Wednesday, February 27, 2008

It didn't take long...

Just one day ago, I lamented the fact that there wasn't any news worthwhile commenting on. First, came the news of the passing of Conservative Icon William F. Buckley. Mr. Buckley, a master of phraseology, never at a loss for the precise cutting remarks that were a trademark, will be remembered by all Conservatives as a leader of the movement. It is with no tongue in cheek that I say he could have been one of the outstanding humorists of our time. In a way, he was. Perhaps, aside from his stoutness of intellect, he is admired for his ascerbic reactions to those Liberals who displeased him most. Did he have an ego? Surely he did, however, he was a man of great humility also. Who will next wear the mantle of Conservative leader? My vote would go to El Rushbo, the totally unabashed little fuzzball of the AM airwaves.

Second, came the profuse apology extended to Barack Hussein Obama by Senator John McCain as a result of opening speaker Bill Cunningham's using Mr. Obama's full name during his remarks. This, he did three times according to tabulators closest to the actual event. Senator McCain apparently had no reservations about the the other charges leveled at Senator Barack Hussein Obama by Bill Cunningham. (no middle name provided)

Look, it is really simple. Senator Barack Hussein Obama promises hope and change for us all. Well, after the 2006 election in which Democrats proclaimed themselves as agents of mandated change, things have really changed. The unemployment rate is up 10%, consumer confidence is down, gas prices are up, 2.3 trillion in equity value has evaporated into the ether, 1.2 trillion of personal home equity is gone, and 1% of our homes are in foreclosure. That is some change, isn't it?

We may only hope that level headed Americans will resist the calls for more of this same change this election year. What we need is a return to our conservative roots, and the ferreting out of those Liberal elements which seek to redefine us, and our country as but a constituent part of a new world order. Nauseating to think how far we have gone astray from the Founders ideas of Americanism, wouldn't you say?

No! We do not need more change, especially the kinds of change Barack Hussein Obama has in mind. Not now, not ever. Now, back to the education of the grandchildren...

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