Friday, December 19, 2008

Enough Is Never Enough

Rod "Blago" Blagojevich, the embattled Illinois governor has vowed that he will not step down from office, and will fight on to remain in office, in spite of an impeachment panel's moves to do just that---get him out of there. Oh, and by the way, the panel insisted that they will not impede, nor do anything to prevent federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald's efforts to bring an indictment in the corruption scandal raging in Illinois, and by extension, in Washington, DC.( know what I mean?)

Unfortunately, Mr. Fitzgerald seems to have already done what the impachment panel has promised it won't: namely, destroy the case against Rod and others. The jury pool is tainted they say, but how can you determine that from among all the stench invested in "the Chicago way" of doing things political?

Aren't there bigger fish to fry, you protest? Of course there are, so let's begin with a few of the most egregious out there. For the sake of sanity, not brevity, I'll list them in numbered order:

1. Caroline Schlossberg Kennedy, or is it Caroline KENNEDY Schlossberg?No less than former president Bill Clinton pronounced her as "qualified" to be a US Senator.Where does that leaveSarah Palin's qualifications in the former president's mind. I wonder? Hey! Let's not go there!

2. Bill Clinton himself.His library's list of money donors was released today. There are few surprises on the list: Saudia Arabia, Brunei,Kuwait, Oman and Qatar are all there, along with the usual suspects, i.e. the Hollywood elites, and sundry others.How's that for a potential conflict list, Hillary?

3. Barrack Obama
Enough said.

What a boring cadre of list seekers these are. There must be different fish in another section of the pond. Let's go look together. Ahah! Who are those funny men with the strange looking hats on? Oh, they are Amish people you say. Boy! I'll bet they would like to be on someone's list, wouldn't you think? Don't I remember them from somewhere? Some movie perhaps about nine years ago, I believe. Yes! Harrison Ford and kelly McGillis were the featured actors, and in the end Harrison was busy helping all the men with the funny hats, to build a new barn. I remember it clearly now.

Well, they've made someone's list. In fact, a county Supervisor's list in Jackson County, Wisconsin. It seems these Amish have the gall to build their own homes in accord with their traditons, and do not feel it necessary to abide by county and local building codes when constructing their new homes. That is just too much for Gary Olson, the Supervisor in question. He believes they must comply in spite of their religion's dictates, and has taken them to court to force compliance. Next thing you know, he'll threaten to huff, and puff, and blow their homes down. Simultaneously, other cases have been bought against more Amish folk in Wisconsin, and New York State. Inasmuch as the Amish never defend themselves, advocates have taken up their cause, in their behalf, and strong legal arguments have been put forward, defense attorneys agree.

Now we have the new Devil, and he is the Amish people! How dare they protest on simple grounds of religious beliefs? The world waited, and the world was given the "Annointed One". The Amish stay in the background of daily life, ask for nothing, but now get a dose of political reality in the form of a zealous county Supervisor in Wisconsin, of all places. And I thought they were famous only for their cheese, and cows.

Harrison Ford, old though he may be, must surely be seeing a sequel in his film future. The movie "Witness" starring he and Kelly, is the best choice for sequelization. We, I mean he, could call it "Next Witness Please!", or how about, "The Kingdom of The Crystal House Crunchers"? "Star wars" doesn't fit here too well, does it?

Hey! wait a minute! Instead of Amish advocates, how about enlisting the opponents of California's Proposition 8 in the defense of these affable farmers? Couldn't they stir things up a bit? Let's see, Rick Warren? Nah, he'll be too busy figuring out what in the heck Obama wants him to come to Washington for. How about John McCain, the man with time on his hands, and a certain willingness to cross the furrowed earth, if not in Washington, then certainly in Wisconsin's fertile farmland? Sorry, "I have to cross an aisle here today, and the traffic is not so bad here." John will say.

All in all, the Amish will have to reconcile themselves to this new day in America, or will they?Just as Ramos and Compean have not lost their lustre as American patriots, neither shall the Amish have to relinquish their tenacious hold on their religious principles (there's that word, principle, again)

The Liberals are hell bent on taking taking God and religion out of America, and now, the Amish have been added to their list of things to wrench from the hands of a proud, and free people. I pray the stink rising from the fields of Wisconsin are the remnants of a dying, and rotting corpse of Liberalism itself, and not the sacred beliefs of proud might not the Amish affix the holiest of names, and call their individual home sites "Holy Houses, or Places"? That seems to work effectively against the Liberal "dhimmi" in Iran and other places in the near east.

Oh Grand Unifier, where are you when needed most?

Enough said!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. Atkinson,

You have some powerful thoughts there and food for thinking.
Why in God's name are you not stepping up to plate and running for office yourself? You have the ingredients for a leader and a noble one at that. Unless you are aged, why not pitch in your hat and run??? Harrison and I are the same age, and he is hep to good people like that.