Rahm Emanuel has apologized to an Arab acquaintance for remarks made by his father, which suggested that Rahm, a Jew, would be supportive of Israel, hence, so would Barack Obama. Not yet in office, Obama's appointments are busy stirring the pot of boiling world stew. One may only imagine what other such seasoning may be added to this roiling brew come January 20th, 2009. Add to this development, the converging upon Minnesota of outside Liberal lawyers, Move On loyalists, the NEA, and, of course, Acorn membership, for the unselfish purpose of "stealing" the election of Norm Coleman, twice certified. We should have faith that the Minnesota Secretary of State, Mark Ritchie, a former Acorn head, will discharge his Constitutional duties flawlessly, and with the highest degree of fidelity. Yeah, right!
The oft quoted Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the US House, promised "civility", and a true spirit of bi-partisanship two years ago. Now, as forecast, Washington Congressional Democrats are on the brink of begining an investigation into the soon to be former, Bush administration for foul deeds done over the past eight years. Nothing like a partisan in wolf's clothing is there? Clearly, the democrats desire a filibuster proof Senate, and are willing to traverse any road, legal or otherwise, that will secure that goal for them.
Obama, in his haste to "act" presidential, rather than to "be" presidential, is sure to make many mistakes leading up to his inauguration in some 67 days from today. Of a sudden, William Ayres, has found his voice, and is not bashful at all in recounting his former life as a terrorist. In the newest version he simply engaged in activities that were possibly not legal, but his intent was not to hurt people. Well, bless his little terrorist heart! More than likely, we'll be hearing from the rest of Obama's pals, and sooner than later.
When the Democrats are finished, President Bush won't have to worry about his legacy at all. In fact, he, if they are successful, will turn out not having been our president at all! I like clean slates, don't you? It gives us a fresh new start on the road to despotism, and to Socialism itself. Jeremiah Wright's "chickens" having come home to roost, are but a portent of what awaits America during the next four years.
All this, the foregoing, is not refutable, simply taken as the promises of Obama himself to all Americans, voting and non-voting Americans. Legal, and non-legal Americans, and anyone else favorable to the Obama Crusade.
As we descend into the dark, and gloomy winter of 2008, let us remember that what the Germans could not do at Bastogne, Belgium, in the winter of 1945, so too, will the Democrats not be able to do, to a prepared, and informed rest of us. That's us, as in US citizens! The battle has started, are we similarly prepared to beat back the advancing forces of Socialism? The answer is a resounding, YES!
And now, back to the little people whose futures depend on us.
Friday, November 14, 2008
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