Wednesday, March 26, 2008

He said, then she said.

Good grief! How much longer will we be treated to news stories like this? It is alleged that Hillary lied about the snipers firing at her on a plane trip to Bosnia. Next thing you know, she'll be telling us that it was she who was in the Oval Office, and merely delivering the smoking cigars To Bill.

And what of B.Hussein Obama? As we speak, his Pastor the (honorable?) Jeremiah Wright actually dissed the Italians among us. Will it never end?

Then there is Senator McCain remaining far above the fray, sounding more, and more as the liberal populist he really is. During a speech today, he cautioned not that America is great, but that America must pay attention to the haughty elitist Europeans whose support we desperately need in times of looming crisis. WE must adopt a new global standard to combat, are you ready for this? ..Global Warming! With friends like the Senator, we do not need the Europeans at all.

It seems we are in the idiocy period of the campaign. Just think, only seven more months to go!

The grandchildren are away on a deserved holiday, but then there are lesson plans to prepare for their eventual return...

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