Thursday, March 06, 2008

A Hint of Spring

When I walked out the door this morning, the unmistakeable first signs of spring were all around me. Not only the Crocus, but other flowers were pushing forth as well. These signaled the advent of a new season with all it's promise of something new to excite one and all. The temperature was moderate,and, in spite of a gloomy forecast for the weekend, you felt a rebirth of hope and change (those infamous words), what more could a man ask for?

The only change politically, was Senator Obama's growing anger with Senator Clinton. He announced that things were going to get a bit testy, and Senator Clinton was his target. However, lest anyone begin thinking Whitewater gate, missing files gate, Rose law firm records gate, Paula Jones gate, White House travel office gate, Chinese money gate, Vince Foster, or any of the multitude of fenceless gates that abound, I do not believe Senator Obama will touch any of those matters. Why? That is the great unanswered question, isn't it? The bloom is definitely off the rose, so to speak, and the upcoming weeks will tell much about the two Democrat candidates.

Hope, it is said, springs eternal. Soon, we will be better able to discover what exactly is meant by the platitudinous terms:hope and change. All the while, signs of a worsening economy are forecast on a daily basis. At least that is what the MSM is telling us. Is it any wonder given the disproportionate influence wielded by the "Green Organizations". Their influence would not be there without the support of shameless politicians. The confluence of these two groups bodes ill for our country. The free market system, under attack, may only survive given the kind of support it needs, and deserves. We deny ourselves oil independence; we watch as foolish politicians line up behind false solutions, and take pride in "going green". Heard anything from the Nobel Peace Prize winner lately? No, and with good reason. Responsible professionals are coming forth daily to put the lie to what was euphorically announced as the solution to save our planet from the scourge of an evil USA. If only Al Gore had enough ham to go with all the egg on his face, he could open a business down there in the great state of Tennessee.

Meanwhile, the rest of us have work to do to support our families. Spring will give way to summer, and thoughts and moods will change. There is one thing though that will not change, and that is the continuing education of the grandchildren, the REAL saviors of this world...

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