Some years ago, The Statler brothers, a country music group recorded the song, "Do You Remember These". In the song, the brothers were lamenting the passing of the good old days, and all the old cowboy heroes of the time. Further into the song, they recalled things such as "movie stars on dixie cup lids", and girls with "cooties" in their hair. Ah yes, the good old days, long gone, but not forgotten. The Statlers wondered what ever happened to Johnnie Mack Brown? Well, the election is over, and now someone will surely record a song lamenting the passing of the "current" good old days. "Whatever happened to Johnnie McCain", will be the query of all who remember the good old election campaign days of summer. Or will they? Will anyone remember John, as he crosses the aisle just one more time, and not for old times sake, either.
As it turned out, John was a major disappointment to all Republicans. Certainly, he will be accorded status for a valiant run, but in the end, will it make any difference? Hopefully, McCain will not allow himself to be used by the Obama administration, but indications are that he has already begun to cross that notorious "aisle" once more. Never could trust a maverick could we? To think that McCain forced Sarah Palin to embrace that same "maverick" tag, was demeaning to a decent Conservative, but she will recover. Her star, in it's ascendancy, will pass John's falling star on it's way down. Then, and only then, will Republicans be able to pick up the pieces and move on.
Often times, as a wolf in the wild must do to save itself, the party will gnaw off the gangrenous paw, just to ensure it's living for another day in the wild. It was a nice ride John, and it was even pleasurable to hear you extoll the virtues of Ronald Reagan, and claim you were a true, blue Conservative. But we knew it was not true at all. You used us, just as you have allowed the Liberals to use you in certain ways. Remember? Feingold, Kennedy et al? You were so proud of your reaching out in a bi-partisan way in behalf of the American people, to get something done, that needed not be done.
You couldn't find the aura of a gentleman to wrap yourself in when given the opportunity to defend your running mate on national television. That's ok though, because Sarah doesn't need you any more, she's on her own, and doing well. For all your qualities, John, you just didn't measure up when the real fight of your life commenced. Everyone is wondering why, and they grow fewer in numbers with each passing day. So, let's hoist our mugs aloft, and salute the man himself. He has earned at least that small amount of respect, but a new day of promise is upon us, a day with a woman front and center. This is Sarah's time, so let it begin.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
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What ever happened to Tom Dewey?
Same mantra, old soldiers never
die, they just fade away. So do
Pigs with Lip Stick. Time to be in
the Now. Great Blogs here. Good work. The wife and I enjoy your
How very wrong you are. This is not Sarah Palin's time but as you will see next week, it is Hillary
Clinton's time, as our new Secretary of State under
President Barack Obama! At long
last we have a strong government.
Hurray and Cheers!!!
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