Saturday, July 19, 2008

An Apparent Truth

So many people of such differing backgrounds, and such a variety of intelligence levels. Yet, if they are Democrats, they are in lockstep belief with their leaders(?) Now, we all understand that one arrives at a conclusion by applying serious thought and investigation before making key life decisions affecting himself, and his family. Therefore, one similarly knows there are going to be as many varieties of thought, as there are people engaged in such an exercise. Again, this is a truism only if the individual is completely honest with himself, and with others. It would appear this is not a necessary character strength if we are talking about typical Democrats. Their leadership is so invested in contrasting themselves, and their party faithful, as being polar opposites of whatever President Bush has said, or has done while in office, that the faithful themselves, are disingenuously parroting the party line du jour.

An example would be the mainstream media's flat out refusal to print anything favorable to this country's progress, whatever that progress might be. "Experts" are always surprised with the daily results when in conflict with their predictions. Noticed that, have you? The "Surge" isn't spoken about any more since the evidence that it has worked well came in. In fact, all references to it have been purged from the web site of Candidate Obama. Coincidence, or simply house cleaning? The Democrats refusal to allow this country to seek out it's salvation from deep beneath us, and off our shores, constitutes a war on our economy, like that or not. The politicization of our judicial system with it's entrenched "henchmen, and henchladies" will lead us nowhere but to a third world status as a nation. Just listen to the drunk with power hordes in Washington as they facilitate with glee, our demise as the once greatest of nations on God's earth. Listen, and do so with a sincere purpose in mind: They are not going to have their way without one hell of a fight on their hands!! Can half of America be that blind to the reality of what is happening here?

I ask you all to know how to spell the word "tyranny", and the word "authoritarian" as well, for soon, they will be the kind of government we will live UNDER, if we do not engage those leading us in that direction. If it is true that a "new broom sweeps clean", then let's all sweep away! Out with them all, Democrats and Republicans alike, who are shameless in their stewardship of our precious votes. I can't see you, but if we merely try, we can hear each other, and that will be a start worth remembering.

Now, back to the education of those who will save us from ourselves. It is truly that important...don't you agree?

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