, the place, the date and time, and any other supporting information essential to know. It is a matter of city, and state official record. I can furnish not only the state certificate, but the hospital of birth certificate as well. It really is no big deal, but in Obama's case it apparently is a VERY big deal, because the Supreme Court of the United States will be hearing a case on December 5th, regarding this matter. Wouldn't it be much simpler to just go back to the house, and retrieve the same type of documents I, or any one of you, possesses, and show them to the interested parties? "My gosh, what is all this fuss about ?" Obama could say, absolutely destroying the credibility of his challengers.
But, no. We are left to wonder why such mysteries are allowed to persist. Why anyone of good, and jolly spirit would permit this to go on. Why, indeed? The man, The One, wants so much to be considered as being of the mold of President John F. Kennedy. Does this mean he desires, or does not mind, the conspiracy theorists soon to converge upon him? Of course, there are no good or even simple reasons for this. Just lots of unanswered questions to ponder. We don't have time for that, the American people that is, we are in the throes of diminishing opportunities, and financial ruin descending, we need much, much more than all the mysteries surrounding this man.
Questions deserve accurate answers not subtle hints. Why are not the birth places of the prior 43 presidents a matter of unanswerable difficulty? Why should it be only this one? Our chances, apparently, of knowing as much as we should about this man, are equivalent to being able to accurately predict the winner of the next Kentucky Derby. Just can't be done!
No, I won't be one of those hanging on each of the One's words come next January 20th. I'll be too busy researching whatever records I may have access to, in order to find suitable answers for myself, to the questions that nag. And that's just not right. I should be able to appreciate the significance, and the importance of the moment, but will be denied, and that's not my fault either.
Let's have a Happy Thanksgiving, none the less, and give thanks for that which appears about to be lost. I have my family, but America needs so much more, doesn't she?
Saturday, November 22, 2008
It Got Me To Thinking
Amid warnings that we are in for a severe winter, I wondered, “Just where the heck is Al Gore when you need him most? I mean I could sure use some extra heating oil, and Thanksgiving isn’t even here yet. It would be nice if the man behind the Global Warming hoax actually presented himself front and center to explain what in God’s name is going on here. His earlier invention, the internet, has been largely useless in terms of finding the man. I want answers, and I want them now!
Well, I’ll have to turn to lesser things, such as pulling out my copy of the US Constitution, and reading once more the words of Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison. These two men spent many a cold night in the late 1700s answering their own questions, and the questions of those who opposed the Constitution’s adoption by the colonies. Their work, known as the Federalist Papers, pre-supposed the value of constitutional government, and their articulately stated opimions and views hold forth to this very day. An amazing byproduct, is that the keen intellect, and prescience on display back then, has not replicated itself unto this very day. Say what you will about Liberal influences in our public education system, the fact remains that these men were perfect not only for their time, but, boy, could we use men like that today.
Quite tellingly, Hamilton in his concluding remarks, said: “I answer in the next place, that I should esteem it the extreme of imprudence to prolong the precarious state of our national affairs, and to expose the Union to the jeopardy of successive experiments, in the chimerical pursuit of a perfect plan.” Further, Hamilton reasoned that: “I never expect to see a perfect work from imperfect man.” All men that is, who desire finding the “perfect plan” Hamilton admonishes us: “The result of the deliberations of all collective bodies must necessarily be a compound, as well as of the errors and prejudices, as of the good sense and wisdom, of the individuals of whom they are composed.”
Finally, Hamilton, in a moment of pure candor, quotes another writer: “To balance a large state or society, whether monarchical or republican, on general laws, is a work of so great difficulty, that no human genius, however comprehensive, is able by the mere dint of reason and reflection, to effect it. The judgements of many must unite in the work, experience must guide their labor, time must bring it to perfection, and the feeling of inconveniences must correct the mistakes which they inevitably fall into, in their first trials and experiments.”
These were not simply words of caution, they were instructions to those willing to listen. It is hoped, but not likely, that Barack Obama hears these words from his ancestral forefathers. Social experiments, over the years, have failed miserably when done on the grandest of scales. So too, will this be the fate of most of the program changes Obama has promised to us in the name of “change”
Since the Founding of America, many Congresses, and Presidents have tinkered their way around constitutional constraints, mostly with abysmal results. Today is no exception, save one fact: The current Congress, and the incoming President, seem hell bent on casting aside the wisdom of men like Madison, and Hamilton. All this in the name of what? Certainly not a better America, for America is greater when men disavow themselves of the notions that THEY can do better.
Madison and Hamilton wrote by the light of flickering candles at night, and by the strength of their publicly stated convictions during the light of day. Before the current crop decide to “change” America, it would be better if they first ask themselves, “What would Madison and Hamilton have said?”
Well, I’ll have to turn to lesser things, such as pulling out my copy of the US Constitution, and reading once more the words of Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison. These two men spent many a cold night in the late 1700s answering their own questions, and the questions of those who opposed the Constitution’s adoption by the colonies. Their work, known as the Federalist Papers, pre-supposed the value of constitutional government, and their articulately stated opimions and views hold forth to this very day. An amazing byproduct, is that the keen intellect, and prescience on display back then, has not replicated itself unto this very day. Say what you will about Liberal influences in our public education system, the fact remains that these men were perfect not only for their time, but, boy, could we use men like that today.
Quite tellingly, Hamilton in his concluding remarks, said: “I answer in the next place, that I should esteem it the extreme of imprudence to prolong the precarious state of our national affairs, and to expose the Union to the jeopardy of successive experiments, in the chimerical pursuit of a perfect plan.” Further, Hamilton reasoned that: “I never expect to see a perfect work from imperfect man.” All men that is, who desire finding the “perfect plan” Hamilton admonishes us: “The result of the deliberations of all collective bodies must necessarily be a compound, as well as of the errors and prejudices, as of the good sense and wisdom, of the individuals of whom they are composed.”
Finally, Hamilton, in a moment of pure candor, quotes another writer: “To balance a large state or society, whether monarchical or republican, on general laws, is a work of so great difficulty, that no human genius, however comprehensive, is able by the mere dint of reason and reflection, to effect it. The judgements of many must unite in the work, experience must guide their labor, time must bring it to perfection, and the feeling of inconveniences must correct the mistakes which they inevitably fall into, in their first trials and experiments.”
These were not simply words of caution, they were instructions to those willing to listen. It is hoped, but not likely, that Barack Obama hears these words from his ancestral forefathers. Social experiments, over the years, have failed miserably when done on the grandest of scales. So too, will this be the fate of most of the program changes Obama has promised to us in the name of “change”
Since the Founding of America, many Congresses, and Presidents have tinkered their way around constitutional constraints, mostly with abysmal results. Today is no exception, save one fact: The current Congress, and the incoming President, seem hell bent on casting aside the wisdom of men like Madison, and Hamilton. All this in the name of what? Certainly not a better America, for America is greater when men disavow themselves of the notions that THEY can do better.
Madison and Hamilton wrote by the light of flickering candles at night, and by the strength of their publicly stated convictions during the light of day. Before the current crop decide to “change” America, it would be better if they first ask themselves, “What would Madison and Hamilton have said?”
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
What Ever Happened To Johnnie Mack Brown?
Some years ago, The Statler brothers, a country music group recorded the song, "Do You Remember These". In the song, the brothers were lamenting the passing of the good old days, and all the old cowboy heroes of the time. Further into the song, they recalled things such as "movie stars on dixie cup lids", and girls with "cooties" in their hair. Ah yes, the good old days, long gone, but not forgotten. The Statlers wondered what ever happened to Johnnie Mack Brown? Well, the election is over, and now someone will surely record a song lamenting the passing of the "current" good old days. "Whatever happened to Johnnie McCain", will be the query of all who remember the good old election campaign days of summer. Or will they? Will anyone remember John, as he crosses the aisle just one more time, and not for old times sake, either.
As it turned out, John was a major disappointment to all Republicans. Certainly, he will be accorded status for a valiant run, but in the end, will it make any difference? Hopefully, McCain will not allow himself to be used by the Obama administration, but indications are that he has already begun to cross that notorious "aisle" once more. Never could trust a maverick could we? To think that McCain forced Sarah Palin to embrace that same "maverick" tag, was demeaning to a decent Conservative, but she will recover. Her star, in it's ascendancy, will pass John's falling star on it's way down. Then, and only then, will Republicans be able to pick up the pieces and move on.
Often times, as a wolf in the wild must do to save itself, the party will gnaw off the gangrenous paw, just to ensure it's living for another day in the wild. It was a nice ride John, and it was even pleasurable to hear you extoll the virtues of Ronald Reagan, and claim you were a true, blue Conservative. But we knew it was not true at all. You used us, just as you have allowed the Liberals to use you in certain ways. Remember? Feingold, Kennedy et al? You were so proud of your reaching out in a bi-partisan way in behalf of the American people, to get something done, that needed not be done.
You couldn't find the aura of a gentleman to wrap yourself in when given the opportunity to defend your running mate on national television. That's ok though, because Sarah doesn't need you any more, she's on her own, and doing well. For all your qualities, John, you just didn't measure up when the real fight of your life commenced. Everyone is wondering why, and they grow fewer in numbers with each passing day. So, let's hoist our mugs aloft, and salute the man himself. He has earned at least that small amount of respect, but a new day of promise is upon us, a day with a woman front and center. This is Sarah's time, so let it begin.
As it turned out, John was a major disappointment to all Republicans. Certainly, he will be accorded status for a valiant run, but in the end, will it make any difference? Hopefully, McCain will not allow himself to be used by the Obama administration, but indications are that he has already begun to cross that notorious "aisle" once more. Never could trust a maverick could we? To think that McCain forced Sarah Palin to embrace that same "maverick" tag, was demeaning to a decent Conservative, but she will recover. Her star, in it's ascendancy, will pass John's falling star on it's way down. Then, and only then, will Republicans be able to pick up the pieces and move on.
Often times, as a wolf in the wild must do to save itself, the party will gnaw off the gangrenous paw, just to ensure it's living for another day in the wild. It was a nice ride John, and it was even pleasurable to hear you extoll the virtues of Ronald Reagan, and claim you were a true, blue Conservative. But we knew it was not true at all. You used us, just as you have allowed the Liberals to use you in certain ways. Remember? Feingold, Kennedy et al? You were so proud of your reaching out in a bi-partisan way in behalf of the American people, to get something done, that needed not be done.
You couldn't find the aura of a gentleman to wrap yourself in when given the opportunity to defend your running mate on national television. That's ok though, because Sarah doesn't need you any more, she's on her own, and doing well. For all your qualities, John, you just didn't measure up when the real fight of your life commenced. Everyone is wondering why, and they grow fewer in numbers with each passing day. So, let's hoist our mugs aloft, and salute the man himself. He has earned at least that small amount of respect, but a new day of promise is upon us, a day with a woman front and center. This is Sarah's time, so let it begin.
Monday, November 17, 2008
How Decisions Are Made
This past week was pleasant in bucolic Greenville, South Carolina. Then, all hell broke loose. At the St. Marys RC Church, some 150 years old, Father Jay Scott Newman, placed a message to parishoners in the weekly church bulletin: "Voting for a pro-abortion politician, when a plausible pro-life alternative exists, constitutes material cooperation with intrinsic evil, and those Catholics who do so, place themselves outside of the full Communion of Christ's Church, and under the full judgment of Divine Law." He added further, that such persons should not receive Holy Communion, until they are reconciled to God in penance. Additionally, he advised his parishoners that they must pray for the president-elect, and cooperate with him whenever "conscience permits."
There you have it. The good shepherd tending to his flock of God's children, as he saw the need to so do. His parishoners agreed by a 9-1 margin with his message, and then the hammer fell. Somehow, the press got hold of his church bulletin's message, and it became, of course, national news. The ensuing heat generated by the story, prompted a statement by Monsignor Martin T. Laughlin, administrator of the Diocese of Charleston, South Carolina. In his statement, Msgr. Laughlin allowed that the "churches clear moral teaching on the evil of abortion had been pulled into the partisan political arena." He went on to say that, "Father Newman's statements do not adequately reflect the Catholic Church's teachings." Interestingly, he also said that "Man has the right to act in CONSCIENCE, and in freedom, so as to make moral decisions...and guided by the AUTHORITATIVE teaching of the Church." Sounds very clear to me, how about you?
Coincidentally, on November 13, 2008, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, through their Catholic Campaign for Human Development sub-committee chairman, Roger Morin, severed their financial relationship with ACORN, citing an embezzlement FINDING, and other acts of impropriety. This action provoked no outrage, no editorial dissection of motive underlying the action taken, nor any word at all. Nothing like good clean decisions made in the best interests of the Church, and it's benefactors. Gosh, that was easy enough, and they didn't have to go very far back in time to come to a just conclusion.
Here is the dilemma, On the one hand, a monetary decision is made in good faith, one consonant with good business practice. All's well, that ends well. Then, there is father Newman, guided by HIS conscience, and by centuries of Church teaching. From the first century Didache, to Pope John Paul II, in his "Evangelium Vitae" (Gospel of life), it has been eminently clear that abortion is FORBIDDEN, as is murder. The law of retribution, Lex Talionis, stresses that abortion calls for STRICT penalties. Moses himself, said so, and here some 1900 years later, so too, did father Newman advise his flock regarding the evils of abortion, and how to select in good conscience, one person of a better moral understanding of the evil, than another not so held to the mandates of HIS church's teachings. This is clear to me, how about you?
I suppose the central point is that the Church hierarchy, in it's haste to make the matter go permanently away, chose to make Father Newman a scapegoat. Of course, Father Newman would not agree with me, but I, in good conscience have made that distinction not for him, but for me. How is it that a sound business practice, absent historical significances, may be almost unilaterally made in but a minute or two, by the same people who, with two millennia of teaching and precedent, struggle with such a simple task?
Father Newman obviously, acted in good faith with his conscience and training as guides before writing his admonition to HIS parishoners. he should be praised, silently, if one must, but praised for holding firmly to the tenets of Canon Law. It truly is that simple. Why have others made it so difficult? You may supply your own answers here.
And now, there are new things to teach those who will save us from ourselves...
There you have it. The good shepherd tending to his flock of God's children, as he saw the need to so do. His parishoners agreed by a 9-1 margin with his message, and then the hammer fell. Somehow, the press got hold of his church bulletin's message, and it became, of course, national news. The ensuing heat generated by the story, prompted a statement by Monsignor Martin T. Laughlin, administrator of the Diocese of Charleston, South Carolina. In his statement, Msgr. Laughlin allowed that the "churches clear moral teaching on the evil of abortion had been pulled into the partisan political arena." He went on to say that, "Father Newman's statements do not adequately reflect the Catholic Church's teachings." Interestingly, he also said that "Man has the right to act in CONSCIENCE, and in freedom, so as to make moral decisions...and guided by the AUTHORITATIVE teaching of the Church." Sounds very clear to me, how about you?
Coincidentally, on November 13, 2008, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, through their Catholic Campaign for Human Development sub-committee chairman, Roger Morin, severed their financial relationship with ACORN, citing an embezzlement FINDING, and other acts of impropriety. This action provoked no outrage, no editorial dissection of motive underlying the action taken, nor any word at all. Nothing like good clean decisions made in the best interests of the Church, and it's benefactors. Gosh, that was easy enough, and they didn't have to go very far back in time to come to a just conclusion.
Here is the dilemma, On the one hand, a monetary decision is made in good faith, one consonant with good business practice. All's well, that ends well. Then, there is father Newman, guided by HIS conscience, and by centuries of Church teaching. From the first century Didache, to Pope John Paul II, in his "Evangelium Vitae" (Gospel of life), it has been eminently clear that abortion is FORBIDDEN, as is murder. The law of retribution, Lex Talionis, stresses that abortion calls for STRICT penalties. Moses himself, said so, and here some 1900 years later, so too, did father Newman advise his flock regarding the evils of abortion, and how to select in good conscience, one person of a better moral understanding of the evil, than another not so held to the mandates of HIS church's teachings. This is clear to me, how about you?
I suppose the central point is that the Church hierarchy, in it's haste to make the matter go permanently away, chose to make Father Newman a scapegoat. Of course, Father Newman would not agree with me, but I, in good conscience have made that distinction not for him, but for me. How is it that a sound business practice, absent historical significances, may be almost unilaterally made in but a minute or two, by the same people who, with two millennia of teaching and precedent, struggle with such a simple task?
Father Newman obviously, acted in good faith with his conscience and training as guides before writing his admonition to HIS parishoners. he should be praised, silently, if one must, but praised for holding firmly to the tenets of Canon Law. It truly is that simple. Why have others made it so difficult? You may supply your own answers here.
And now, there are new things to teach those who will save us from ourselves...
Sunday, November 16, 2008
The Chill Of Winter Has Arrived...
...And with it, a certain realization.
The chill you feel in the air is not necessarily a product of northerly winds this Fall. The chill we feel, is the chill put upon the spirits of proud Americans who fear their country is being taken from them by the forces of change. At least half of all Americans are in this, together with another sizable group who simply wanted to be a part of history in the making. It is this latter group that is so fascinating. In particular, Douglas Kmiec, a professor of law at Pepperdine University, seems to be representative of the lot. A practicing Catholic, Kmiec nonetheless became a vocal supporter of Barack Obama, and headed up Obama's Catholic outreach effort to secure the Catholic vote in America. He, as a former member of the Reagan and Bush administrations, had earlier supported Mitt Romney's candidacy, but when John McCain became the party nominee, he felt the need to look elsewhere for someone to support.
So, he found Barack Obama, a man whom he believed not to be religious, but a man with Christian beliefs. With this in mind, Mr. Kmiec certainly was aware of Obama's disregard for human life surviving a botched abortion. Apparently, the various significant points of law in play concerning this was an override to the application of not only common sense decency, but of the moral laws to which we are all subject. In professor Kmiec's case, he has said that he is lost if the decision to bar him from receiving Holy Communion persists.
We are to assume that the professor is, and has been cognizant, of the Catholic Church position regarding abortion. In both legal, and non-legal terms, it is murder. It is not "infanticide", which seems to be a mind cleansing definition in the minds of the elites among us Fortified with years of such religious awareness, and certainly in possession of his cognitive faculties, the professor nonetheless made the conscious, and deliberate decision to support a man with ideas so foreign to almost all practicing Catholics in America.
He claims that in a conference call with the Pope himself, that if the Pope said, "Douglas, you are wrong!", he would tear out the first 174 pages of his Obama support manifesto. Here, Kmiec offers a glimpse into the soul of the Obama supporters who "went along for the ride into history in the making". The "latter group I spoke of earlier, is filled with the Douglas Kmiecs of the world. People of sometimes clear vision, who push that vision aside purposefully, when confronted by a charismatic wolf in sheep's clothing. We should not condemn these people, we should offer prayers for them, that they return safely to the path of moral conviction.
Remember this: Those same forces are still out there, attempting to steal elections in Georgia, and in Minnesota. They will find their Douglas Kmiecs, and they will mesmerize them into signing up for the "cause". America is not lost, but America is in a state of mortal flux. Conservatives will win the day, and they will do it with purposeful dignity.
The children call, I must get to them knowing the charlatans are but mere minutes away...
The chill you feel in the air is not necessarily a product of northerly winds this Fall. The chill we feel, is the chill put upon the spirits of proud Americans who fear their country is being taken from them by the forces of change. At least half of all Americans are in this, together with another sizable group who simply wanted to be a part of history in the making. It is this latter group that is so fascinating. In particular, Douglas Kmiec, a professor of law at Pepperdine University, seems to be representative of the lot. A practicing Catholic, Kmiec nonetheless became a vocal supporter of Barack Obama, and headed up Obama's Catholic outreach effort to secure the Catholic vote in America. He, as a former member of the Reagan and Bush administrations, had earlier supported Mitt Romney's candidacy, but when John McCain became the party nominee, he felt the need to look elsewhere for someone to support.
So, he found Barack Obama, a man whom he believed not to be religious, but a man with Christian beliefs. With this in mind, Mr. Kmiec certainly was aware of Obama's disregard for human life surviving a botched abortion. Apparently, the various significant points of law in play concerning this was an override to the application of not only common sense decency, but of the moral laws to which we are all subject. In professor Kmiec's case, he has said that he is lost if the decision to bar him from receiving Holy Communion persists.
We are to assume that the professor is, and has been cognizant, of the Catholic Church position regarding abortion. In both legal, and non-legal terms, it is murder. It is not "infanticide", which seems to be a mind cleansing definition in the minds of the elites among us Fortified with years of such religious awareness, and certainly in possession of his cognitive faculties, the professor nonetheless made the conscious, and deliberate decision to support a man with ideas so foreign to almost all practicing Catholics in America.
He claims that in a conference call with the Pope himself, that if the Pope said, "Douglas, you are wrong!", he would tear out the first 174 pages of his Obama support manifesto. Here, Kmiec offers a glimpse into the soul of the Obama supporters who "went along for the ride into history in the making". The "latter group I spoke of earlier, is filled with the Douglas Kmiecs of the world. People of sometimes clear vision, who push that vision aside purposefully, when confronted by a charismatic wolf in sheep's clothing. We should not condemn these people, we should offer prayers for them, that they return safely to the path of moral conviction.
Remember this: Those same forces are still out there, attempting to steal elections in Georgia, and in Minnesota. They will find their Douglas Kmiecs, and they will mesmerize them into signing up for the "cause". America is not lost, but America is in a state of mortal flux. Conservatives will win the day, and they will do it with purposeful dignity.
The children call, I must get to them knowing the charlatans are but mere minutes away...
Friday, November 14, 2008
The Fight Has Begun
Rahm Emanuel has apologized to an Arab acquaintance for remarks made by his father, which suggested that Rahm, a Jew, would be supportive of Israel, hence, so would Barack Obama. Not yet in office, Obama's appointments are busy stirring the pot of boiling world stew. One may only imagine what other such seasoning may be added to this roiling brew come January 20th, 2009. Add to this development, the converging upon Minnesota of outside Liberal lawyers, Move On loyalists, the NEA, and, of course, Acorn membership, for the unselfish purpose of "stealing" the election of Norm Coleman, twice certified. We should have faith that the Minnesota Secretary of State, Mark Ritchie, a former Acorn head, will discharge his Constitutional duties flawlessly, and with the highest degree of fidelity. Yeah, right!
The oft quoted Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the US House, promised "civility", and a true spirit of bi-partisanship two years ago. Now, as forecast, Washington Congressional Democrats are on the brink of begining an investigation into the soon to be former, Bush administration for foul deeds done over the past eight years. Nothing like a partisan in wolf's clothing is there? Clearly, the democrats desire a filibuster proof Senate, and are willing to traverse any road, legal or otherwise, that will secure that goal for them.
Obama, in his haste to "act" presidential, rather than to "be" presidential, is sure to make many mistakes leading up to his inauguration in some 67 days from today. Of a sudden, William Ayres, has found his voice, and is not bashful at all in recounting his former life as a terrorist. In the newest version he simply engaged in activities that were possibly not legal, but his intent was not to hurt people. Well, bless his little terrorist heart! More than likely, we'll be hearing from the rest of Obama's pals, and sooner than later.
When the Democrats are finished, President Bush won't have to worry about his legacy at all. In fact, he, if they are successful, will turn out not having been our president at all! I like clean slates, don't you? It gives us a fresh new start on the road to despotism, and to Socialism itself. Jeremiah Wright's "chickens" having come home to roost, are but a portent of what awaits America during the next four years.
All this, the foregoing, is not refutable, simply taken as the promises of Obama himself to all Americans, voting and non-voting Americans. Legal, and non-legal Americans, and anyone else favorable to the Obama Crusade.
As we descend into the dark, and gloomy winter of 2008, let us remember that what the Germans could not do at Bastogne, Belgium, in the winter of 1945, so too, will the Democrats not be able to do, to a prepared, and informed rest of us. That's us, as in US citizens! The battle has started, are we similarly prepared to beat back the advancing forces of Socialism? The answer is a resounding, YES!
And now, back to the little people whose futures depend on us.
The oft quoted Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the US House, promised "civility", and a true spirit of bi-partisanship two years ago. Now, as forecast, Washington Congressional Democrats are on the brink of begining an investigation into the soon to be former, Bush administration for foul deeds done over the past eight years. Nothing like a partisan in wolf's clothing is there? Clearly, the democrats desire a filibuster proof Senate, and are willing to traverse any road, legal or otherwise, that will secure that goal for them.
Obama, in his haste to "act" presidential, rather than to "be" presidential, is sure to make many mistakes leading up to his inauguration in some 67 days from today. Of a sudden, William Ayres, has found his voice, and is not bashful at all in recounting his former life as a terrorist. In the newest version he simply engaged in activities that were possibly not legal, but his intent was not to hurt people. Well, bless his little terrorist heart! More than likely, we'll be hearing from the rest of Obama's pals, and sooner than later.
When the Democrats are finished, President Bush won't have to worry about his legacy at all. In fact, he, if they are successful, will turn out not having been our president at all! I like clean slates, don't you? It gives us a fresh new start on the road to despotism, and to Socialism itself. Jeremiah Wright's "chickens" having come home to roost, are but a portent of what awaits America during the next four years.
All this, the foregoing, is not refutable, simply taken as the promises of Obama himself to all Americans, voting and non-voting Americans. Legal, and non-legal Americans, and anyone else favorable to the Obama Crusade.
As we descend into the dark, and gloomy winter of 2008, let us remember that what the Germans could not do at Bastogne, Belgium, in the winter of 1945, so too, will the Democrats not be able to do, to a prepared, and informed rest of us. That's us, as in US citizens! The battle has started, are we similarly prepared to beat back the advancing forces of Socialism? The answer is a resounding, YES!
And now, back to the little people whose futures depend on us.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Fairness, to be or not to be?
Now that the election is over, you may bet the "Fairness Doctrine" advocates will rouse themselves from their slumbers, and move forward vigorously to reinstate that infamous assault on free speech. In short, the doctrine was founded on a particularly solid point. Some sixty years ago, the FCC decided that it was in the public interest to require broadcast stations to air contrasting points of view vis a vis editorial positions taken by STATIONS, in political matters. This made sense, because if a particular candidate for political office believed himself to not being properly, and accurately portrayed in a broadcast stations editorial pronouncements, well, then he felt a need for equal time to correct what he viewed as being inaccuracies, or untruths. As a rule, this made good sense, and the FCC promulgated rules of it's own to ensure "fairness" on broadcast air waves.
However, since Ronald Reagan's deregulation in the 1980's, and the eventual overhaul of the Fairness Doctrine" itself, there hasn't been much of a perceived need to reinstate the doctrine. That is, until Democrats, and Liberals decided for themselves that stations with Conservative talk shows were not truly fair and balanced in their programming standards. As a result, Congressional Democrats are now calling for the doctrine's reinstatement, creating a new standard of "Fair and Balanced" programming. The dirty truth is that these talk shows thrive on audience participation, and have been wildly successful business enterprises as a result. On the other hand, Liberal talk shows have been tried, but have failed for good reasons. They just don't work! Liberal views depend not so much on audience participation to make their shows work well, for Liberalism itself, is intellectually undefinable, making it virtually impossible to succeed.
The whole point behind these calls for the doctrine's reinstatement, is to stifle free speech, and eliminate the "competition " as it were. This is most puzzling, for there are only a handful of such "Conservative" talk shows on radio. They are eminently successful because all discussions are IDEA based, and not of some nebulous quality that would allow for public indoctrination. These shows are but a part of a broadcast stations daily menu, and do not reflect the views of the station itself. That is true fairness itself. Additionally, these stations are independent business enterprises, and must make money from advertiser willingness to pay that money. On each of these shows furthermore, Liberal points of view are encouraged and sought after. On many, liberal callers are often put to the "front of the line", though oftentimes to the dismay of their Conservative counterparts. All in all, it is an entertaining format, and not one detrimental to the public good at all.
And another thing, with the Democrats recent election showing, it would appear that they were able to somehow convince a number of voting Americans to see things their way. To me, that signals a disturbing move attempted by Democrats in Congress, to purge the air waves of anything that they do not favor as a voice of political expression. Although we could hold up the example of the MSM, and the print media, as not being the respectable "news" organizations they purport themselves to be, I won't do that just now. Suffice it to say that if we do nothing, we will lose our only voices of reason, at least as we see them to be.
The Liberals have most of it, don't they? A willing and compliant press, our country's public education system, and power in the Congress! What more can they possibly need? Total control it would appear to be. Mark Levin says famously that "Tyranny is at the bottom of the slippery slope upon which we stand. Tyranny, despotism, socialism, and Marxism await those blinded by the guile and the intentions of the ruling class: Washington elitist politicians of the Democrat stripe!
Are we going to stand idly by, and watch our First Amendment stripped from the US Constitution?
NO, a resounding NO!!
And now, back to the education of those who will ultimately save us from ourselves. They vitally need instruction on that same Constitution, you know, the Constitution they are not receiving training on in America's public schools. Yeah, that one.
However, since Ronald Reagan's deregulation in the 1980's, and the eventual overhaul of the Fairness Doctrine" itself, there hasn't been much of a perceived need to reinstate the doctrine. That is, until Democrats, and Liberals decided for themselves that stations with Conservative talk shows were not truly fair and balanced in their programming standards. As a result, Congressional Democrats are now calling for the doctrine's reinstatement, creating a new standard of "Fair and Balanced" programming. The dirty truth is that these talk shows thrive on audience participation, and have been wildly successful business enterprises as a result. On the other hand, Liberal talk shows have been tried, but have failed for good reasons. They just don't work! Liberal views depend not so much on audience participation to make their shows work well, for Liberalism itself, is intellectually undefinable, making it virtually impossible to succeed.
The whole point behind these calls for the doctrine's reinstatement, is to stifle free speech, and eliminate the "competition " as it were. This is most puzzling, for there are only a handful of such "Conservative" talk shows on radio. They are eminently successful because all discussions are IDEA based, and not of some nebulous quality that would allow for public indoctrination. These shows are but a part of a broadcast stations daily menu, and do not reflect the views of the station itself. That is true fairness itself. Additionally, these stations are independent business enterprises, and must make money from advertiser willingness to pay that money. On each of these shows furthermore, Liberal points of view are encouraged and sought after. On many, liberal callers are often put to the "front of the line", though oftentimes to the dismay of their Conservative counterparts. All in all, it is an entertaining format, and not one detrimental to the public good at all.
And another thing, with the Democrats recent election showing, it would appear that they were able to somehow convince a number of voting Americans to see things their way. To me, that signals a disturbing move attempted by Democrats in Congress, to purge the air waves of anything that they do not favor as a voice of political expression. Although we could hold up the example of the MSM, and the print media, as not being the respectable "news" organizations they purport themselves to be, I won't do that just now. Suffice it to say that if we do nothing, we will lose our only voices of reason, at least as we see them to be.
The Liberals have most of it, don't they? A willing and compliant press, our country's public education system, and power in the Congress! What more can they possibly need? Total control it would appear to be. Mark Levin says famously that "Tyranny is at the bottom of the slippery slope upon which we stand. Tyranny, despotism, socialism, and Marxism await those blinded by the guile and the intentions of the ruling class: Washington elitist politicians of the Democrat stripe!
Are we going to stand idly by, and watch our First Amendment stripped from the US Constitution?
NO, a resounding NO!!
And now, back to the education of those who will ultimately save us from ourselves. They vitally need instruction on that same Constitution, you know, the Constitution they are not receiving training on in America's public schools. Yeah, that one.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
What Happened To The Good News?
Let's see here: Our country elects it's first black Liberal as president, and the DOW plunges 370 points. I suppose this was in honor of the "changes" to come in the market place. Within the next two months, it is said that sports agents will hurry to take advantage of this current years tax rates, allowing the boys of summer, fall and winter, (did I mention spring?) to keep more of their hard earned money before it is retrned to the suckers who pay inflated ticket prices to see their heroes on the fields of play. No self respecting sportsman would pass up that opportunity would he/she?
We need change, was the unrelenting mantra of Obama, and his delerious supporters. So far, all we have gotten are the two invitations sent to Rahm Emanuel, congressman, Illinois, and Robert Gibbs. The former has accepted the White House Chief of Staff position, and Gibbs will likely do the same, accepting the White House Press secretary's appointment. Wow! more change that just doesn't smell like change. In Emanuel Obama is getting a hard knuckled politician who once sent a dead fish to a political foe. Then there is the story of Emanuel's tirade in Chicago directed at politicians he felt had disrespected him. You know, where he sat at a table with a steak knife in hand and said"Dead!", after each of the recalcitrants names were mentioned. Republicans have less to fear from Emanuel, than do Congressional democrats who defy Obama's legislative plans.
meanwhile, the bufoonish Tom Brokaw was heard on the Charlie Rose television show saying that, "Obama is an enigma, we don't know much about him other than the two biographies he has written." Well, Mr> Brokaw, you are a journalist, are you not? You could have, provided that you wanted to, assigned a reporter or two to find out just who in the name of God was this candidate named Obama. But you didn't. You were too busy advancing the cause of the Messiah, and now are trying simply to cover your a**! Others in the MSM are filing their own mea culpas, in the hope that the tarnish so encrusted on their reputations, may be removed before the public starts asking serious questions. You people got exactly what you wanted, and now will have to live with the consequences. I wonder to what will they attribute the greatest one day fall after a presidential election of the DOW since 1900? Oh, I know. The failed economic policies of the Bush administration. Yeah, that's it. Mr. President, you deserve all the ridicule having come your way since election 2000! Your unwillingness to fight the good fight was not only beneath the presidency, as you insist, but apparently beneath your ability to do so: engage the enemy on his turf. Similarly, John McCain's campaign chieftains should beware their laying blame for McCain's loss at the feet of Governor Sarah Palin. McCain himself didn't have the fire in his belly either. In that regard, he is more like President Bush, than not.
I spoke with Obama voters today, and politely asked them to give me reasons for the need to change, and remake America. Needless to say, these were exceedingly brief, and very quiet conversations that never really got off the ground. So much for the intelligent among us.
Meanwhile, things were very routine for those whose futures depend on each of us. The rain, looming threats of snow, the wind, and play. Their day of "hope" will come, but will it be too late for them? This, I ask of myself, and anyone else within earshot.
Now, back to those with mundane worries. They are looking forward to Christmas already. This year will be as last year, but what about next year and the years to follow?
We need change, was the unrelenting mantra of Obama, and his delerious supporters. So far, all we have gotten are the two invitations sent to Rahm Emanuel, congressman, Illinois, and Robert Gibbs. The former has accepted the White House Chief of Staff position, and Gibbs will likely do the same, accepting the White House Press secretary's appointment. Wow! more change that just doesn't smell like change. In Emanuel Obama is getting a hard knuckled politician who once sent a dead fish to a political foe. Then there is the story of Emanuel's tirade in Chicago directed at politicians he felt had disrespected him. You know, where he sat at a table with a steak knife in hand and said"Dead!", after each of the recalcitrants names were mentioned. Republicans have less to fear from Emanuel, than do Congressional democrats who defy Obama's legislative plans.
meanwhile, the bufoonish Tom Brokaw was heard on the Charlie Rose television show saying that, "Obama is an enigma, we don't know much about him other than the two biographies he has written." Well, Mr> Brokaw, you are a journalist, are you not? You could have, provided that you wanted to, assigned a reporter or two to find out just who in the name of God was this candidate named Obama. But you didn't. You were too busy advancing the cause of the Messiah, and now are trying simply to cover your a**! Others in the MSM are filing their own mea culpas, in the hope that the tarnish so encrusted on their reputations, may be removed before the public starts asking serious questions. You people got exactly what you wanted, and now will have to live with the consequences. I wonder to what will they attribute the greatest one day fall after a presidential election of the DOW since 1900? Oh, I know. The failed economic policies of the Bush administration. Yeah, that's it. Mr. President, you deserve all the ridicule having come your way since election 2000! Your unwillingness to fight the good fight was not only beneath the presidency, as you insist, but apparently beneath your ability to do so: engage the enemy on his turf. Similarly, John McCain's campaign chieftains should beware their laying blame for McCain's loss at the feet of Governor Sarah Palin. McCain himself didn't have the fire in his belly either. In that regard, he is more like President Bush, than not.
I spoke with Obama voters today, and politely asked them to give me reasons for the need to change, and remake America. Needless to say, these were exceedingly brief, and very quiet conversations that never really got off the ground. So much for the intelligent among us.
Meanwhile, things were very routine for those whose futures depend on each of us. The rain, looming threats of snow, the wind, and play. Their day of "hope" will come, but will it be too late for them? This, I ask of myself, and anyone else within earshot.
Now, back to those with mundane worries. They are looking forward to Christmas already. This year will be as last year, but what about next year and the years to follow?
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
What's Next?
We have a new President-elect. His name is Obama. We are told to rejoice for the choices made, and for the history of the moment. We are admonished to be gracious, and to congratulate this man for his victory over the reluctant John McCain. This we are told, but this I deny.
True Conservatives, constantly on guard against enemies of our Constitution, now have their work cut out for them. No, I can not offer congratulations, nor be gracious in advance of the carrying out of the many promises made by Obama. Carry them out is his intent, and our warning. In spite of the Democrat claims of racial divides being created, let us remember that it was THEY who injected race into every available cavity of the now past election period. For Conservatives, it was never about race, certainly not the party of Thomas Sole, Walter Williams, Ken Blackwell, Michael Steele or Condy Rice, and Clarence Thomas. Conservatives have always been the ones discussing issues in terms of their Constitutional relevance, and not in terms of being made to simply feel "good" about Liberal decisions made without concern for Constitutional limits on those decisions made.
No. Conservatives must band together more tightly, and rid the movement of those who sought to redefine it. Rid them by letting it be known they are not welcome at the discussion table when the rebirth begins. Republicans, elitist, and simply RINO, are the cancer that has riddled the Conservative movement of it's life sustaining nourishment. Let the ridding begin!
For all their likeability, neither George Bush, nor John McCain have led the movement in a positive way. President Bush, over an eight year period, allowed the Liberals, and the MSM to define him as a bumbler, and a clod unworthy of the presidency he "stole" from Al Gore, and John Kerry. President Bush felt that fighting back against these negative forces was beneath the Presidency itself, and so, he became to many Americans that which they were told he was: unfit for the job. John McCain, obviously so proud of his "maverick" status, and a fierce military warrior of whom the country was rightfully proud, similarly did not have the desire nor the fire in his belly to combat the enemies of our Constitution: Liberals. Yes, they are to be praised for their service to America, but also faulted for their lack of visionary leadership.
Obama, today, appealed to the roughly half of America that did not vote for him. He acknowledged that their votes went not his way, and he was reaching out for our support in the long days ahead. I believe Obama to be a man of his word, and his words are what frighten the hell out of me, and I am sure many other Americans as well. This man who proclaimed himself to be a "uniter" has fallen back to the default position of dividing this country thoroughly, and with purpose. Last night he told adoring supporters there would be many failures in the next year, and beyond to the fourth year of his presidency. This a prerequisite step to campaigning for a second term before he has begun his first. He spoke of the need to sacrifice on the part of all, which provoked looks of bewilderment in the adorers eyes. Don't worry though, it will all be blamed on the terrible presidency of George Bush and those awful, nasty republican supporters of his.
True, he does not have a fillibuster proof Senate to assist in the implementation of his plans for "change", and the "remaking" of America. But, with Republicans like Arlen Spector, and Lindsay Graham, even that is not so certain a brake on the wheels of destructive power about to be unleashed. This is a situation we all knew could happen, but did not anticipate ever happening to an enlightened public. Well, the lights are on full glare now, and the scene is not so pretty out there. That which America asked for, America is about to get. Do not come to my door looking for a sympathetic voice with which to commiserate, I'll be too busy, as was the Hollander, Peter, with my fingers, if not my hand in the hole in the dike about to be breached.
Over half of Americans who voted yesterday, I suppose were voting as they would for Warren Sapp on "Dancing With The Stars". The shallowness, the very real contempt for our country's history was on display yesterday, and half the world laughed with glee as America got it's comeuppance in a big way. The other half, well, they have lost a world leader to whom they looked up, and were saddened.
I caution these Leftists who want to make victims out of a majority of Americans. You can not succeed. You will not be allowed to succeed, for if history is the guide it is portrayed to be, you will be the ones deposited on the ash heaps where you belong. You want a fight, a protracted struggle? You've got it, in spades.
The lessons to be taught to those who survive our ignorance, are many, and extremely important. Back to school with them, and with their futures in mind...
True Conservatives, constantly on guard against enemies of our Constitution, now have their work cut out for them. No, I can not offer congratulations, nor be gracious in advance of the carrying out of the many promises made by Obama. Carry them out is his intent, and our warning. In spite of the Democrat claims of racial divides being created, let us remember that it was THEY who injected race into every available cavity of the now past election period. For Conservatives, it was never about race, certainly not the party of Thomas Sole, Walter Williams, Ken Blackwell, Michael Steele or Condy Rice, and Clarence Thomas. Conservatives have always been the ones discussing issues in terms of their Constitutional relevance, and not in terms of being made to simply feel "good" about Liberal decisions made without concern for Constitutional limits on those decisions made.
No. Conservatives must band together more tightly, and rid the movement of those who sought to redefine it. Rid them by letting it be known they are not welcome at the discussion table when the rebirth begins. Republicans, elitist, and simply RINO, are the cancer that has riddled the Conservative movement of it's life sustaining nourishment. Let the ridding begin!
For all their likeability, neither George Bush, nor John McCain have led the movement in a positive way. President Bush, over an eight year period, allowed the Liberals, and the MSM to define him as a bumbler, and a clod unworthy of the presidency he "stole" from Al Gore, and John Kerry. President Bush felt that fighting back against these negative forces was beneath the Presidency itself, and so, he became to many Americans that which they were told he was: unfit for the job. John McCain, obviously so proud of his "maverick" status, and a fierce military warrior of whom the country was rightfully proud, similarly did not have the desire nor the fire in his belly to combat the enemies of our Constitution: Liberals. Yes, they are to be praised for their service to America, but also faulted for their lack of visionary leadership.
Obama, today, appealed to the roughly half of America that did not vote for him. He acknowledged that their votes went not his way, and he was reaching out for our support in the long days ahead. I believe Obama to be a man of his word, and his words are what frighten the hell out of me, and I am sure many other Americans as well. This man who proclaimed himself to be a "uniter" has fallen back to the default position of dividing this country thoroughly, and with purpose. Last night he told adoring supporters there would be many failures in the next year, and beyond to the fourth year of his presidency. This a prerequisite step to campaigning for a second term before he has begun his first. He spoke of the need to sacrifice on the part of all, which provoked looks of bewilderment in the adorers eyes. Don't worry though, it will all be blamed on the terrible presidency of George Bush and those awful, nasty republican supporters of his.
True, he does not have a fillibuster proof Senate to assist in the implementation of his plans for "change", and the "remaking" of America. But, with Republicans like Arlen Spector, and Lindsay Graham, even that is not so certain a brake on the wheels of destructive power about to be unleashed. This is a situation we all knew could happen, but did not anticipate ever happening to an enlightened public. Well, the lights are on full glare now, and the scene is not so pretty out there. That which America asked for, America is about to get. Do not come to my door looking for a sympathetic voice with which to commiserate, I'll be too busy, as was the Hollander, Peter, with my fingers, if not my hand in the hole in the dike about to be breached.
Over half of Americans who voted yesterday, I suppose were voting as they would for Warren Sapp on "Dancing With The Stars". The shallowness, the very real contempt for our country's history was on display yesterday, and half the world laughed with glee as America got it's comeuppance in a big way. The other half, well, they have lost a world leader to whom they looked up, and were saddened.
I caution these Leftists who want to make victims out of a majority of Americans. You can not succeed. You will not be allowed to succeed, for if history is the guide it is portrayed to be, you will be the ones deposited on the ash heaps where you belong. You want a fight, a protracted struggle? You've got it, in spades.
The lessons to be taught to those who survive our ignorance, are many, and extremely important. Back to school with them, and with their futures in mind...
Monday, November 03, 2008
Time To Mention The "S" Word?
We all love America, don't we? What's that you say, "perhaps not all of us"? If we are to believe the MSM, and it's sycophants of the Left, this election is over, and the only thing left to consider is the extent of the landslide before us. But, not so fast there!
OK, we must assume that the election of Barack Obama is a foregone conclusion. Give the man his due. He has made many promises to us all, and I for one, believe he will keep them. Let's list them right here:
1. Obama has promised to wage war on capitalism, and destroy industries, and thereby
deprive tens of thousands of working Americans of their jobs and their dignity.
2. Obama has promised to redistribute America's wealth, your earned money, and give
it to those Americans who have not paid income taxes, as a "tax break".
3. Obama has promised to reduce America's military to unrecognizable third world levels.
4. Obama has promised abortion on demand for every freedom loving American.
5. Obama has promised to nominate jurists ala Ginsberg, and Breyer to the Supreme Court.
6. Obama has vowed that it is patriotic to pay the huge tax increases he has in mind for us
Say what you want to about John McCain, he can not make nor keep such promises. Barack Obama however, there is a man of his word. He has every intention of keeping his promises, if, and when he is elected.
Therefore, maybe it is time to speak of the unthinkable----SECESSION!
In the early 1800's, southern states worried over their lack of real clout in the Congress. It began as a states rights struggle between the northern tier of states, and the southern states. Eventually, slavery became a central and defining issue, and it wasn't long until South Carolina, on September 24, 1860 issued a Declaration of Causes of Secession. The die was cast, and soon, six more southern states followed South Carolina's lead, and themselves seceeded from the Union. The Civil War was upon us, the rest so to speak, is history. Viewed in the context of the moment, one might, or might not have agreed with those who headed the Confederacy. Hundreds of thousands of Americans died fighting for whatever their beliefs were at the time. The purpose here, is not to rehash the War of the States, nor to examine what was done, how it was done, and why it was done. Simply the fact that it WAS done by citizens who believed in their grievances against a central government.
So, here we are some 148 years later, living in expectancy of a central government's attempt to destroy this once proud nation. Led by a man not of great vision, but a man of greater promises than we wish to bear. Would it be surprising then, if there were calls for secession once more? After all, are we not a divided nation? Red and Blue? Clearly, inside these two Americas, are individuals who are light years apart in their understanding of what it means to be American. What it is exactly that makes them happy, and productive citizens. Our future, bleak though it may be, is too precious to leave to chance.
As they say in Blue New York, I would leave in a New York minute for any other place that held firmly to the founding ideas, and to the promise of glory, and freedom for the individual. Admittedly, it is not easy to say these things, but surely others are thinking similar thoughts. If a simple majority of Americans believe in the above referenced "Obama promises", and can change the way all Americans live, well, then maybe it is time for some serious thinking along these lines. If Blue America likes the promises offered, then let them have them.For the rest of us in Red America, possibly a new start can be had. It would be a terribly complex divorce, but one possibly worth enduring.Make no mistake, we are definitely two entirely different countries, two entirely different cultures.
Is there anyone bold enough to make the first move out there? Time will tell, and that time may soon be upon us. In fact, it may be only 23 hours from now. I seem to remember Hollywood types who threatened to move out of the country if George Bush won his elections. Never could count on them to follow through on their solemn vows, could we? It's a different America now, and one with different Americans who are truer to their word. We could share the same Constitution, but Consitutional values would be decidedly different in Red America. No parsing of words, no mistake as to original intent. Just Founders ideals living on in perpetuity. No false arguments as to OUR Constitution being a "living" document!
Now, back to those who know not what awaits them, should the chips fall the wrong way.
OK, we must assume that the election of Barack Obama is a foregone conclusion. Give the man his due. He has made many promises to us all, and I for one, believe he will keep them. Let's list them right here:
1. Obama has promised to wage war on capitalism, and destroy industries, and thereby
deprive tens of thousands of working Americans of their jobs and their dignity.
2. Obama has promised to redistribute America's wealth, your earned money, and give
it to those Americans who have not paid income taxes, as a "tax break".
3. Obama has promised to reduce America's military to unrecognizable third world levels.
4. Obama has promised abortion on demand for every freedom loving American.
5. Obama has promised to nominate jurists ala Ginsberg, and Breyer to the Supreme Court.
6. Obama has vowed that it is patriotic to pay the huge tax increases he has in mind for us
Say what you want to about John McCain, he can not make nor keep such promises. Barack Obama however, there is a man of his word. He has every intention of keeping his promises, if, and when he is elected.
Therefore, maybe it is time to speak of the unthinkable----SECESSION!
In the early 1800's, southern states worried over their lack of real clout in the Congress. It began as a states rights struggle between the northern tier of states, and the southern states. Eventually, slavery became a central and defining issue, and it wasn't long until South Carolina, on September 24, 1860 issued a Declaration of Causes of Secession. The die was cast, and soon, six more southern states followed South Carolina's lead, and themselves seceeded from the Union. The Civil War was upon us, the rest so to speak, is history. Viewed in the context of the moment, one might, or might not have agreed with those who headed the Confederacy. Hundreds of thousands of Americans died fighting for whatever their beliefs were at the time. The purpose here, is not to rehash the War of the States, nor to examine what was done, how it was done, and why it was done. Simply the fact that it WAS done by citizens who believed in their grievances against a central government.
So, here we are some 148 years later, living in expectancy of a central government's attempt to destroy this once proud nation. Led by a man not of great vision, but a man of greater promises than we wish to bear. Would it be surprising then, if there were calls for secession once more? After all, are we not a divided nation? Red and Blue? Clearly, inside these two Americas, are individuals who are light years apart in their understanding of what it means to be American. What it is exactly that makes them happy, and productive citizens. Our future, bleak though it may be, is too precious to leave to chance.
As they say in Blue New York, I would leave in a New York minute for any other place that held firmly to the founding ideas, and to the promise of glory, and freedom for the individual. Admittedly, it is not easy to say these things, but surely others are thinking similar thoughts. If a simple majority of Americans believe in the above referenced "Obama promises", and can change the way all Americans live, well, then maybe it is time for some serious thinking along these lines. If Blue America likes the promises offered, then let them have them.For the rest of us in Red America, possibly a new start can be had. It would be a terribly complex divorce, but one possibly worth enduring.Make no mistake, we are definitely two entirely different countries, two entirely different cultures.
Is there anyone bold enough to make the first move out there? Time will tell, and that time may soon be upon us. In fact, it may be only 23 hours from now. I seem to remember Hollywood types who threatened to move out of the country if George Bush won his elections. Never could count on them to follow through on their solemn vows, could we? It's a different America now, and one with different Americans who are truer to their word. We could share the same Constitution, but Consitutional values would be decidedly different in Red America. No parsing of words, no mistake as to original intent. Just Founders ideals living on in perpetuity. No false arguments as to OUR Constitution being a "living" document!
Now, back to those who know not what awaits them, should the chips fall the wrong way.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Lest we forget
On the eve of this years presidential election, we should pause in reflection of past events that have shamed the American justice system. Notably, the incarcerations of three Americans for doing nothing but their duty in protection of people such as you and I. We all remember Ignacio Ramos, and Jose Compean, US Border Patrol agents convicted of a crime against an illegal alien on US soil near the Mexican border. Yes, their trial charges included "conspiring to cover up their crime". We may also recall the prosecutor granting immunity to the illegal alien upon his return from Mexico to testify at trial. We are familiar with the repetitive offenses committed against US law by this individual. So, who is it that are still in custody, and denied their freedom by zealous federal prosecutors: Ramos and Compean, that's who!
The third individual, Stephanie Mohr, of Prince George's County, Maryland, is currently serving the fifth year of a ten year sentence. She was convicted of violating the civil rights of, once again, an illegal alien. Upon confronting two men on a roof top, she and her partner in accord with law, and police standards, placed them under arrest. One suspect made a move as if to flee, and Stephanie let loose her canine which was trained to bite and hold, again, in compliance with department standards. Nothing came of it at the time, however, at the midnight hour, one of that cadre of zealous illegal alien first prosecutors charged Stephanie with a civil rights crime against an illegal alien. After a hung jury deliberation, the unsatisfied prosecutor plowed forward with a new trial, and a jury more potentially in favor of poor illegal aliens. This time, Stephanie was convicted, and is currently serving the fifth year of a ten year sentence.
I have sent mail to President Bush, and to Vice President Dick Chaney, asking for the pardoning of these three US law enforcement personnel. Won't you take a few minutes to review these cases, and call upon the President, and Vice President to do what must be done?
Remember. Ignacio, Jose, and Stephenie are continually denied their freedom. While we still have ours, let's do the right and proper thing in calling for the President to do what came so easily for former President Clinton.The nature of the crimes didn't bother President Clinton, neither did the appropriateness of granting pardons to individuals who did not deserve them. In this case, there is no way in which to justify what has happened to, and continues to happen to, Ignacio, Jose, and Stephanie. PS her five year old daughter would approve, as would Ignacio's and Jose's children.
And now, back to those whom we hold close to our hearts. our children and grand children, those who will save us from ourselves, and from others...
The third individual, Stephanie Mohr, of Prince George's County, Maryland, is currently serving the fifth year of a ten year sentence. She was convicted of violating the civil rights of, once again, an illegal alien. Upon confronting two men on a roof top, she and her partner in accord with law, and police standards, placed them under arrest. One suspect made a move as if to flee, and Stephanie let loose her canine which was trained to bite and hold, again, in compliance with department standards. Nothing came of it at the time, however, at the midnight hour, one of that cadre of zealous illegal alien first prosecutors charged Stephanie with a civil rights crime against an illegal alien. After a hung jury deliberation, the unsatisfied prosecutor plowed forward with a new trial, and a jury more potentially in favor of poor illegal aliens. This time, Stephanie was convicted, and is currently serving the fifth year of a ten year sentence.
I have sent mail to President Bush, and to Vice President Dick Chaney, asking for the pardoning of these three US law enforcement personnel. Won't you take a few minutes to review these cases, and call upon the President, and Vice President to do what must be done?
Remember. Ignacio, Jose, and Stephenie are continually denied their freedom. While we still have ours, let's do the right and proper thing in calling for the President to do what came so easily for former President Clinton.The nature of the crimes didn't bother President Clinton, neither did the appropriateness of granting pardons to individuals who did not deserve them. In this case, there is no way in which to justify what has happened to, and continues to happen to, Ignacio, Jose, and Stephanie. PS her five year old daughter would approve, as would Ignacio's and Jose's children.
And now, back to those whom we hold close to our hearts. our children and grand children, those who will save us from ourselves, and from others...
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