Saturday, February 23, 2008

Feeling More Comfortable Now

Just when I was really beginning to worry about Barack Obama, along comes Paul Volker, the ex-Fed Chief to provide assurances. His endorsement of Senator Obama is based on his rather astute observation that what is needed is a fresh approach, from someone with the clear ability to win over those foreign European and Asian countries who for good reason doubt the aims of this misguided America. I have spent sleepless nights fretting the loss of allied trust in our country. Now, we can get on with with business at hand, such as winning back jetliner contracts for Boeing Corporation. You know, the Japanese government's displeasure over the delayed shipment of orders until 2009, and subsequent awarding of those contracts to Airbus.
I've never felt so comforted in my life.

What next? Allan Greenspan entering the fray? By the way, Mr. Volker is a registered Democrat. Perhaps this endorsement has less to do with the long term security of America, than it does with the long term interests of Senator Obama, and the new, revitalized Democrat Party. Isn't it just awful when someone trades credibility for whatever it is that beckons?

So, apparently we are now to add "fresh new face" to the lexicon of obama. Hope and Change weren't apparently enough, thus the language of persuasiveness grows on. Who knows?Obamaspeak may yet rival the power of one Elmer Gantry, and Hopefully, the face of America will be changed forever, with a fresh new face at tthe helm. What stewardship that will be!

This is all making my education of the grandchildren a little tougher, but resiliency is my middle name. I fear not...

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