Monday, November 03, 2008

Time To Mention The "S" Word?

We all love America, don't we? What's that you say, "perhaps not all of us"? If we are to believe the MSM, and it's sycophants of the Left, this election is over, and the only thing left to consider is the extent of the landslide before us. But, not so fast there!

OK, we must assume that the election of Barack Obama is a foregone conclusion. Give the man his due. He has made many promises to us all, and I for one, believe he will keep them. Let's list them right here:

1. Obama has promised to wage war on capitalism, and destroy industries, and thereby
deprive tens of thousands of working Americans of their jobs and their dignity.
2. Obama has promised to redistribute America's wealth, your earned money, and give
it to those Americans who have not paid income taxes, as a "tax break".
3. Obama has promised to reduce America's military to unrecognizable third world levels.
4. Obama has promised abortion on demand for every freedom loving American.
5. Obama has promised to nominate jurists ala Ginsberg, and Breyer to the Supreme Court.
6. Obama has vowed that it is patriotic to pay the huge tax increases he has in mind for us

Say what you want to about John McCain, he can not make nor keep such promises. Barack Obama however, there is a man of his word. He has every intention of keeping his promises, if, and when he is elected.

Therefore, maybe it is time to speak of the unthinkable----SECESSION!
In the early 1800's, southern states worried over their lack of real clout in the Congress. It began as a states rights struggle between the northern tier of states, and the southern states. Eventually, slavery became a central and defining issue, and it wasn't long until South Carolina, on September 24, 1860 issued a Declaration of Causes of Secession. The die was cast, and soon, six more southern states followed South Carolina's lead, and themselves seceeded from the Union. The Civil War was upon us, the rest so to speak, is history. Viewed in the context of the moment, one might, or might not have agreed with those who headed the Confederacy. Hundreds of thousands of Americans died fighting for whatever their beliefs were at the time. The purpose here, is not to rehash the War of the States, nor to examine what was done, how it was done, and why it was done. Simply the fact that it WAS done by citizens who believed in their grievances against a central government.

So, here we are some 148 years later, living in expectancy of a central government's attempt to destroy this once proud nation. Led by a man not of great vision, but a man of greater promises than we wish to bear. Would it be surprising then, if there were calls for secession once more? After all, are we not a divided nation? Red and Blue? Clearly, inside these two Americas, are individuals who are light years apart in their understanding of what it means to be American. What it is exactly that makes them happy, and productive citizens. Our future, bleak though it may be, is too precious to leave to chance.

As they say in Blue New York, I would leave in a New York minute for any other place that held firmly to the founding ideas, and to the promise of glory, and freedom for the individual. Admittedly, it is not easy to say these things, but surely others are thinking similar thoughts. If a simple majority of Americans believe in the above referenced "Obama promises", and can change the way all Americans live, well, then maybe it is time for some serious thinking along these lines. If Blue America likes the promises offered, then let them have them.For the rest of us in Red America, possibly a new start can be had. It would be a terribly complex divorce, but one possibly worth enduring.Make no mistake, we are definitely two entirely different countries, two entirely different cultures.

Is there anyone bold enough to make the first move out there? Time will tell, and that time may soon be upon us. In fact, it may be only 23 hours from now. I seem to remember Hollywood types who threatened to move out of the country if George Bush won his elections. Never could count on them to follow through on their solemn vows, could we? It's a different America now, and one with different Americans who are truer to their word. We could share the same Constitution, but Consitutional values would be decidedly different in Red America. No parsing of words, no mistake as to original intent. Just Founders ideals living on in perpetuity. No false arguments as to OUR Constitution being a "living" document!

Now, back to those who know not what awaits them, should the chips fall the wrong way.


Anonymous said...

Dear Steve,

Well this certainly is an encouraging step for the country, and projects a sense of hope overseas, as you note, for the US image and actions in years to come. I like to think the fact that the election was on my granddaughter's birthday added a positive chemistry to the vote and its outcome.

The Youth vote certainly came into its own yesterday, at long last. It
is a positive sign, as we Ancients turn the reins of running our society
in our far-flung communities over to them in coming years.

Now, of course, the real work begins, and we all have a role in this
effort . WT

Anonymous said...

Hey, you could move to Alaska, and join the AIP! With all the buckets of oil up there, you could fund your entire new country.

It's a little hysterical, don't you think? The economy actually does better under Dem presidents - except in election years. You'll be fine. We'll all be fine.

Check out this article (the title is very partisan, I know, but the rest of the article is not).