Saturday, March 08, 2008

The Heavens Opened Up...

...but the torrents of rain that followed did not put a damper on the day at all. I watched as my brother repaired and restored an almost 100 year old photograph. The finished product was definitely a work of art, and pleased our aunt who treasured the picture of her mother and father on their wedding day. She is now able to view an exquisite 8x10, rather than the cracked, and faded 2x2 original photo. Such accomplishment on a dreary day, pushes all the negatives aside, and leaves you feeling good about things in general.

Such too, must it have felt like that to Senators Clinton and Obama, who managed to extract over 85 million dollars from supporters who surely feel the pinch of rising prices. Yes, with the economy in a tailspin (according to the MSM), personal money is tight, yet these two candidates are successfully appealing to their supporters for even more sorely needed funds with which to fight each other. If I am either Clinton or Obama, monsoon winds and the accompanying bucketsful of rain couldn't dampen my spirits either. All this mind you, done in the month of February alone.

By the way, if you are not familiar, you had better get used to hearing the name "Eurabia". That is the sobriquet du jour in European circles. We talked about this a few days ago. British Foreign Secretary Miliband has thrown his considerable weight behind the idea of the EU incorporating itself with Mediterranean countries. In his mind, this would have the benefit of one huge entity trading with itself, and other outside countries as well. In the minds of most English men and women though, the proposal is a sellout of sovereignty, and paves the way for the Muslimization of all Europe. Let's see what happens there. Can we be next?

Saturday has about come and gone. Tomorrow, Sunday, will be another great day regardless of the weather. I can feel it in my bones. Until then, back to the never ending task of ensuring that those who shall follow us are taught the best manner in which to do just that...

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