Friday, July 18, 2008

Thank God For The Military

Today was an eventful day. We wotked over in Pennsylvania, and the ride was so refreshing. Beautiful open, rolling land, and the homes were so quaint and beautiful, too. One of our jobs was at a US military facility where everyone, it seemed, was a Conservative at heart. These were intelligent people, who understood quite well just exactly what our nation is facing, in this their time of readiness. God Bless them all!

On the return trip home, we listened to the radio, and heard Nancy Pelosi telling the world how much of a failure President Bush has been throughout his presidency. So imperiously strident was this woman's delivery. So elitist, so snobbish, but then again, this is the same woman who hails from San Francisco, you know, the place where the city fathers decided that the USS Ronald Reagan should not dock a few years ago. I agree with their decision. Why upgrade that city's image with an aircraft carrier bearing the name of one of our greatest presidents? Why indeed? PS: the last time I checked, Congress's approval rating was a mere third of the President's. That ought to be worth mulling over for a few seconds of precious time, wouldn't you think?

We heard too, of Mr. Obama's upcoming trip to Iraq, and Afghanistan. Lest I forget, with an adoring contingent of main stream media types panting breathlessly in his wake. Why, even all the major tv network news anchors will be there for this self described historic event. Then there is the planned trip to Israel, and to Germany. We shouldn't be surprised, for after all, he did say he was going to CHANGE America, then the WORLD! The action plan is in place, waiting for the Messiah to deliver us from...???

Do you know what else? If I were an oil company executive, I would find a promising site for drilling somewere around 150-200 miles off any states coastline. I would do this with impunity, because those distances constitute INTERNATIONAL WATERS! No begging the respective states for permission not theirs to grant. When Obama said today that he had a plan to help auto makers, I thought for a moment he was going to one up Mr. McCain's proposal to drill off shore areas. Then, not to my surprise once more, he told the auto workers union that he would provide 150 billion dollars to invest in alternative fuels, and of course cars nobody wants to buy. Ho hum!! The little man waits, the big man fails to deliver. Hmm? Another 150 billion on top of the 440 billion for his "Civilian National Defense Force". Anybody counting?

Again, it was refreshing to meet these wonderful people today. They honestly give me hope for our future. By the way, it was a scorcher of a day. I was tempted to call Al Gore to ask what was up, but then I realized this is the middle fo July, and "hot" is normal, and not unexpected.

Now, I return to the educational tasks ahead, but now with reinforced resolve...

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