Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Jaywalking Again!

Senator Harry Reid has extended an invitation to Senator John McCain that John just can't refuse. Harry wants John to join him in conferring legal status on millions of people illegally here, in America. Of course, the sooner the better. Early Spring is the target time, and John seemingly, can not agree more. John, the wolf in Conservative clothing, is only weeks away from a failed presidential bid, and apparently, could not resist the stroll across the aisle, to help his pals from the Left. Really, there ought to be a law against this kind of jaywalking.

Isn't the real reason John lost the election, simply one of his being the lesser of two Liberal candidates, ergo, a foregone loser? You could tell he knew that, by the manner in which he exchanged leering glances at Sarah Palin while at campaign(?) stops this Fall. She was doing real damage to Obama's chances, and John had to rein in his running mate, lest she assist him in winning the role he truly didn't want to play---President!

Now, that may seem a rather harsh assessment of John's efforts, but what else are we left to conclude? By "we", I mean Conservatives, and not rank and file Republicans, who had as much to fear in a successful Sarah, as did the Democrats. Decisions, decisions! What is a man to do? Get back to the comfy confines of a Senate chamber, and begin plotting the next across the aisle trips, all in the best interests of the "American People", that's what.

Also on the agenda, is the not so small matter of passing the "Censorship Bill" under the auspices of "fairness" in broadcasting. Put aside the fact that in spite of Conservative talk radio, Obama clearly won the election. Why then the need to stifle free speech, unless the real reason is to secure a tight monopolistic control over ALL speech in America? Will John once more cross the crowded aisle to support this brazen Liberal attempt to diminish even more of our liberties?

Will John be, at all, a voice of reason, or simply a voice in the Senate wilderness? I heard today, that in the year 2013, a new vote will be found in the Franken recount effort. A vote held in the hands of a dead hunter in the wilds of Minnesota. That vote reduced the difference numbers to 50 or so, but unfortunately, Al had passed away the year previous. You've got to admire such resolve, don't you?

Meanwhile, Obama, through his Cabinet, and staff appointments, is reminding us just how much better Sarah Palin was qualified to be our next President. Whatever happened to the "audacity of hope, and of change"? In Obama's mind, "change" equates to more of the same old, same old. Trillions in debt is America, and the clock, ticking away our freedoms, looks just like the clock of Atomic Doom. Remember that one? The clock she ticks, and America's chickens are fleeing the coop! Reverend Wright didn't quite put it like that, but it will do for now, for today.

Now, back to the conflicted ones among us, they are as confused as am I. One heck of a mess to try to explain, but I'll try.


Anonymous said...

I disagree, regarding your thoughts on Sarah Palin. True, she got a raw deal with the press and media. But she is too green to run a country.

I am somewhat surprised at you to think she was more capable. We will be in good hands.

Went out today to buy two pumpkin pies for celebration tomorrow.
Cheers Steve and enjoy turkey!

Anonymous said...

I believe that the terrorist bombings in India over the weekend are a clear indication that the globe is infilterated with terrorism. Obama will be able to clearly deal with this problem, and on the home front; help unemployment and health welfare.
We can be grateful for our incoming leader. God bless America and the freedom of speech.
I thank you for publishing my thoughts. Yours.