Let's see here: Our country elects it's first black Liberal as president, and the DOW plunges 370 points. I suppose this was in honor of the "changes" to come in the market place. Within the next two months, it is said that sports agents will hurry to take advantage of this current years tax rates, allowing the boys of summer, fall and winter, (did I mention spring?) to keep more of their hard earned money before it is retrned to the suckers who pay inflated ticket prices to see their heroes on the fields of play. No self respecting sportsman would pass up that opportunity would he/she?
We need change, was the unrelenting mantra of Obama, and his delerious supporters. So far, all we have gotten are the two invitations sent to Rahm Emanuel, congressman, Illinois, and Robert Gibbs. The former has accepted the White House Chief of Staff position, and Gibbs will likely do the same, accepting the White House Press secretary's appointment. Wow! more change that just doesn't smell like change. In Emanuel Obama is getting a hard knuckled politician who once sent a dead fish to a political foe. Then there is the story of Emanuel's tirade in Chicago directed at politicians he felt had disrespected him. You know, where he sat at a table with a steak knife in hand and said"Dead!", after each of the recalcitrants names were mentioned. Republicans have less to fear from Emanuel, than do Congressional democrats who defy Obama's legislative plans.
meanwhile, the bufoonish Tom Brokaw was heard on the Charlie Rose television show saying that, "Obama is an enigma, we don't know much about him other than the two biographies he has written." Well, Mr> Brokaw, you are a journalist, are you not? You could have, provided that you wanted to, assigned a reporter or two to find out just who in the name of God was this candidate named Obama. But you didn't. You were too busy advancing the cause of the Messiah, and now are trying simply to cover your a**! Others in the MSM are filing their own mea culpas, in the hope that the tarnish so encrusted on their reputations, may be removed before the public starts asking serious questions. You people got exactly what you wanted, and now will have to live with the consequences. I wonder to what will they attribute the greatest one day fall after a presidential election of the DOW since 1900? Oh, I know. The failed economic policies of the Bush administration. Yeah, that's it. Mr. President, you deserve all the ridicule having come your way since election 2000! Your unwillingness to fight the good fight was not only beneath the presidency, as you insist, but apparently beneath your ability to do so: engage the enemy on his turf. Similarly, John McCain's campaign chieftains should beware their laying blame for McCain's loss at the feet of Governor Sarah Palin. McCain himself didn't have the fire in his belly either. In that regard, he is more like President Bush, than not.
I spoke with Obama voters today, and politely asked them to give me reasons for the need to change, and remake America. Needless to say, these were exceedingly brief, and very quiet conversations that never really got off the ground. So much for the intelligent among us.
Meanwhile, things were very routine for those whose futures depend on each of us. The rain, looming threats of snow, the wind, and play. Their day of "hope" will come, but will it be too late for them? This, I ask of myself, and anyone else within earshot.
Now, back to those with mundane worries. They are looking forward to Christmas already. This year will be as last year, but what about next year and the years to follow?
Thursday, November 06, 2008
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Dear Steve,
I think that our party compromised this year. Mike Huckabee at least energized people. Conservatives need to retake this party. People want fiscal responsibility. Part of McCain's campaign flaw was trying to make [Gov. Sarah] Palin into something she wasn't.
Yours, WT
Dear Mr. Atkinson:
Sarah Palin is getting a bum rap, and as I once was, is a victom of bad press. But, mark my words, she has emerged as a strong leader in national politics. I can see her as a future candidate for Senator or even President in 2012.
You have a way of speaking eloquently and yet making your prose easy to read. You should write a book with your comments.
Bettcha the Christian Science Monitor would put you in the Center Fold.........You rock!
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