Friday, February 29, 2008

Thank God(literally), we only have this day once in four years

Today starts off in anticipation of what? We'll have to wait for the day to run it's course before we find an answer to that question. So, let the day begin!...

The day was uneventful until I visited my local store at lunch time, and found that they had been held up by two gun-wielding robbers last night. The store manager knew I had been in about nine twenty last night with my youngest grandson, and gave my name to the police detective assigned to the case. I spoke with him, and though I could not recollect anything, I did, however, remember an unusual incident the night before. This information I gave to the detective, including the vehicles tag number, which I remembered. The two young female clerks were terrified at the sight of guns, and most likely traumatized as well. I pray the police catch them.

Security is that important isn't it? Whether it is personal, or national, security is everyone's business. I'm sure we can agree on that. What happened to those two young clerks last night is something we dread, yet, are almost powerless to protect ourselves against. This is precisely why this presidential election is so important this year. Protecting ourselves as a country exacts a huge financial toll on us, yet, security is that important, isn't it? Preparedness, and readiness are foremost in establishing a security shield to protect our country against foreign actions contemplated against us. There are, it seems, no latter day Paul Reveres to warn us against impending dangers to our national security. You may bet however, there will be plenty of lawyerly types (ACLU), who will be at the behest, and the defense of whomever perpetrates violent actions against our country. That will be the only thing we may count on, sadly, in a time of national crisis. It is time to ask, "What would WFB say?"

That is quite a stretch moving from a local crime of violence againtst two young store clerks, to a hypothetical instance of national calamity you might say to me. On the other hand, when those two young women went to work yesterday afternoon, the last thing on their minds was will I be safe tonight? Their subsequent treks to work will be filled with trepidation, and an understandable anxiety. Is this any manner in which Americans ought feel simply going to work each day, or shopping, or visiting a family member?

I mused, so let the day begin, and it did. Each new day is quite unlike the one preceeding it. We may only hope for the best, or we may plan dilligently. We may change our attitudes toward security, or live at the mercy of others. I can only hope there are yet some Paul Reveres out there willing to do whatever it takes to protect us all.

And now, back to the education of the grandchildren...

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